tronprotocol / tron-deployment

tron main net conf
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Unable to Add new SR in tron private chain when its in running state #109

Closed charil10 closed 5 months ago

charil10 commented 5 months ago

I am developing tron private chain where I want to add new SR while my Full node is in current state and producing block. Steps I have done: 1) used fresh address and staked 9999trx 2) signed transaction of Add Witness : {FullnodeURL}/wallet/createwitness 3) setup Sr node on different server and added the SR server Ip in seed.node = { ip.list = [ "" ,"" ] } and restart the fullnode

also here is my supernode.conf that I have created on different server which have public IP

   type = mainnet
  # type = testnet

storage {
  # Directory for storing persistent data

  db.version = 2,
  db.engine = "LEVELDB", = "database", = "index",

  # You can custom these 14 databases' configs:

  # account, account-index, asset-issue, block, block-index,
  # block_KDB, peers, properties, recent-block, trans,
  # utxo, votes, witness, witness_schedule.

  # Otherwise, db configs will remain defualt and data will be stored in
  # the path of "output-directory" or which is set by "-d" ("--output-directory").

  # Attention: name is a required field that must be set !!!
  properties = [
    //    {
    //      name = "account",
    //      path = "storage_directory_test",
    //      createIfMissing = true,
    //      paranoidChecks = true,
    //      verifyChecksums = true,
    //      compressionType = 1,        // compressed with snappy
    //      blockSize = 4096,           // 4  KB =         4 * 1024 B
    //      writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      cacheSize = 10485760,       // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      maxOpenFiles = 100
    //    },
    //    {
    //      name = "account-index",
    //      path = "storage_directory_test",
    //      createIfMissing = true,
    //      paranoidChecks = true,
    //      verifyChecksums = true,
    //      compressionType = 1,        // compressed with snappy
    //      blockSize = 4096,           // 4  KB =         4 * 1024 B
    //      writeBufferSize = 10485760, // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      cacheSize = 10485760,       // 10 MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 B
    //      maxOpenFiles = 100
    //    },


# this part of config is used to node discovery.
node.discovery = {
  enable = true  # you should set this entry value with true if you want your node can be discovered by other node.
  persist = true  # this entry is used to determined to whether storing the peers in the database or not.
  bind.ip = ""
  external.ip =

# this part of config is used to set backup node for witness service.
node.backup {
  port = 10001
  priority = 8
  members = [
#Enabling JSON-RPC service of a node
node.jsonrpc {
httpFullNodeEnable = true
httpFullNodePort = 50545
httpSolidityEnable = true
httpSolidityPort = 50555

node {
  # trust node for solidity node
  # trustNode = "ip:port"
  trustNode = ""

  # expose extension api to public or not
  walletExtensionApi = true

  listen.port = 16666

  connection.timeout = 2

  tcpNettyWorkThreadNum = 0

  udpNettyWorkThreadNum = 1

  # Number of validate sign thread, default availableProcessors / 2
  # validateSignThreadNum = 16

  maxActiveNodes = 30

  maxActiveNodesWithSameIp = 2

  minParticipationRate = 0

  # check the peer data transfer ,disconnect factor
  disconnectNumberFactor = 0.4
  maxConnectNumberFactor = 0.8
  receiveTcpMinDataLength = 2048
  isOpenFullTcpDisconnect = true

  p2p {
    version = 1 # 11111: mainnet; 20180622: testnet; you can set other number when you deploy one private net, but the node must have the same number in some private net. 

  active = [
    # Active establish connection in any case
    # Sample entries:
    # "ip:port",
    # "ip:port"

  passive = [
    # Passive accept connection in any case
    # Sample entries:
    # "ip:port",
    # "ip:port"

  http {
    fullNodePort = 16667
    solidityPort = 16668

  rpc {
    port = 16669

    # Number of gRPC thread, default availableProcessors / 2
    # thread = 16

    # The maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection
    # maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection =

