tropo / PhonoSDK - The jQuery Phone API
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Java Phono - Ringtone and Ringback Tone just only ring once #7

Closed javen closed 12 years ago

javen commented 12 years ago

phonosdk-0.3 build #117 on Hudson

Test Scenario: Call from Phono to Blink [&] Call from Blink to Phono

Steps: 1) Add a new Phono using Java for audio; 2) Call from Phono to Blink;

Expected Result: Ringback Tone will always ring til the Blink accept or reject.

Actually Result: Ringback Tone just only ring once.

And the same issue as "Call from Blink to Phono".


javen commented 12 years ago

Retest phonosdk-0.3 with Hudson build #120. The defect can not be reproduced again. So, close the issue.