tronprotocol / tronweb

Javascript API Library for interacting with the TRON Network
MIT License
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tronweb has no permission to sign error when sign transaction with multisig #525

Closed arlong87 closed 3 weeks ago

arlong87 commented 3 weeks ago

One user add my address and add all permissions.

I use this code to send energy from that account to another account:

var tradeobj = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx('TWhZ7SDk11Tzb2tw5aBbH68VQBBYnABc58',10000000,'TRuyvihAEe3YVPwjG1p8uVLAZroLmV3Lyt');
const signedtxn = await tronWeb.trx.multiSign(tradeobj,'e0bfd7d228db4a6329c6829783e87dc44b73e359d693dfcb368809023bec5c7c',2);  //TFLBdVmRNSGGH4Tb6JdbSaLjNws7a5MFtk private key
const tx = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedtxn);

But I get error: Error: e0bfd7d228db4a6329c6829783e87dc44b73e359d693dfcb368809023bec5c7c has no permission to sign

I did not see any problem in sharing the private key, I do on nile testnet.

ferdinand026 commented 3 weeks ago

@arlong87 Maybe you should set a permissionID for the transaction, please refer to this guide:

arlong87 commented 3 weeks ago

thank you, its worked.