    # The HTTP/2 flow control window, default 1MB
    # flowControlWindow =

    # Connection being idle for longer than which will be gracefully terminated
    maxConnectionIdleInMillis = 60000

    # Connection lasting longer than which will be gracefully terminated
    # maxConnectionAgeInMillis =

    # The maximum message size allowed to be received on the server, default 4MB
    # maxMessageSize =

    # The maximum size of header list allowed to be received, default 8192
    # maxHeaderListSize =

    # Transactions can only be broadcast if the number of effective connections is reached.
    minEffectiveConnection = 0

  # Whether to enable the node detection function, default false
  # nodeDetectEnable = false

  # use your ipv6 address for node discovery and tcp connection, default false
  # enableIpv6 = false

  # if your node's highest block num is below than all your pees', try to acquire new connection. default false
  # effectiveCheckEnable = false

  # Dynamic loading configuration function, disabled by default
  # dynamicConfig = {
    # enable = false
    # Configuration file change check interval, default is 600 seconds
    # checkInterval = 600
  # }

  dns {
    # dns urls to get nodes, url format tree://{pubkey}@{domain}, default empty
    treeUrls = [

seed.node = {
  # List of the seed nodes. This is used to enable the node can connect when join one net at first.
  # If you deploy one private net, you must add some "ip:port" here for other node connecting.
  # Seed nodes are stable full nodes, and the first SuperNode must be inclued in.
  # example:
  # ip.list = [
  #   "ip:port",
  #   "ip:port"
  # ]
  ip.list = [

genesis.block = {
  # Reserve balance
  assets = [
      accountName = "LBM"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TR4Bqq9zhBQvi8bKFfD9S2oePptvTxZsM5"
      balance = "95000000000000000"
      accountName = "POX"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TR4Bqq9zhBQvi8bKFfD9S2oePptvTxZsM5"
      balance = "5000000000000000"
      accountName = "Blackhole"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TUKZpDNnzAufcJQjmq9Eo2gQs8wTSKDfQY"
      balance = "-9223372036854775808"
      accountName = "TestA"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TKDiGS7ZpAj92UcYQCbASjTBYzCYK6CQsS"
      balance = "1000000000000000"
      accountName = "TestB"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TJVb3LEZtxaLfZHvdutj8M2zjL8xEgdPGM"
      balance = "1000000000000000"
      accountName = "TestC"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TUPxRRwjzPtLpbHYY21CLCCoPZ4eaynKm5"
      balance = "1000000000000000"
      accountName = "TestD"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TBcBVYnotCt6CtRyBiwnaALjMyoypXH8Wj"
      balance = "1000000000000000"
      accountName = "TestE"
      accountType = "AssetIssue"
      address = "TE9gsbPsVSzbHhQP3DF3wa1n3ANq1SgiSC"
      balance = "1000000000000000"

  witnesses = [
      address: TKYpb1JwBuyecNR2bxYhW96Sg3kATh3DCr,
      url = "",
      voteCount = 10000

  timestamp = "0" #2017-8-26 12:00:00

  parentHash = "957dc2d350daecc7bb6a38f3938ebde0a0c1cedafe15f0edae4256a2907449f6"

localwitness = [

#localwitnesskeystore = [
#  "src/main/resources/localwitnesskeystore.json"  # if you do not set the localwitness above, you must set this value.Otherwise,your SuperNode can not produce the block. 

block = {
  needSyncCheck = false # first node : false, other : true
  maintenanceTimeInterval = 900000 // 1 day: 86400000(ms), 6 hours: 21600000(ms),15 mins: 900000
  proposalExpireTime = 900000 // 15 mins: 900000

vm = {
  supportConstant = true
  minTimeRatio = 0.0
  maxTimeRatio = 5.0

committee = {
  allowCreationOfContracts = 1  //mainnet:0 (reset by committee),test:1

event.subscribe = {
  native = {
    useNativeQueue = true // if true, use native message queue, else use event plugin.
    bindport = 5555 // bind port
    sendqueuelength = 1000 //max length of send queue

