trojan-gfw / igniter

A trojan client for Android (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.31k stars 732 forks source link

编译的Debug 版本总是不能使用proxy #281

Closed imwcc closed 4 years ago

imwcc commented 4 years ago

自己编译的debug 版本不能使用proxy

这是APP 启动日志 io.github.trojan_gfw.igniter.debug 启动日志

08-06 16:29:17.533  5449  5449 W Looper  : Slow Looper main: Activity io.github.trojan_gfw.igniter.debug/io.github.trojan_gfw.igniter.MainActivity is 377ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 86ms (seq=2 late=1ms$H w=110), msg 2 took 331ms (seq=3 late=45ms$H w=159)
--------- beginning of main
08-06 16:29:53.943  5449  5449 D AppCompatDelegate: updateForNightMode [allowRecreation:true, currentNightMode:16, newNightMode:16, activityHandlingUiMode:false, baseContextAttached:true, created:true, canReturnDifferentContext:true, host:io.github.trojan_gfw.igniter.MainActivity@17c2052]
08-06 16:29:53.943  5449  5449 D AppCompatDelegate: updateForNightMode not recreating Activity: io.github.trojan_gfw.igniter.MainActivity@17c2052
08-06 16:29:53.943  5449  5449 D AppCompatDelegate: updateForNightMode. Skipping. Night mode: -1 for host:io.github.trojan_gfw.igniter.MainActivity@17c2052
08-06 16:29:53.955  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: QUALCOMM build                   : 663be55, I724753c5e3
08-06 16:29:53.955  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: Build Date                       : 11/06/19
08-06 16:29:53.955  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.27.05.02
08-06 16:29:53.955  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: Local Branch                     : 
08-06 16:29:53.955  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: Remote Branch                    : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.8.9.R1.
08-06 16:29:53.955  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: Remote Branch                    : NONE
08-06 16:29:53.955  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: Reconstruct Branch               : NOTHING
08-06 16:29:53.955  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: Build Config                     : S P 8.0.12 AArch64
08-06 16:29:53.967  5449  5490 I AdrenoGLES: PFP: 0x016ee187, ME: 0x00000000

io.github.trojan_gfw.igniter.debug:proxy 启动日志

--------- beginning of main
08-06 16:32:16.785 20387 20387 I ter.debug:prox: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
08-06 16:32:16.810 20387 20387 E ter.debug:prox: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x8000
08-06 16:32:16.926 20387 20387 I Perf    : Connecting to perf service.
08-06 16:32:16.970 20387 20387 I FeatureParser: can't find violet.xml in assets/device_features/,it may be in /system/etc/device_features
08-06 16:32:16.980 20387 20387 E libc    : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict"
08-06 16:32:16.969 20387 20387 W ter.debug:proxy: type=1400 audit(0.0:176241): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=23834 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c175,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
08-06 16:32:16.984 20387 20387 I ProxyService: onCreate
08-06 16:32:16.988 20387 20417 E Perf    : Fail to get file list io.github.trojan_gfw.igniter.debug
08-06 16:32:16.988 20387 20417 E Perf    : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array
08-06 16:32:16.989 20387 20405 I ProxyService: IBinder registerCallback#
08-06 16:32:16.989 20387 20417 E Perf    : Fail to get file list oat
08-06 16:32:16.990 20387 20417 E Perf    : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array
08-06 16:32:16.990 20387 20410 I ProxyService: IBinder getState# : -1
08-06 16:32:34.885 20387 20387 I ProxyService: onStartCommand
08-06 16:32:34.891 20387 20387 I ProxyService: start foreground notification
08-06 16:32:34.899 20387 20387 I ProxyService: setState: 0
08-06 16:32:34.965 20387 20387 E ProxyService: enable_clash: true
08-06 16:32:35.018 20387 20387 I VPN     : pfd established
08-06 16:32:35.055 20387 20640 I GoLog   : goidOffset: 152
08-06 16:32:35.049 20387 20387 W ter.debug:proxy: type=1400 audit(0.0:176245): avc: denied { read } for name="somaxconn" dev="proc" ino=31834365 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c175,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_net:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
08-06 16:32:35.062 20387 20387 I Igniter : trojan port is 38147
08-06 16:32:35.065 20387 20387 V TrojanConfig: "这里模糊处理"
08-06 16:32:35.085 20387 20387 I igniter : clash port is 38869
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: port: 0  # HTTP proxy, not used
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: socks-port: 1080
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: udp: true
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: allow-lan: false
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: mode: Rule
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: log-level: debug
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: #experimental:
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: #  ignore-resolve-fail: true
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: dns:
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   enable: false
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   listen:  # the DNS server in clash is actually not used, turn it off
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   enhanced-mode: fake-ip
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   fake-ip-range:
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   nameserver:
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     -  # not used, just a placeholder
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: # Use format from Clash dev branch
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: proxies:
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - name: "trojan"
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     type: socks5
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     server: ""
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     port: 1081
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     # username: username
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     # password: password
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     # tls: true
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     # skip-cert-verify: false
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     udp: true
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: proxy-groups:
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - name: Proxy
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     type: select
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:     proxies:
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:       - trojan
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: # from
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: rules:
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: # Apple
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - DOMAIN,,DIRECT # 如果您并不信任此服务提供商或防止其下载消耗过多带宽资源,可以进入 Safari 设置,关闭 Fraudulent Website Warning 功能,并使用 REJECT 策略。
08-06 16:32:35.088 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - DOMAIN,,DIRECT # 如果您并不信任此服务提供商或防止其下载消耗过多带宽资源
08-06 16:32:35.089 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: ,可以进入 Safari 设置,关闭 Fraudulent Website Warning 功能,并使用 REJECT 策略。
08-06 16:32:35.089 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - DOMAIN,,Proxy

