Since sysklogd v2.4.1, with the introduction of 50f6ad7, std (RFC3164) log file output look like this:
Aug 12 11:46:19 anarchy @���@@: random: crng init done
Aug 12 11:46:19 anarchy @���@[1]: Starting sysklogd[415]
Aug 12 11:46:19 anarchy @@-1A[416]: network: udhcpc: started, v1.35.0
Aug 12 11:46:19 anarchy @@��E@: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Aug 12 11:46:19 anarchy @@��E[1]: myLinux 2022.05-981-geda5590fa9, entering runlevel 2
Aug 12 11:46:19 anarchy @@N'G[1]: Starting dropbear[437]
Turns out the introduced change (copy-paste almost from libsyslog) was not properly tested. Using a stack variable for the composed process tag does not work since the stack buffer goes out of scope.
Since sysklogd v2.4.1, with the introduction of 50f6ad7, std (RFC3164) log file output look like this:
Turns out the introduced change (copy-paste almost from libsyslog) was not properly tested. Using a stack variable for the composed process tag does not work since the stack buffer goes out of scope.