  path = "" // absolute path of plugin
  server = "" // target server address to receive event triggers
  dbconfig = "" // dbname|username|password
  contractParse = true,
  topics = [
      triggerName = "block" // block trigger, the value can't be modified
      enable = true
      topic = "block" // plugin topic, the value could be modified
      triggerName = "transaction"
      enable = true
      topic = "transaction"
      triggerName = "contractevent"
      enable = true
      topic = "contractevent"
      triggerName = "contractlog"
      enable = true
      topic = "contractlog"
      triggerName = "solidity" // solidity block event trigger, the value can't be modified
      enable = true            // the default value is true
      topic = "solidity"

  filter = {
    fromblock = "0" // the value could be "", "earliest" or a specified block number as the beginning of the queried range
    toblock = "latest" // the value could be "", "latest" or a specified block number as end of the queried range
    contractAddress = []

    contractTopic = []

this is my config file of supernode.conf and started the SR node by: java -Xmx6g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -jar FullNode.jar --witness -c supernode.conf

when I checked tron.log

its only returning me this in log

12:10:03.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:06.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:09.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:12.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:12.976 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

12:10:15.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:18.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:21.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:21.915 INFO  [NodeManagerTasks] [discover]( Write node statistics to store: m:0/t:0/0/0 nodes.
12:10:22.976 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

12:10:24.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:27.001 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:30.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:32.976 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

12:10:33.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN
12:10:36.000 INFO  [DPosMiner] [consensus]( Produce block failed: NOT_MY_TURN

AND WHEN I CHECKED ON ADDRESS ITS MISSING BLOCKS BUT MY NODES IS RUNNING. I have voted this address as well so it comes in top 27. help me to solve this, where am i doing wrong so they are not connecting and producing the block.

this is my log of Fullnode

Peer /
connect time: 6203s [18ms]
last know block num: 149880

12:12:30.006 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Receive message from  peer: /, type: INVENTORY
invType: BLOCK, size: 1, First hash: 0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212
12:12:30.007 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Send peer / message type: FETCH_INV_DATA
invType: BLOCK, size: 1, First hash: 0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212
12:12:30.007 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Begin fetch block Num:151505,ID:0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212 from /
12:12:30.007 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Set fetchBlockInfo, block: 0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212, peer: /, time: 1705320750007
12:12:30.007 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Receive message from  peer: /, type: BLOCK
Num:151505,ID:0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212, trx size: 1

12:12:30.007 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Fetch block success, Num:151505,ID:0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212
12:12:30.009 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Ready to broadcast block Num:151505,ID:0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212
12:12:30.009 INFO  [peerClient-14] [DB]( Block num: 151505, re-push-size: 0, pending-size: 1, block-tx-size: 1, verify-tx-size: 0
12:12:30.014 INFO  [peerClient-14] [consensus]( Current block: 151505, witness: TLQTtE4gArhpvQ3C3byGJWyf3sC4KxLLzU, totalMissed: 420
12:12:30.014 INFO  [peerClient-14] [DB]( Update state flag = 0.
12:12:30.014 WARN  [peerClient-14] [consensus]( Update solid block number failed, new: 0 < old: 151084
12:12:30.014 INFO  [peerClient-14] [DB]( Update latest block header id = 0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212.
12:12:30.014 INFO  [peerClient-14] [DB]( Update latest block header number = 151505.
12:12:30.014 INFO  [peerClient-14] [DB]( Update latest block header timestamp = 1705320750000.
12:12:30.014 WARN  [peerClient-14] [DB]( Post solidity filter failed, oldSolidity: 151084 >= latestSolidity: 151084.
12:12:30.014 INFO  [peerClient-14] [DB]( Save block: BlockCapsule 
[ hash=0000000000024fd1f76aa2809ec6dd685abf8e4a90b5e3e8aaa071df61f90212
witness address=416914905be069575814c2f7a5107c17f118455840
generated by myself=false
generate time=2024-01-15 12:12:30.0
account root=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
merkle root=8fa33bb0226919c49c09b77d9b5b3d0fe1f7ffde7d3dcdca4fb9186a4f3a5284
txs size=1
charil10 commented 5 months ago

