tromp / ChessPositionRanking

Software suite for ranking chess positions and accurately estimating the number of legal chess positions
MIT License
136 stars 7 forks source link

1r6/1qrRPk2/1rn1Rn1n/1RQRR2R/3P4/3b2BN/1Knn1b1b/1BR5 w - - 0 1 #264

Closed tromp closed 3 years ago

tromp commented 3 years ago

1r6/1qrRPk2/1rn1Rn1n/1RQRR2R/3P4/3b2BN/1Knn1b1b/1BR5 w - - 0 1


No Checks wx 2 wp 2 wpr 5 wpx 1 maxuwp 3 minopp -1 bx 3 bp 0 bpr 5 bpx 3 maxubp 1 minopp -1

Legal with axpb a1b b8R b8R cxpd c1r d8R exPf f1n f1n gxph g1n h8R h8R xN

Proof Game Requested.

peterosterlund2 commented 3 years ago

1. a4 b5 2. axb5 d5 3. c4 e5 4. cxd5 h5 5. f4 exf4 6. g4 a5 7. gxh5 f5 8. Na3 Bxa3 9. b4 a4 10. Qc2 Qh4+ 11. Kd1 Qf2 12. Qc5 Qe1+ 13. Kc2 Qf2 14. Nh3 Qg2 15. b6 Ra6 16. b5 Kf7 17. d6 Qb7 18. h6 Nc6 19. d7 Nf6 20. d8=R f3 21. Rd5 f2 22. h7 f4 23. d4 Bf5+ 24. e4 Rb8 25. Bd3 f1=N 26. h8=R Nd2 27. Re1 f3 28. Rh5 g5 29. e5 g4 30. Rb1 Bb4 31. Kb2 g3 32. Ra1 f2 33. Bb1 g2 34. e6+ Kg6 35. Re2 Bd3 36. Ree5 g1=B 37. e7 Kf7 38. Re6 f1=N 39. Rhe5 Ng3 40. Rd7 Qa7 41. b7 Nf5 42. b6 Nh6 43. Red5 Bf2 44. Rde5 Ra8 45. b8=R Qb7 46. Rbd8 Rb8 47. Rdd5 Nb3 48. Bf4 Nd2 49. Bg3 a3+ 50. Kc1 a2 51. R8d7 Qa7 52. b7 Rb6 53. Qb5 Bd6 54. Kb2 Rh8 55. b8=R Qb7 56. Ra8 Rb8 57. Ra5 Nd8 58. Qb4 c5 59. Rb5 c4 60. Qc5 Nc6 61. Ng1 Qa6 62. h4 Qb7 63. h5 Bc7 64. Nh3 c3+ 65. Kc1 c2 66. Kb2 Nhg4 67. h6 c1=R 68. h7 Nh6 69. Bc2 Rg1 70. Rc1 a1=N 71. Bb1 Nc2 72. h8=R Nhg4 73. Rhh5 Nh6 74. Bh4 Rgg8 75. Ree1 Bh2 76. R1e5 Rgc8 77. Bg3 Rc7

tromp commented 3 years ago

Verified. Thanks, Peter!

I recognize this one from my homepage:-)

tromp commented 2 years ago

Shorter proof game by `1. b4 a5 2. bxa5 h5 3. g4 d5 4. gxh5 b5 5. c4 c5 6. cxd5 f5 7. Nc3 f4 8. Ne4 e5

  1. Ng3 fxg3 10. h6 Nf6 11. h7 Bd6 12. h4 Nc6 13. f4 exf4 14. h5 f3 15. h6 Qc7
  2. d4 g2 17. e4 Rb8 18. Nh3 Bh2 19. a6 b4 20. a4 Rb6 21. Bd3 Bf5 22. e5 b3 23. d6 g1=N 24. Bf4 b2 25. e6 c4 26. e7 b1=N 27. d7+ Kf7 28. d8=R c3 29. Rd5 c2 30. a7 c1=N 31. Qc2 Na3 32. a5 Nb3 33. a8=R Nd2 34. O-O-O f2 35. a6 g5 36. a7 g4 37. Qc5 g3 38. Rad8 g2 39. a8=R Ngf3 40. Rhe1 f1=R 41. Ra5 g1=B 42. Rb5 Qb7 43. Re6 Bf2 44. Bb1 Nc2 45. Rde5 Rg1 46. Rdd5 Rc8 47. h8=R Rgg8 48. h7 Rc7 49. Kb2 Rb8
  3. Rhd8 Nh4 51. h8=R Be4 52. Rhh5 Nf5 53. R8d7 Nh6 54. Bg3 Bd3 55. Rc1`
peterosterlund2 commented 2 years ago

Wrong side to move.

tromp commented 2 years ago

Ah right; I didn't clearly specify side to move in although it's buried in there...