tronprotocol / tips

TRON Improvement Proposals
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Proposals to improve network resources model #207

Closed sean-liu55 closed 3 years ago

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

Simple Summary

This issue proposes several new schemes to try to solve the problem of the low utilization rate of network frozen resources, reduce user usage costs, and improve resource models. Including the following two ideas, these two ideas are independent of each other.

  1. Freezing TRX should only get bandwidth, energy, or voting rights;
  2. Freezing does not obtain bandwidth or energy, but it can be used to vote and share network transaction fees.


Executing transactions on the TRON network requires resources, including bandwidth and energy. Bandwidth consumption is the number of bytes of the transaction, and energy is the consumption of the virtual machine TVM execution.

At present, there are two ways to obtain resources. One is to directly consume TRX. In each transaction, resources are purchased from the network at a fixed price, such as 1 energy 40 SUN. Another way is to freeze TRX to obtain resources, and the amount of resources obtained is calculated based on the total frozen amount of the entire network.


Currently, freezing TRX can obtain bandwidth or energy, while obtaining voting rights. Many accounts freeze a large amount of TRX for voting only but do not use resources. This results in accounts that really need resources only get a small part of resources and network resources are wasted.

Resource usage data

At present, the total daily free energy is 90,000,000,000,and the total daily free bandwidth is 43,200,000,000. Take the data of January 2, 2021, as an example, the total energy consumption of the whole network: 70,689,454,314 ENERGY, Top100 contracts energy consumption: 63,876,706,454 ENERGY (where the energy obtained by the user freezing TRX is 3,279,215,389 ENERGY, The energy of users burning TRX is 53,770,824,593 ENERGY). Only about 5.1% of the energy is obtained by freezing, and about 6.9% of free energy is used.

The bandwidth situation is similar. The total bandwidth consumption of the whole network: 491,172,880 BANDWIDTH, Top10 contracts bandwidth consumption: 244,162,039 BANDWIDTH (where the bandwidth obtained by the user freezing TRX is 3,982,607 BANDWIDTH, The bandwidth of users burning TRX is 240,179,432 BANDWIDTH). Only about 1.6% of the bandwidth is obtained by freezing.

The current price of energy is 0.00004 TRX. If the network can double the usage of free energy, it can save 1,950,878,306 0.00004 0.03 = 2341 USD fee in one day. If it can convert half of the burned energy into Free energy, it can save 32,524,509,065/2 0.00004 0.03 = 19514 USD fee.

Profit present condition:

Here is a brief calculation of the profit that users can obtain by freezing TRX. Users can choose to freeze to obtain bandwidth or energy, these can be converted into actual value based on price. In addition, both of which can obtain voting rights, and voting for SR will obtain voting income.

Bandwidth profit Assuming to freeze 10,000 TRX, the entire network freezes 30 billion TRX, of which bandwidth accounts for 90%, 30 billion 0.9 = 27 billion. Obtained bandwidth 10000 43,200,000,000 / 27,000,000,000=16000 BANDWIDTH. 1 Bandwidth cost 0.00004 TRX, 1trx = 0.03 USD. The corresponding profit is 16000 0.00004 0.03=0.0192 USD.

Energy profit The energy calculation process is similar. Assuming that 10,000 TRX is frozen, 30 billion TRX is frozen in total, of which energy accounts for 10%, 30billion0.1=3 billion, Energy gained 10000 90,000,000,000 / 3,000,000,000 = 300000 ENERGY. 1 Energy cost 0.00004 TRX, 1trx = 0.03 USD. The corresponding profit is 300000 0.00004 0.03 = 0.36 USD.

Vote profit Currently, the total voting reward for each block is 160 TRX, the total number of votes is approximately 30 billion TRX, and the default reward distribution ratio, 80% is given to voters, and 20% is given to SR. Assuming that the user freezes 10,000 TRX and votes, the profit obtained in one day is approximate:
10000/30,000,000,000 160 80% 24 3600/3=1.2288TRX. The current price of TRX is about $0.03. So, the corresponding profit is 1.2288 * 0.03 = 0.0368USD.

