trquinn / changa

Clone of UIUC public ChaNGa
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build ChanGa on daint #7

Closed jgphpc closed 7 years ago

jgphpc commented 7 years ago


Trying to build ChanGa on daint (cpu only as a starter) fails with:

make: *** No rule to make target 'comlib.h', needed by 'DataManager.o'.  Stop.

I cloned master from then configure (using charm-6.7.1/gni-crayxc-smp) and make.

I also get issue with the Reductions.decl.h missing. This is my very 1st attempt to build Changa, could you help me getting started or do you know someone i could ask for support ?


insaneinside commented 7 years ago

This is not the main repository for ChaNGa; I believe you want the Git repository at (clicking it in your web browser leads to some "Not Found" text, but it seems to work as a Git remote)

Tom, maybe you should close this fork?

trquinn commented 7 years ago

I just did an upstream merge for this fork, (although closing it might be better).

Also note that GPU support is being actively worked on. If you use the UIUC repository (or the github mirror: ) be sure to do the following: 1) Use the 6.8.0 beta release of charm. 2) Look at patches on the gerrit web site mentioned above (search for cosmo/changa).

jgphpc commented 7 years ago

👍 I downloaded and built charm++/680b2 and Changa/gerrit and testdata (tested on cpu only) runs fine, thanks a lot.