Update: I have added the IP to the node active section so it pass the validation and start setting up connection, but in that its giving me these in logs:


============ Peer stats: all 1, active 1, passive 0

Peer /
connect time: 599s [25ms]
last know block num: 151982

14:39:48.004 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive message from  peer: /, type: INVENTORY
invType: BLOCK, size: 1, First hash: 000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0
14:39:48.004 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Send peer / message type: FETCH_INV_DATA
invType: BLOCK, size: 1, First hash: 000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0
14:39:48.004 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Begin fetch block Num:152079,ID:000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0 from /
14:39:48.005 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Set fetchBlockInfo, block: 000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0, peer: /, time: 1705329588005
14:39:48.005 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive message from  peer: /, type: BLOCK
Num:152079,ID:000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0, trx size: 0

14:39:48.005 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Fetch block success, Num:152079,ID:000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0
14:39:48.006 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Ready to broadcast block Num:152079,ID:000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0
14:39:48.006 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Block num: 152079, re-push-size: 0, pending-size: 0, block-tx-size: 0, verify-tx-size: 0
14:39:48.010 INFO  [peerClient-7] [consensus]( Current block: 152079, witness: TLQTtE4gArhpvQ3C3byGJWyf3sC4KxLLzU, totalMissed: 994
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update state flag = 0.
14:39:48.011 WARN  [peerClient-7] [consensus]( Update solid block number failed, new: 0 < old: 151084
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header id = 000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0.
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header number = 152079.
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header timestamp = 1705329588000.
14:39:48.011 WARN  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Post solidity filter failed, oldSolidity: 151084 >= latestSolidity: 151084.
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Save block: BlockCapsule 
[ hash=000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0
witness address=416914905be069575814c2f7a5107c17f118455840
generated by myself=false
generate time=2024-01-15 14:39:48.0
account root=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
txs are empty
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Pending tx size: 0.
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( PushBlock block number: 152079, cost/txs: 5/0 false.
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Success process block Num:152079,ID:000000000002520fa61fec7a94c23487dd7e80b82ffd2e47e979c0b229178cf0
14:39:48.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive block/interval 152079/1 from / fetch/delay 1/5ms, txs/process 0/6ms, witness: 416914905be069575814c2f7a5107c17f118455840
14:39:50.085 INFO  [connPool] [net]( Connect to peer /
14:39:50.270 INFO  [peerClient-13] [net]( Send message to channel /, [HelloMessage: from {
  address: ""
  port: 16665
  nodeId: "\211\224\177\341\271@-n1\215Wb!\362\n\340l^\326OBhL^\202\377\321\367;\'\257H$\345\372\032\005\024\255\351\215s\200\256\327\265\341q\324W%\006R \334 d!!\345\325\236yJ"
network_id: 1
timestamp: 1705329590270
version: 1

14:39:50.455 INFO  [peerClient-13] [net]( Close channel:/
14:39:50.455 INFO  [peerClient-13] [net]( Peer stats: channels 1, activePeers 1, active 1, passive 0
14:39:53.685 INFO  [connPool] [net]( Connect to peer /
14:39:53.870 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Send message to channel /, [HelloMessage: from {
  address: ""
  port: 16665
  nodeId: "\211\224\177\341\271@-n1\215Wb!\362\n\340l^\326OBhL^\202\377\321\367;\'\257H$\345\372\032\005\024\255\351\215s\200\256\327\265\341q\324W%\006R \334 d!!\345\325\236yJ"
network_id: 1
timestamp: 1705329593870
version: 1