To summarize, if the user freezes 10,000 TRX to obtain bandwidth, then the total revenue for a day includes bandwidth revenue and voting revenue. The income is approximately 0.0192 +0.0368 = 0.056USD. If the user freezes to obtain energy, the income is approximately 0.36 + 0.0368= 0.3968USD.

Freezing TRX get only bandwidth, energy, or voting rights

At present, the total amount of network freezing is 30 billion, of which about 90% are frozen for bandwidth and 10% for energy. If the network uses this solution, voting accounts will no longer occupy the frozen resources of the network, and ordinary users will get more resources. The main difficulty in adopting this scheme is how to deal with accounts that have been frozen to obtain resources and have voted.

Optional solutions

For the stability of the network, the vote for SR should not be changed, so the question is whether the resources obtained by the account should be retained.

  1. Reserve resources, reserve SR's vote, not reserve voting rights The resources that the user has obtained can continue to be used, and the vote for the SR will not change, but the vote that has already occurred cannot be modified. In addition, a new system contract that freezes voting rights is added. If the account initiates a vote, the new voting value must be larger than the size of the voting rights that are frozen. This solution has good compatibility, and neither ordinary users nor developers need to make major changes.

  2. Not reserve resources, reserve SR's vote, not reserve voting rights The resources obtained by freezing in the past can no longer be used. In terms of the specific implementation, new fields will need to be added to the account data to distinguish the resources obtained by freezing in the past. This solution can solve the problem of obtaining voting rights but not releasing resources in solution 1.

Profit calculation

For newly frozen accounts, only bandwidth, energy, or voting rights will be available at this time. From the profit calculation process in the previous section, it can be known that by freezing 10,000 TRX and obtaining bandwidth, the profit for one day is about 0.0192 USD. Freezing to obtain energy, the income is about 0.36 USD. And freezing to get votes, the income is about 0.0368USD.

Freezing TRX to get transaction fees and voting rights

At present, the utilization rate of the resources obtained by the current freezing is low. If the freezing TRX no longer obtains the resources, all transactions will directly consume TRX, and the consumed TRX will be stored in the public fee pool and shared by all frozen accounts and the SR.

For accounts that consume TRX to initiate transactions, there is no difference in this scheme. For voting-only accounts, these accounts will receive an additional benefit. As for the accounts freezing the resources, there are some changes. The accounts can still freeze TRX, obtain the network's transaction fees, and use the profit to execute transactions. Here is a brief calculation.

Profit calculation

Assuming that 10,000 TRX is frozen, the total frozen amount is the same as the current 30 billion, the daily transaction fee is about 75000 USD(January 4, 2021), and according to the allocation ratio of 80% to voters and 20% to SR. The cost obtained is 10000 / 30000000000 75000 80% = 0.02 USD. In addition to the voting rewards of 0.0368USD that users can obtain as mentioned in the previous section, The total profit is 0.0368+0.02=0.0568 USD.


Both of these two new schemes can solve the problem of low usage of frozen resources and improve resource models. In the first scheme, only accounts that need to use resources will freeze TRX for resources. In the second scheme, the freezing of the acquired resources is directly canceled.

Compare the profit of these two schemes. In the first scheme, freezing 10,000 TRX and obtaining bandwidth, the profit for one day is about 0.0192 USD. Freezing to obtain energy, the income is about 0.36 USD. And freezing to get votes, the income is about 0.0368USD. In the second scheme, users can obtain 0.0568 USD by freezing to get votes and the transaction fee. It seems that the profit obtained by freezing the obtained energy is higher, but other factors also need to consider, including the actual utilization of resources is only 5%, the increase in transaction fees caused by the increase in future transaction volume, and the stability of transaction fee income.

joker-gdb commented 3 years ago

Wow, I hope to see such a change~

Omo-Coc commented 3 years ago

This is very necessary. The two main voters of binance accounted for 90%, they obtained 29,220,187,313 energy and 15848341492 bandwidth, but they never saw the use,that is too wasteful.

a49688448 commented 3 years ago

Totally agree! It costs less when develop dapps on TRON.

