Closed tromp closed 3 years ago
Verified. Thanks, Andrew!
Cute that the position is mate...
That is cute, do you have enough statistical power in your runs to calculate how many unique mating positions there are?
One could change my legality checker to check for mate (at the cost of considerable code complexity for a move generator), but that still wouldn't tell you if the mate positions are legal.
I was thinking depending on what percentage of the 10k are legal mates, you might have a small enough +/- to be able to be relatively confident in the number of legal mating positions. I don't have any intuition on how likely mates are though.
That's true. One could just manually check for mates among the 529 legal positions. Maybe only 1% of them do. If I had to guess:-)
5Bb1/2n1q3/1R3n1K/1QR2k1N/qpR1N3/p3N2r/3Qrb1N/1Q2bRRb b - - 0 1
Discovered Double Check wx 2 wp 0 wpr 7 wpx 1 maxuwp 1 minopp -1 bx 3 bp 2 bpr 3 bpx 3 maxubp 3 minopp -1