14:39:54.004 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive message from  peer: /, type: INVENTORY
invType: BLOCK, size: 1, First hash: 0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e
14:39:54.004 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Send peer / message type: FETCH_INV_DATA
invType: BLOCK, size: 1, First hash: 0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e
14:39:54.004 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Begin fetch block Num:152080,ID:0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e from /
14:39:54.005 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Set fetchBlockInfo, block: 0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e, peer: /, time: 1705329594005
14:39:54.005 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive message from  peer: /, type: BLOCK
Num:152080,ID:0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e, trx size: 0

14:39:54.005 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Fetch block success, Num:152080,ID:0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e
14:39:54.006 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Ready to broadcast block Num:152080,ID:0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e
14:39:54.006 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Block num: 152080, re-push-size: 0, pending-size: 0, block-tx-size: 0, verify-tx-size: 0
14:39:54.010 INFO  [peerClient-7] [consensus]( Current block: 152080, witness: TLQTtE4gArhpvQ3C3byGJWyf3sC4KxLLzU, totalMissed: 995
14:39:54.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update state flag = 0.
14:39:54.011 WARN  [peerClient-7] [consensus]( Update solid block number failed, new: 0 < old: 151084
14:39:54.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header id = 0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e.
14:39:54.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header number = 152080.
14:39:54.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header timestamp = 1705329594000.
14:39:54.011 WARN  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Post solidity filter failed, oldSolidity: 151084 >= latestSolidity: 151084.
14:39:54.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Save block: BlockCapsule 
[ hash=0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e
witness address=416914905be069575814c2f7a5107c17f118455840
generated by myself=false
generate time=2024-01-15 14:39:54.0
account root=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
txs are empty
14:39:54.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Pending tx size: 0.
14:39:54.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( PushBlock block number: 152080, cost/txs: 5/0 false.
14:39:54.011 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Success process block Num:152080,ID:0000000000025210324d98121f5a413cb2ff679684e34f0f940693a617e7ef6e
14:39:54.012 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive block/interval 152080/1 from / fetch/delay 1/5ms, txs/process 0/7ms, witness: 416914905be069575814c2f7a5107c17f118455840
14:39:54.055 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Close channel:/
14:39:54.055 INFO  [peerClient-14] [net]( Peer stats: channels 1, activePeers 1, active 1, passive 0
14:39:57.286 INFO  [connPool] [net]( Connect to peer /
14:39:57.471 INFO  [peerClient-15] [net]( Send message to channel /, [HelloMessage: from {
  address: ""
  port: 16665
  nodeId: "\211\224\177\341\271@-n1\215Wb!\362\n\340l^\326OBhL^\202\377\321\367;\'\257H$\345\372\032\005\024\255\351\215s\200\256\327\265\341q\324W%\006R \334 d!!\345\325\236yJ"
network_id: 1
timestamp: 1705329597471
version: 1

14:39:57.656 INFO  [peerClient-15] [net]( Close channel:/
14:39:57.656 INFO  [peerClient-15] [net]( Peer stats: channels 1, activePeers 1, active 1, passive 0
14:39:57.812 INFO  [peer-manager] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 1, active 1, passive 0

Peer /
connect time: 609s [25ms]
last know block num: 151982

14:40:00.009 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive message from  peer: /, type: INVENTORY
invType: BLOCK, size: 1, First hash: 0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73
14:40:00.010 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Send peer / message type: FETCH_INV_DATA
invType: BLOCK, size: 1, First hash: 0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73
14:40:00.010 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Begin fetch block Num:152081,ID:0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73 from /
14:40:00.010 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Set fetchBlockInfo, block: 0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73, peer: /, time: 1705329600010
14:40:00.010 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive message from  peer: /, type: BLOCK
Num:152081,ID:0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73, trx size: 0