Vita-Diva commented 3 years ago

good job. Tron has increased energy cost 3 times more than before. As dapp devs have to freeze trx for resources, I should this is a good move to reduce our cost.

dkealervdsf commented 3 years ago

I can not agree with this change more!

Omo-Coc commented 3 years ago

How to deal with people who have already voted, obtained BP and voting rights?

kunlunxuejue11 commented 3 years ago

How to deal with people who have already voted, obtained BP and voting rights?

I think should reserve the right to vote by default and cancel other resources to ensure the stability of the SR ranking, otherwise it will cause network instability

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

How to deal with people who have already voted, obtained BP and voting rights?

I think we should reserve the right to vote by default and cancel other resources to ensure the stability of the SR ranking, otherwise it will cause network instability

Agree with your idea about voting rights. Voting rights should be retained to ensure network stability. The resources that have been obtained should be canceled, but it is very difficult to implement, which requires modifying the data of all accounts. Currently, there are about 20 million accounts. A compromise solution can be adopted. The resources and voting rights that have been frozen are retained at the same time, but the voting cannot be modified unless the voting rights are obtained by a new freeze.

liankuaiZyumingfit commented 3 years ago

It is indeed a good thing. In this way, there are relatively few people who vote, and those who focus on voting can get a higher rate of return. For them, putting energy there is also a loss

joker-gdb commented 3 years ago

As a developer, I hope this can be achieved sooner

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

Putting aside the enormous amount of changes that'll have to be made both in Java tron and in a lot dapps, I'm not sure making people choose between obtaining resources and getting voting rights is such a great idea. This'll take votes away from community SRs as a lot of their current voters might opt for resources. There are very few community SRs in the top 27 and they need all the help/funding they can get.

If the issue is that people are not using the resources they obtained from freezing, an easier solution would be to make it possible to vote without freezing. Currently, we can change who we vote for any number of times and at any time. I'm not sure why freezing is even a requirement to vote in the first place. If there is no freeze requirement to vote, people will not bother to freeze unless it's absolutely necessary.

Problem solved!

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

@otakuinny, Unlocking, and allowing arbitrary voting may lead to network insecurity. Consider a scenario. Before the network counts vote and selects the first 27 SRs, users obtain a large amount of TRX from the exchange and vote, and then after counting, Immediately cancel voting and sell TRX.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

@sean-liu55, that can easily be solved by a shorter freeze duration, like a minimum of 1 day freeze duration for voting. So, if you want to just vote, you gotta freeze for atleast 1 day and if you want to vote and get resources, you freeze for atleast 3 days (just like now).

Ideally, we want to strike a compromise that everybody is happy with and that doesn't radically change the eco-system that everybody is so used to.

renchenchang commented 3 years ago

@sean-liu55, that can easily be solved by a shorter freeze duration, like a minimum of 1 day freeze duration for voting. So, if you want to just vote, you gotta freeze for atleast 1 day and if you want to vote and get resources, you freeze for atleast 3 days (just like now).

Ideally, we want to strike a compromise that everybody is happy with and that doesn't radically change the eco-system that everybody is so used to.

This solution can not overcome waste of energy

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

@renchenchang, why wouldn't it? Let's be clear about what the actual issue is here. The issue is people freezing their TRX just to vote and not using any of the resources that they get from freezing. The solution is to provide a way to vote without getting resources while simultaneously also keeping the existing system of obtaining resources and voting power. Now people who want to vote can just vote.

If you say that some people might still choose to vote and get resources and not use them, then so be it. They might do that even with the new proposed system. With all the alts just rising, there's already little incentive for people to stay in TRON. Making them choose between obtaining resources and receiving voting rewards will just make it worse and drive people away.

With the big increase in energy price, people want to gain energy so they are not paying exorbitant txn fees, but at the same time, also receiving voter rewards keeps them engaged. Bottom line, there was a reason why freezing TRX allowed for both resources and voting power in the first place and if resource hogging is an issue, we should look into ways that do not change the model that we are so accustomed to.

woaichixigua07 commented 3 years ago

I support option one(Freezing TRX should only get bandwidth, energy, or voting rights ), because this option can free up idle resources and bring us developers more cheap energy, and it is also the easiest to use. However, the second option does not see any advantages, just make simple things become more complicated.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

Both option 1 and option 2 will decrease the profitability for TRON users.

