tronprotocol / tronweb

Javascript API Library for interacting with the TRON Network
MIT License
388 stars 259 forks source link

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module #523

Closed masumetc closed 1 month ago

masumetc commented 1 month ago

i have successfully installed nodejs v21.7.3 also installed "@noble/secp256k1": "^2.1.0", then installed "tronweb": "^5.3.2" my index.js file looks like this `import TronWeb from 'tronweb'; import express from 'express';


and my package.json look like this { "name": "nodeprojects", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "my tronweb project", "type": "module", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "node index" }, "keywords": [ "masum", "sumaya" ], "author": "masum", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "@noble/secp256k1": "^2.1.0", "express": "^4.19.2", "tronweb": "^5.3.2" } } when i run node index then i am getting error `node:internal/process/esm_loader:34 internalBinding('errors').triggerUncaughtException( ^

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module D:\nodeprojects\node_modules\@noble\secp256k1\index.js from D:\nodeprojects\node_modules\tronweb\dist\TronWeb.node.js not supported. Instead change the require of index.js in D:\nodeprojects\node_modules\tronweb\dist\TronWeb.node.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules. at D:\nodeprojects\node_modules\tronweb\dist\TronWeb.node.js:1:296544 at D:\nodeprojects\node_modules\tronweb\dist\TronWeb.node.js:1:697113 at Object. (D:\nodeprojects\node_modules\tronweb\dist\TronWeb.node.js:1:697142) { code: 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM' }`