14:40:00.010 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Fetch block success, Num:152081,ID:0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73
14:40:00.012 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Ready to broadcast block Num:152081,ID:0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73
14:40:00.012 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Block num: 152081, re-push-size: 0, pending-size: 0, block-tx-size: 0, verify-tx-size: 0
14:40:00.016 INFO  [peerClient-7] [witness]( Proposal has processed, id:[28], skip it and before it
14:40:00.016 INFO  [peerClient-7] [witness]( Processing proposals done, oldest proposal[28]
14:40:00.016 INFO  [peerClient-7] [consensus]( Current block: 152081, witness: TLQTtE4gArhpvQ3C3byGJWyf3sC4KxLLzU, totalMissed: 996
14:40:00.017 INFO  [peerClient-7] [consensus]( There is 0 new votes in this epoch
14:40:00.018 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Do update nextMaintenanceTime, currentMaintenanceTime: 2024-01-15T14:40:00.000Z, blockTime: 2024-01-15T14:40:00.000Z, nextMaintenanceTime: 2024-01-15T14:50:00.000Z.
14:40:00.018 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update state flag = 1.
14:40:00.018 WARN  [peerClient-7] [consensus]( Update solid block number failed, new: 0 < old: 151084
14:40:00.020 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header id = 0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73.
14:40:00.020 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header number = 152081.
14:40:00.020 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Update latest block header timestamp = 1705329600000.
14:40:00.020 WARN  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Post solidity filter failed, oldSolidity: 151084 >= latestSolidity: 151084.
14:40:00.020 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Save block: BlockCapsule 
[ hash=0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73
witness address=416914905be069575814c2f7a5107c17f118455840
generated by myself=false
generate time=2024-01-15 14:40:00.0
account root=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
txs are empty
14:40:00.020 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( Pending tx size: 0.
14:40:00.020 INFO  [peerClient-7] [DB]( PushBlock block number: 152081, cost/txs: 8/0 false.
14:40:00.020 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Success process block Num:152081,ID:0000000000025211aa8b0a031ec93b989be94531462ea72cf955d58fc6639a73
14:40:00.020 INFO  [peerClient-7] [net]( Receive block/interval 152081/1 from / fetch/delay 1/10ms, txs/process 0/10ms, witness: 416914905be069575814c2f7a5107c17f118455840
14:40:00.886 INFO  [connPool] [net]( Connect to peer /
14:40:01.071 INFO  [peerClient-16] [net]( Send message to channel /, [HelloMessage: from {
  address: ""
  port: 16665
  nodeId: "\211\224\177\341\271@-n1\215Wb!\362\n\340l^\326OBhL^\202\377\321\367;\'\257H$\345\372\032\005\024\255\351\215s\200\256\327\265\341q\324W%\006R \334 d!!\345\325\236yJ"
network_id: 1
timestamp: 1705329601071
version: 1

14:40:01.255 INFO  [peerClient-16] [net]( Close channel:/
14:40:01.255 INFO  [peerClient-16] [net]( Peer stats: channels 1, activePeers 1, active 1, passive 0