Either give the option to vote with a smaller freeze duration or just increase the total amount of energy in the network. This issue can be fixed so easily without making big changes that are going to hurt everybody.

Omo-Coc commented 3 years ago

Putting aside the enormous amount of changes that'll have to be made both in Java tron and in a lot dapps, I'm not sure making people choose between obtaining resources and getting voting rights is such a great idea. This'll take votes away from community SRs as a lot of their current voters might opt for resources. There are very few community SRs in the top 27 and they need all the help/funding they can get.

If the issue is that people are not using the resources they obtained from freezing, an easier solution would be to make it possible to vote without freezing. Currently, we can change who we vote for any number of times and at any time. I'm not sure why freezing is even a requirement to vote in the first place. If there is no freeze requirement to vote, people will not bother to freeze unless it's absolutely necessary.

Problem solved!

How to vote without freezing, can you vote if you hold trx? What if trx is transferred? I think this is very difficult to implement

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

@renchenchang, why wouldn't it? Let's be clear about what the actual issue is here. The issue is people freezing their TRX just to vote and not using any of the resources that they get from freezing. The solution is to provide a way to vote without getting resources while simultaneously also keeping the existing system of obtaining resources and voting power. Now people who want to vote can just vote.

If you say that some people might still choose to vote and get resources and not use them, then so be it. They might do that even with the new proposed system. With all the alts just rising, there's already little incentive for people to stay in TRON. Making them choose between obtaining resources and receiving voting rewards will just make it worse and drive people away.

With the big increase in energy price, people want to gain energy so they are not paying exorbitant txn fees, but at the same time, also receiving voter rewards keeps them engaged. Bottom line, there was a reason why freezing TRX allowed for both resources and voting power in the first place and if resource hogging is an issue, we should look into ways that do not change the model that we are so accustomed to.

If users are provided to choose, they can only acquire resources, or they can acquire the right to vote at the same time, then there will be no incentive to encourage users to choose the former.

Users who use frozen resources and vote will lose their voting revenue but will get more resources. Considering that the current frozen energy usage rate is only 6.9%, even if the total frozen amount is reduced by half, users can still get Double the energy, according to the calculation in the issue, freeze 10000trx for one day, and all the energy obtained will be used, which is about 0.36 USD, and the voting income is only 0.0368 USD. The value of energy is far about the voting income.

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

Both option 1 and option 2 will decrease the profitability for TRON users.

Either give the option to vote with a smaller freeze duration or just increase the total amount of energy in the network. This issue can be fixed so easily without making big changes that are going to hurt everybody.

The total available energy is related to the optimal amount of network calculations and should not simply be increased. As mentioned earlier, reducing the freezing time will cause users to rent a large amount of TRX in a short time, causing system stability problems.

For users who use resources and voting at the same time, in solution 1, even if the voting income is lost, the resource income will increase. Developers who actually use resources will benefit. In solution 2, the user will also use the dividend of the transaction fee to pay for the transaction.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

@sean-liu55, above everything else, what TRON users most want is for the TRX price to go up. The solutions you are proposing will depress the TRX price even more. Any solution that involves distributing the txn fees instead of burning is not very good for TRX price, because there'll be more TRX.

Because of the block and candidate rewards, more than 5M TRX are created everyday. This already causes inflation and keeps the TRX price down. The only thing we have right now that reduces the TRX in circulation is burning for txn fees. If we make more energy available it'll mean less TRX burning, which means everyday there are more and more TRX added to the supply. And the more something is the less it is worth.

Besides, it is clear from your stats above that people just aren't interested in freezing trx for energy. So, even if we implemented your solution of only giving either voting right or energy, it still won't benefit the people who are burning trx for energy. The only people it'll benefit is the people freezing trx for energy but that's a very small fraction of the users. I just don't see how your solution will benefit the users that are currently burning trx for energy.

