truckingsim / Ajax-Bootstrap-Select

This uses the bootstrap-select plugin and extends it so that you can use a remote source to search.
MIT License
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Selected item sub-text and icon not displayed #149

Closed PhilPJL closed 4 years ago

PhilPJL commented 6 years ago

I'm initialising the select like so:

            // Initialise item picker
            var object = $('#@Html.IdFor(m => m.ItemName)');
            if (object !== null && object !== undefined) {
                    ajax: {
                        url: '@Url.Action("GetItemsJavaScriptArray")',
                        data: function() {
                            var params = {
                                q: '{{{q}}}'
                            return params;
                    cache: false,
                    locale: {
                        emptyTitle: '@Resources.SearchForItem...',
                        statusSearching: '@Resources.SearchingForItem...',
                        statusTooShort: '@Resources.MinCharsRequired'
                    minLength: 3,
                    preserveSelected: false

Which works fine and we get a nice drop down like this


However when I select one of the items, the sub-text and icon aren't displayed, just the text - as you can see in the image.

It should really look like:


truckingsim commented 6 years ago

Does this happen with just straight bootstrap-select, not ajax-bootstrap-select?

PhilPJL commented 6 years ago

Yes it works fine for straight bootstrap-select.

diegoldev commented 6 years ago

I'm having same issue but with data-content. Data-content shows fine in the dropdown but when is selected shows only text. The problem is only with ajax-boostrap-select, in straight bootstrap-select works fine (see attached image, 'Prueba' dropdown is working with straight bs-select, tags with ajax-bs-select) image

miki995 commented 5 years ago

Having same issues @truckingsim.

Before starting typing ( using ajax ) => After one single letter =>

Can we fix this? :D

This is my setup:

        locale: {
          searchPlaceholder: placeholderText,
        ajaxSearchUrl: `my awesome url`,
        ajax: {
          type: 'GET',
          headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer my token`
          dataType: 'json',
          data: () => {
            return {
              searchBy: '{{{q}}}',
              maxResults: 5
        emptyRequest: true,
        preprocessData: function (items: Object[]) {

      I do Some Magic...

          return apiResponse;
        preserveSelectedPosition: 'before',
        preserveSelected: false // if set to true, cause bug with ghost elements.