============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:39:07.156 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-12] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:07.157 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-12] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:07.157 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-12] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:10.761 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-13] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:10.762 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-13] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:10.762 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-13] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:13.909 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:39:14.358 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-14] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:14.358 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-14] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:14.358 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-14] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:17.958 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-15] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:17.959 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-15] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:17.959 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-15] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:21.560 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-16] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:21.561 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-16] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:21.561 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-16] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:23.910 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:39:25.159 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-1] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:25.160 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-1] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:25.160 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-1] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:28.760 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-2] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:28.760 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-2] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:28.760 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-2] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:32.359 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-3] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:32.360 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-3] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:32.360 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-3] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:33.910 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:39:35.961 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-4] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:35.961 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-4] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:35.961 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-4] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:39.565 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-5] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:39.565 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-5] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:39.565 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-5] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:43.160 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-6] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:43.161 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-6] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:43.161 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-6] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:43.167 INFO  [NodeManagerTasks] [discover]( Write node statistics to store: m:1/t:1/1/1 nodes.
14:39:43.910 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:39:46.762 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-7] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:46.762 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-7] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:46.762 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-7] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:50.363 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-8] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:50.363 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-8] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:50.363 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-8] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:53.910 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:39:53.963 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-9] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:53.963 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-9] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:53.963 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-9] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:39:57.563 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-10] [net]( channel active, /
14:39:57.564 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-10] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:39:57.564 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-10] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:01.163 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-11] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:01.163 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-11] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:01.164 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-11] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:03.911 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:40:04.764 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-12] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:04.764 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-12] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:04.764 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-12] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:08.368 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-13] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:08.368 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-13] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:08.369 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-13] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:11.964 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-14] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:11.965 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-14] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:11.965 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-14] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:13.911 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:40:15.569 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-15] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:15.569 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-15] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:15.569 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-15] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:19.169 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-16] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:19.170 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-16] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:19.170 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-16] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:22.768 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-1] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:22.768 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-1] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:22.768 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-1] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:23.911 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:40:26.370 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-2] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:26.371 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-2] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:26.371 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-2] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:29.967 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-3] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:29.967 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-3] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:29.967 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-3] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:33.570 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-4] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:33.570 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-4] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:33.571 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-4] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:33.911 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:40:37.167 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-5] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:37.167 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-5] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:37.168 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-5] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:40.770 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-6] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:40.770 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-6] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:40.770 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-6] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
14:40:43.166 INFO  [NodeManagerTasks] [discover]( Write node statistics to store: m:1/t:1/1/1 nodes.
14:40:43.912 INFO  [pool-39-thread-1] [net]( 

============ Peer stats: all 0, active 0, passive 0

14:40:44.370 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-7] [net]( channel active, /
14:40:44.370 WARN  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-7] [net]( Close peer /, type: 1, no such message, info: type=-3, len=97
14:40:44.370 INFO  [nioEventLoopGroup-6-7] [net]( Close channel:/ | <null>
charil10 commented 5 months ago


This is my log file of supernode

tomatoishealthy commented 5 months ago

Based on your description, do you want to:

  1. Build a private chain: one SR, one fullnode, and run normally
  2. Fullnode is started using the --witness mode, and will be voted to become an SR.

But something goes wrong, is this the case?

If this is the case, I observed that the localwitness address in the super.conf of the first SR does not match the genesis witnesses. You can check this.

I saw that the block height of the fullnode is 151505. Has this private chain been running for a long time? The SR and fullnode cannot establish a p2p connection due to data inconsistency. If the data is not important, it is better to clear the data and restart.

In addition, if the vote is passed, the SR needs to wait for a maintenance period before it will take effect.

charil10 commented 5 months ago

@tomatoishealthy I am running private chain, In this from genesis block I have started with 1 SR node. as you see block height is 15k+ its in running state. now I have created a new account and staked 9999trx and then sign transaction to add withness. and after that I have configure a node for SR, while all these things done, I have expected the new node(After maintenance time) to mine the new blocks but its not doing that so. as you can check the supernode.log its not mining the blocks

tomatoishealthy commented 5 months ago

@tomatoishealthy I am running private chain, In this from genesis block I have started with 1 SR node. as you see block height is 15k+ its in running state. now I have created a new account and staked 9999trx and then sign transaction to add withness. and after that I have configure a node for SR, while all these things done, I have expected the new node(After maintenance time) to mine the new blocks but its not doing that so. as you can check the supernode.log its not mining the blocks

The second SR's conf should be:

block = {
  needSyncCheck = true # first node : false, other : true
  maintenanceTimeInterval = 900000 // 1 day: 86400000(ms), 6 hours: 21600000(ms),15 mins: 900000
  proposalExpireTime = 900000 // 15 mins: 900000

needSyncCheck is false only for the first SR.

charil10 commented 5 months ago

@tomatoishealthy I have done this as well. but same result no changes

tomatoishealthy commented 5 months ago

@tomatoishealthy I have done this as well. but same result no changes

Is SR on is the second?

But for the config file you pasted, the needSyncCheck is false, it should be true.

If it doesn't work, try to delete the second SR's database and restart?