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

@otakuinny, As the total frozen amount is reduced, developers will get more energy and may reduce the user's payment ratio in the contract, so that ordinary users can also benefit.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

@sean-liu55, most dapps either pay for the txn fee themselves or they let the contract caller (user) pay for it. If they get a little more energy because of the reduced amount of trx frozen, they are not going to suddenly start passing on the savings to their users. That's just not how the economics of the dapps work in TRON.

It's clear, even from your numbers above, that no one really bothers to freeze trx to gain energy. So, increasing the energy gained by freezing trx is going to only slightly help a very small fraction of the users but implementing the proposing solutions to achieve the higher energy gain ratio will hurt all the rest of the TRON users.

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

@otakuinny ,About 3 billion of energy comes from freezing every day, which is not a small amount. When the energy gained increases, developers with long-term plans will have more motivation to choose to freeze to gain energy.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

@sean-liu55, in the last one week, a total of 817 billion energy was consumed. Of this, only 34 billion came from freezing trx. This means only 4% of the energy consumed is actually coming from freezing. The rest is from burning TRX (which is good because it reduces the TRX in circulation and increases its price). This 4% is not going to increase by a lot even if the energy rate per trx frozen increases.

Devs should always keep the txn costs in mind when they develop dapps. If more energy is available they are gonna develop a lot of crappy dapps that make millions of txns a day putting extra load on the nodes. This is already a problem right now. If they can gain more energy, this problem is gonna get worse. We are seeing more and more 503 errors from the nodes everyday.

Also, there are more regular users in TRON than dapp devs. A lot of these users freeze a good portion of their trx and use the remaining to interact within dapps. They rely on the income that comes from voting and also use the energy/bandwidth that comes from freezing to make dapp txns. The proposed change will force them to choose between voting and dapp txns which might reduce their earnings.

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

@otakuinny,If freezing can only obtain resources or voting rights, no user should be willing to freeze TRX, just creating invalid transactions. On the contrary, if freezing can obtain resources and voting rights at the same time, and users are only to obtain voting rights, then the extra resources may become the source of invalid transactions.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

@sean-liu55, if freezing only gives resources or voting rights it could result in users making too few txns, which would be worse than too many txns.

The only people this change benefits is the dapp devs. It hurts everyone else. The common tron user is someone who freezes a good chunk of his trx, gains resources, votes and receives rewards and uses the resources to make dapp txns. This is what most people do. This change will impact all of these people negatively and turn them away from TRON altogether.

Omo-Coc commented 3 years ago

@sean-liu55, if freezing only gives resources or voting rights it could result in users making too few txns, which would be worse than too many txns.

The only people this change benefits is the dapp devs. It hurts everyone else. The common tron user is someone who freezes a good chunk of his trx, gains resources, votes and receives rewards and uses the resources to make dapp txns. This is what most people do. This change will impact all of these people negatively and turn them away from TRON altogether.

Many users have no use for resources, it seems they only need voting rights

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

@Omo-Coc, a lot of users make dapp txns and need resources and also rely on the revenue from voting.

The users you are referring to who just vote and don't do anything else with their TRX are in no way contributing to the advancement of TRON.

bondibox commented 3 years ago

I do agree that separating voting rights from obtaining energy or bandwidth will make the network more efficient. But I also think it comes with some unforseen (or maybe intended) consequences.

Using the example above where 10% of users freeze for energy, someone freezing 10k #TRX for energy currently gets 300,000 energy which is the equivalent of 12 TRX worth of energy per day. The same 10k also earns them approximately 2 TRX per day in voter rewards.

If we increase the cost of energy by 5 fold as proposed by TIP 232, the 300,000 energy gained from freezing 10k TRX in the example has now become 5 times more valuable, worth the equivalent of 60 TRX.

If given the choice between freezing for energy or freezing for voter rewards, people who actually use the network daily will freeze for energy since it's more valuable than the rewards they would have received.

