troglobit / finit

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service environment variables are not expanded when sourced #377

Closed az143 closed 8 months ago

az143 commented 8 months ago

when setting up an /etc/default/somesvc, it is currently not possible to reference variables defined earlier, because source_env() only strips undesirable bits before calling setenv().

for example, this construction doesn't work:

DAEMON_ARGS=--workdir $RUNDIR --other-args...

i think that running wordexp() before the setenv() calls would remove this limitation; if that's not true, then the limitation should be mentioned in doc/ and man/finit.conf.5.

az143 commented 8 months ago

see pr #379

troglobit commented 8 months ago

A wordexp() of the value (in key=value) is probably the way to go here. It fits with the principle of least surprise, does not leak to other processes, and would also keep the documentation to a minimum.