08-06 16:32:35.

08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: # LAN
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,local,DIRECT
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: # Move CN to last
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,cn,DIRECT
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - DOMAIN-KEYWORD,-cn,DIRECT
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: 
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig: # 最终规则
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - GEOIP,CN,DIRECT
08-06 16:32:35.091 20387 20387 V ClashConfig:   - MATCH,Proxy
08-06 16:32:35.116 20387 20642 I GoLog   : time="2020-08-06T08:32:35Z" level=info msg="Start initial compatible provider Proxy"
08-06 16:32:35.119 20387 20387 I Clash   : clash started
08-06 16:32:35.119 20387 20387 I igniter : tun2socks port is 38869
08-06 16:32:35.120 20387 20640 I GoLog   : time="2020-08-06T08:32:35Z" level=info msg="SOCKS proxy listening at:"
08-06 16:32:35.120 20387 20387 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] LogLevel: 1
08-06 16:32:35.120 20387 20387 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] do NOT have to close previous lwipStack
08-06 16:32:35.120 20387 20387 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] sys_check_timeouts started
08-06 16:32:35.120 20387 20387 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] previous lwipTUNDataPipeTask already stopped or never being started
08-06 16:32:35.120 20387 20387 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] Running tun2socks
08-06 16:32:35.120 20387 20387 I ProxyService: Tun2socksStartOptions{TunFd:53,Socks5Server:,FakeIPRange:,MTU:1500,EnableIPv6:false,}
08-06 16:32:35.121 20387 20387 I ProxyService: setState: 1
08-06 16:32:35.138 20387 20650 E trojan  : [2020-08-06 16:32:35] [WARN] trojan service (client) started at
08-06 16:32:35.346 20387 20640 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] [proxy] [tcp] [N/A]
08-06 16:32:35.350 20387 20647 I GoLog   : time="2020-08-06T08:32:35Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match GeoIP(CN) using DIRECT"
08-06 16:32:35.354 20387 20647 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] [proxy] [tcp] [N/A]
08-06 16:32:35.355 20387 20640 I GoLog   : time="2020-08-06T08:32:35Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match GeoIP(CN) using DIRECT"
08-06 16:32:35.359 20387 20648 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] [proxy] [tcp] [N/A]
08-06 16:32:35.360 20387 20648 I GoLog   : time="2020-08-06T08:32:35Z" level=info msg="[TCP] --> match GeoIP(CN) using DIRECT"
08-06 16:32:35.363 20387 20640 I GoLog   : igniter-golib-log: [tun2socks] [proxy] [tcp] [N/A]
imwcc commented 4 years ago

@wongsyrone 能帮忙看一下吗?

wongsyrone commented 4 years ago

adb logcat Trojan-TUN-lwIP:D TrojanConfig:D Trojan:D trojan:D igniter:D Clash:D ClashConfig:D Go:D GoLog:D VPN:D VpnService:D libc:D DEBUG:D *:S