Separating the freeze for voting from the freeze for energy will give users more energy per frozen #TRX since whale voters won't be wasting unused energy they get from freezing. This will increase the value of frozen TRX beyond 60 TRX per day. E.g. If separating the freeze for voting from freeze for energy ends up reducing the latter by 20%, then each TRX frozen for energy will receive 25% more energy than before. In our example this raises the value of the energy gotten from 60 TRX to 75 TRX.

For a TRON user who burns a lot of energy, the choice for how to freeze the 10k TRX is obvious: 60 to 75 TRX worth of free energy, or 2 TRX in voter rewards. This shift in freezing probably wont take many votes away from SR's who get elected by a handful of accounts since their objective is to keep themselves in the top 27 SR spots. If they need energy, a smaller fraction of their frozen holdings will go toward that compared to an average user.

But for SR's who have been elected by multitudes of voters, each with a small stake, this will significantly rob them of votes. In the end, these two proposals will serve to consolidate SR positions among the whales and become the final nail in the coffin for the community SR's.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

"If given the choice between freezing for energy or freezing for voter rewards, people who actually use the network daily will freeze for energy since it's more valuable than the rewards they would have received."

Everybody thinks the txn volume will stay the same after a 5X increase in fee and base their calculations on it. No, what is more likely going to happen is that no one can afford to make any txns and everyone will just freeze and vote. The txn volume will go down dramatically and with that goes the one utility this chain is known for and then we can all go home.

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

"If given the choice between freezing for energy or freezing for voter rewards, people who actually use the network daily will freeze for energy since it's more valuable than the rewards they would have received."

Everybody thinks the txn volume will stay the same after a 5X increase in fee and base their calculations on it. No, what is more likely going to happen is that no one can afford to make any txns and everyone will just freeze and vote. The txn volume will go down dramatically and with that goes the one utility this chain is known for and then we can all go home.

Some users are willing to hold trx for a long time and get voting income, but it should not be ruled out that many users need energy to execute transactions.

bondibox commented 3 years ago

Some users are willing to hold trx for a long time and get voting income, but it should not be ruled out that many users need energy to execute transactions.

If energy is worth 30x more than voting rewards then it makes financial sense to freeze for energy and then resell it on the secondary market like tokengoodies energy exchange. Even now, 10 million energy for 3 days can be bought for 450 TRX. It would take 330,000 TRX to earn that much energy, and the rewards for 330,000 votes over 3 days would be about 200 TRX. So even right now you can double your TRX income by freezing for energy instead of voting. After increased fees it will be 10 times more.

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

If energy is worth 30x more than voting rewards then it makes financial sense to freeze for energy and then resell it on the secondary market like tokengoodies energy exchange. Even now, 10 million energy for 3 days can be bought for 450 TRX. It would take 330,000 TRX to earn that much energy, and the rewards for 330,000 votes over 3 days would be about 200 TRX. So even right now you can double your TRX income by freezing for energy instead of voting. After increased fees it will be 10 times more.

The increase in transaction fees may cause more users to rent energy from the energy exchange, but the price of the energy exchange will not increase linearly with the transaction fee, because the supply will also increase.

jamestompson commented 3 years ago

Good job. Scheme 2 sounds better.

a49688448 commented 3 years ago

Support option 2. Voting accounts will no longer occupy the frozen resources of the network, and ordinary users will get more resources.

kangjiancheng commented 3 years ago

Support option1.

woaichixigua07 commented 3 years ago

Regardless of option 1 or option 2, these two options are very practical and beneficial. They can prevent large voters from obtaining a large amount of voting rights while monopolizing the resources of the entire network, which can reduce the cost of obtaining resources for developers. But option 1 is simpler, I like simple things.

dkealervdsf commented 3 years ago

Support! Both option 1 and option 2 are beneficial for community developers. The proposal reduces the cost to developers, allowing everyone to get more resources for less. And option 1 sounds better.

CryptoRhinoGH commented 3 years ago

As a developer, I hope this can be achieved sooner

I'm also a developer, but I don't understand how this is beneficial for us... I'm very happy freezing for myself and earning alongside... I've read through the entire thing, but all I see is they trying to take away resources from us. So either I freeze to earn, or I freeze to gain energy?? I'm very happy getting both, so should everyone. Am I missing something??

