trondheim-machine-learning-meetup / meetups

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Reinforcement learning / OpenAI Universe #9

Closed iver56 closed 5 years ago

iver56 commented 7 years ago

Telenor Research har god peiling på dette temaet

iver56 commented 5 years ago


olavbm commented 5 years ago

What do we want in such a meetup? General RL intro, mathy, intuitions, concluding with 1 hr to dabble around with a script?

Personally, I would like to give an overview of what RL is. Then talk about and get a discussion going around the fundamental building blocks(function approximator, update rule, memory, exploration/exploitation. Then, give the participants 1hr to put these blocks together, exploring ideas and trying them out on a toy problem.

olavbm commented 5 years ago

@iver56 I would like to take previous feedback into account. Do we have anything specific to do/avoid?

iver56 commented 5 years ago

RL overview + 1 hour to play around with a script sounds good 👍

Things to avoid: Don't talk for 1.5 hours without a break. Don't order 3 times the amount of pizza that is needed ;)

iver56 commented 5 years ago

@olavbm Vil du foreslå en dato?

olavbm commented 5 years ago

Hva med tirsdag 12. mars? Da er det litt over to uker siden siste meetup

iver56 commented 5 years ago

Ja, det passer bra 👍

olavbm commented 5 years ago

Then I'll begin preparing today :fireworks:

iver56 commented 5 years ago

Flott :) Jeg har booket Munken & Holmen 12. mars mellom kl. 17 og 20

iver56 commented 5 years ago

Vi trenger en beskrivelse

olavbm commented 5 years ago

Du faar den ila onsdag

iver56 commented 5 years ago

Jeg har spurt DND Midt-Nord om de kan sponse

iver56 commented 5 years ago

De sa ja

olavbm commented 5 years ago

Jaaa! Sweet

iver56 commented 5 years ago

Denne ble nettopp annonsert, og overlapper med vår planlagte dato 12. mars:

Skal vi flytte vårt arrangement til en annen dato?

olavbm commented 5 years ago

Ja, jeg vil i hvert fall gaa paa den. Hva med den torsdagen? 14. mars altsaa

iver56 commented 5 years ago
  1. mars krasjer dessverre med denne BartJS-meetupen, som jeg er med på å hoste:
iver56 commented 5 years ago

2019-03-19 seems good. Note to self: I need to book the meeting rooms for 2019-03-19 and cancel the booking for 2019-03-12.

iver56 commented 5 years ago

Jeg har booket Munken & Holmen 19. mars og avbestilt 12. mars

iver56 commented 5 years ago

@olavbm Kan du se over før jeg annonserer meetupen?