tromp / cuckoo

a memory-bound graph-theoretic proof-of-work system
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mean31 verifytest #105

Closed image28 closed 2 years ago

image28 commented 3 years ago

Had mean31 getting solutions earlier, however been running it for 4 days on and off without a single solution. Could you help me out with a mean31 simpile/verify test, so I know the algorithm's working. Cloned a fresh github pull before running 2 days of tests, with no solutions.

image28 commented 3 years ago

Would also be interested in adding a script to rerun previous blocks from the blockchain explorer.

tromp commented 3 years ago

Cuckatoo31 is no longer active on Grin mainnet... It's only Cuckatoo32+ and, with about 1 month to go, Cuckarooz29.