Omo-Coc commented 3 years ago

As a developer, I hope this can be achieved sooner

I'm also a developer, but I don't understand how this is beneficial for us... I'm very happy freezing for myself and earning alongside... I've read through the entire thing, but all I see is they trying to take away resources from us. So either I freeze to earn, or I freeze to gain energy?? I'm very happy getting both, so should everyone. Am I missing something??

I think they still want to solve the problem of idle resources. If the problem of idle resources is solved, developers can obtain resources at a low price. I think the second way is a bit complicated, I didn’t think about it clearly

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

@sean-liu55, the numbers in the post at the top are outdated and no longer correct. Also...



sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

the numbers in the post at the top are outdated and no longer correct. Also...



In the latest data, the total energy consumption of the whole network: 40,345,752,731 ENERGY, Top100 contracts energy consumption: 35,217,594,703 ENERGY (where the energy obtained by the user freezing TRX is 6,384,148,662 ENERGY, The energy of users burning TRX is 21,250,249,090 ENERGY). Still, only about 7.1% of freezing energy is used.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago


In the latest data, the total energy consumption of the whole network: 40,345,752,731 ENERGY, Top100 contracts energy consumption: 35,217,594,703 ENERGY (where the energy obtained by the user freezing TRX is 6,384,148,662 ENERGY, The energy of users burning TRX is 21,250,249,090 ENERGY). Still, only about 7.1% of freezing energy is used.

If you referring to the numbers at, I can tell you these numbers are nowhere near correct. I personally know 4 contracts in the top 10 and the amount of energy they are consuming is not accurate at all. Not even close.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago


In the latest data, the total energy consumption of the whole network: 40,345,752,731 ENERGY, Top100 contracts energy consumption: 35,217,594,703 ENERGY (where the energy obtained by the user freezing TRX is 6,384,148,662 ENERGY, The energy of users burning TRX is 21,250,249,090 ENERGY). Still, only about 7.1% of freezing energy is used.

Also, I want you to understand this simple fact. The people who can freeze TRX for energy are already freezing for energy and the people who can't freeze their TRX because they are participating in mining or defi or using them on dapps will not and cannot freeze their TRX no matter how cheaper the energy rate per trx is. Depending on what they are using their TRX for, it could be more profitable than the txn cost savings they obtain by freezing their TRX. No one is asking to make the energy rate any cheaper. This change will also take away a lot of votes from SRs affecting their ability to run their nodes. But then again, TF probably wants that as they don't want any community SRs in the top 27 and wants complete control.

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

This issue is used to improve the resource model only, will not affect the stability of SRs and the network.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

This issue is used to improve the resource model only, will not affect the stability of SRs and the network.

How is an "improvement" if it helps nobody but reduces the daily income for a lot of people who freeze for energy and get voting revenue? Did you see my comment above that all the people who can freeze for energy are already doing so? The reason more people are not freezing for energy is because they are using their trx. And as to your point about getting more energy per frozen trx if we get rid of people squatting on resources, if it means losing voting income to get a little more energy it is by no means worth it and only creates a net income loss to those who are currently freezing for energy and at the same time receiving voting rewards.

The second solution you proposed is even worse as everybody pays for txns. My suggestion is....take your time and find another way that doesn't involve disrupting the existing system that we are used to. If I can't get energy and voting rewards at the same time, it's over for my dapps and I'm gonna have to move to BSC.

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

The voting rights and resources obtained before can be retained at the same time. In this way, the stability of the network and the rights of users can be guaranteed.

otakuinny commented 3 years ago

The voting rights and resources obtained before can be retained at the same time. In this way, the stability of the network and the rights of users can be guaranteed.

Wait... I'm confused. You are saying voting rights and resources can be obtained at the same time but neither of the 2 options you proposed gives you both voting rights and resources. What am I missing?

sean-liu55 commented 3 years ago

The voting rights and resources obtained before can be retained at the same time, as long as you don't actively send an unfreezing transaction.