troystribling / BlueCap

iOS Bluetooth LE framework
MIT License
715 stars 115 forks source link

Resources are insufficient when writing characteristic #59

Closed soonfay closed 7 years ago

soonfay commented 7 years ago

Hi Troy,

I have this issue everytime when I try to write a command. I cant really find anything helpful regarding to this issue.


troystribling commented 7 years ago

This is not a framework error. It is a CoreBluetooth error:

Here is some talk about it. Finding any information seems difficult.

The discussions indicates the discussion indicates that it may be coming from the the device not the phone.

Writes work in examples and on hardware I have tested. Not sure I can do anything without the hardware.

soonfay commented 7 years ago

Yeah, that's the only discussion I can find online. Ok, thanks for the quick response.