troglobit / finit

Fast init for Linux. Cookies included
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[bug] Double name printed when hook script fails #316

Closed hongkongkiwi closed 1 year ago

hongkongkiwi commented 1 year ago

At compile time, I have set my hook scripts directory to: /usr/share/finit/hooks

One of my hook scripts failed and the bootup showed this line:

[ ⋯  ] Calling /usr/share/finit/hooks/sys/up/ source: line 2: can't open '/usr/share/mqtt-api.env': No such file or directory

The source error is expected as I mistyped something, however it looks like there is a double up on the script name here in the output.

troglobit commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting, will have a look!

troglobit commented 1 year ago

Indeed, was caused by #317.