tronprotocol / tron-deployment

tron main net conf
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How can I get the full explanation of all the configs in config file? #82

Closed KaiQiu9527 closed 3 months ago

KaiQiu9527 commented 1 year ago

Hi~ I'm running some tron fullnodes nowadays, but I still don't know all the meanings of each parameter inside the config file like main_net_config.conf. It do have some simple explanations for some of the parameters but not for all. Can you tell me how to find out all the explanation? For example, what is "fastForward" and how to use it? BTW, I start up nodes using the -c main_net_config.conf. I wonder whether I can use start up parameters to set up the config instead of modifying the config file? Thanks!

txoh1603 commented 1 year ago

Just check this, it contains all the explanations for the parameters so far. I suggest you list the parameters you want to know and adjust here so that ppl would be able to discuss it and let you know.

KaiQiu9527 commented 1 year ago

Just check this, it contains all the explanations for the parameters so far. I suggest you list the parameters you want to know and adjust here so that ppl would be able to discuss it and let you know.

Thanks for the info! For the second question , can we use command line arguments to addjust the configurations? I mean if I use -c main_net_config.conf when starting the fullnode, can I still adjust some of the configurations on the command line? As I use --help, it shows that there is an option call "seedNode ...", does it mean that I can set the seednodes by command line? If it works, what will happene if I set different seednodes inside the config file and also the command line? image

Thanks very much!

txoh1603 commented 1 year ago

I am afraid you cannot do that, the nodes are fixed and written in the config file, involving sophisticated networking logic, you cannot use a command to adjust it while the node is running. It is what it is in the config.conf once it is loaded. I found something you may get interested in,