truecaller / flutter-sdk

Flutter plugin that uses Truecaller's Android SDK to provide mobile number verification service to verify users.
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Invalid partner credentials. #51

Closed yogeshkaharmis closed 4 months ago

yogeshkaharmis commented 5 months ago

hello I am getting Invalid partner credentials error on truecaller flutter sdk using in project. I am add SHA-1 key and project bundle id proper way then getting error.

package id - client id - iw9kggeikv73mfwjmb9txyjen5nyi9gnstwrkekizuk
SHA1 key - 33:C7:A8:9F:70:B9:A4:7E:4B:A8:0A:F3:AD:0F:95:01:1B:17:B4:D1 package - truecaller_sdk: ^0.1.2

SHA1 key is system generated key. Please help me. @shubhral thank you

tahaf22labs commented 4 months ago

Getting the same error. And I'm assuming its coz the old method is depreciated which was supported during 0.1.2,

yogeshkaharmis commented 4 months ago

hello you can use latest version of truecaller SDK.

tahaf22labs commented 4 months ago

hello you can use latest version of truecaller SDK.

The latest version of SDK Supports 3.0.0. Where as 0.1.2 is intended for old SDK 2.8.x (correct me if I'm wrong)

yogeshkaharmis commented 4 months ago

The latest version of SDK Supports 3.0.0. Where as 0.1.2 is intended for old SDK 2.8.x (correct me if I'm wrong)

yes but if you want working, you use latest version of sdk.

tahaf22labs commented 4 months ago

The latest version of SDK Supports 3.0.0. Where as 0.1.2 is intended for old SDK 2.8.x (correct me if I'm wrong)

yes but if you want working, you use latest version of sdk.

I guess you are not getting why yours is showing "Invalid partner credentials" v 0.1.2 relies on the old Dashboard's generated key (This used to give partner key). But now since they have put the curtains down on that, we are now supposed to use newer version 1.0.0. with the new Dashboard's Client Key.

If you look into the documentation, 0.1.2 Accepts "partnerKey" in the Manifest ( Whereas 1.0.0 requires "clientKey" (

yogeshkaharmis commented 4 months ago

it is close. thank you