Closed tromp closed 3 years ago
edit One or more white pawns could have moved out of the way of files via captures. So my analysis below is not valid. Very tricky problems.
Illegal. Black promoted 7 times but only captured 1 piece. In order for this to be possible, one of a
, e
, or h
white pawns would have to be deleted from the board and black would have to have minimum 2 captures. The one capture from black would allow transferring a file, but that only allows for 6 promotions, not the required 7.
First attempt. Sorry if I'm way off here.
Question: is it true to say that:
if (promotion_count - captures) > (8 - opponent_pawn_blocked_file):
# illegal?
isn't just opponent_pawn_count
, because they could have doubled pawns, etc)
Black captured 5 white men (wx = 5), not "only 1 piece". Capturing 3 white pawns, e.g. axb, cxd, exf, allows 6 black promotions and capturing white bishops allows more. What do you mean by promotion_count and captures? For one color, as in wpr - wx, or wpr - bx ?
The constraint we have is that wpr <= wx+bx + bpx, and similarly for bpr. And maxuwp = wx+bx + bpx - wpr, i.e. the slack in that equation. Finally, minopp, the minimum number of opposed pawns, >= wp - maxuwp.
The position looks quite legal to me...
Black captured 5 white men (wx = 5), not "only 1 piece". Capturing 3 white pawns, e.g. axb, cxd, exf, allows 6 black promotions and capturing white bishops allows more. What do you mean by promotion_count and captures? For one color, as in wpr - wx, or wpr - bx ?
The constraint we have is that wpr <= wx+bx + bpx, and similarly for bpr. And maxuwp = wx+bx + bpx - wpr, i.e. the slack in that equation. Finally, minopp, the minimum number of opposed pawns, >= wp - maxuwp.
The position looks quite legal to me...
Yes I edited my answer once I realized I was wrong, but I was also misinterpreting the stats you provide so thanks for clearing that up. I might take another stab at this now that I have a better understanding.
Verified. Thanks, Peter!
1NRN4/1R1r3P/2n1n3/P2q3K/1b1qP3/7Q/1QnNkn1r/q1r1bb1n w - - 0 1
Single Check wx 5 wp 3 wpr 2 wpx 3 maxuwp 5 minopp -2 bx 1 bp 0 bpr 7 bpx 1 maxubp 2 minopp -2