trojan-actions / repo-creator-issue-ops

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[Create Repo]: My new rep #11

Open gusshawstewart opened 1 year ago

gusshawstewart commented 1 year ago

Repository name


Repository description

No response

Repository visibility


Repository justification


Repository access


github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Nice! Let's validate the issue form so we can get this thing done!

Issue Form Payload ```json { "repository-name": { "title": "Repository name", "order": 0, "text": "test-Jun-15" }, "repository-description": { "title": "Repository description", "order": 1, "text": "*No response*" }, "repository-visibility": { "title": "Repository visibility", "order": 2, "text": "Private" }, "repository-justification": { "title": "Repository justification", "order": 3, "text": "abc" }, "repository-access": { "title": "Repository access", "order": 4, "text": "@trojan-actions/lgtm" } } ```
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

@gusshawstewart : Everything looks good on the surface! You've done the hard part, so let's get a /lgtm comment from someone on the @trojan-actions/lgtm team to get this repository created.

repo-creator-trojan-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

@gusshawstewart : Hey! Let's get this issue assigned to someone from the @trojan-actions/lgtm-reviewers team while we validate the request.

gusshawstewart commented 1 year ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

@gusshawstewart : Sounds good! Let me process a few details so this is knocked out immediately.

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

@gusshawstewart : Verifying whether you're authorized to approve these requests.

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Nice! Let's process the issue form and get this thing done!

Issue Form Payload ```json { "repository-name": { "title": "Repository name", "order": 0, "text": "test-Jun-15" }, "repository-description": { "title": "Repository description", "order": 1, "text": "*No response*" }, "repository-visibility": { "title": "Repository visibility", "order": 2, "text": "Private" }, "repository-justification": { "title": "Repository justification", "order": 3, "text": "abc" }, "repository-access": { "title": "Repository access", "order": 4, "text": "@trojan-actions/lgtm" } } ```
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

@gusshawstewart : Your repository has been created:

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

@gusshawstewart : Unfortunately, it appears something went wrong in granting access to trojan-actions/test-Jun-15.