Closed specter9mm closed 1 year ago
A limit of 2/2Gi, is no where specified in our code afaik. Also cannot reproduce.
I have a qbit container that keeps having qbit-nox killed by this 2gb limit as well. App setting doesn't have an effect.
Hello, can confirm, upgraded from 15.0.26 to 15.0.27 limits to 2gb here too.
15.0.26 with 8Gi:
15.0.27 nothing changed just upgrade from app:
used "docker stats | grep qbit" to get results
This is very weird, because indeed the 2/2Gi is nowhere defined
Can you open Dev Tools in chrome, Click network
select `WS` in filters.
Refresh the page, a websocket connection will show.
Click that and you'll see messages flowing around.
Right before you click edit on the app, clear all messages so its easier to inspect new ones.
One of the messages will have the content that is sent.
Grab that piece from there please
Upgrade again to test, I think this is the message (below) from chrome (I've REDACTED some parts), it's directly from upgrading to .26->.27.
After upgrade to .27 it's 2Gi again on the docker stats (and on k3s kubectl edit), but in the app "RAM" config it's 8Gi (as it was from .26). I've successful changed with k3s kubectl edit deploy to 8Gi and docker stats show 8Gi.
Changing the RAM on the app settings to any number revert back to 2Gi when deploy, but stays that number on the app RAM settings, tried some numbers and always come back to 2Gi when deploy.
{"msg": "changed", "collection": "chart.release.query", "id": "qbittorrent", "fields": {"name": "qbittorrent", "info": {"first_deployed": "2023-04-25T07:20:59.173142724-03:00", "last_deployed": "2023-06-22T17:08:49.899011704-03:00", "deleted": "", "description": "Upgrade complete", "status": "deployed", "notes": "\n# Welcome to using <qbittorrent>.\nThank you for installing thank you for choosing TrueCharts\n\n## Using <qbittorrent>## Connecting externally\nYou can use this Chart by opening one of the following links in your browser:- map[host:REDACTED path:/ port:10096 portalName:open protocol:https url:REDACTED:10096/ useNodeIP:false]\n## Documentation\nPlease check out the TrueCharts documentation on:\n\n\nOpenSource can only exist with your help, please consider supporting TrueCharts:\n\n"}, "config": {"TZ": "America/Sao_Paulo", "additionalVolumeMounts": [{"mountPath": "/config/custom-cont-init.d", "name": "qbittorrent-scripts"}], "additionalVolumes": [{"emptyDir": {}, "name": "qbittorrent-scripts"}], "addons": {"codeserver": {"enabled": false}, "netshoot": {"enabled": false}, "vpn": {"configFile": "", "envList": [{"name": "VPN_TYPE", "value": "wireguard"}, {"name": "VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER", "value": "airvpn"}, {"name": "WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY", "value": "REDACTED"}, {"name": "FIREWALL_VPN_INPUT_PORTS", "value": "56178"}, {"name": "WIREGUARD_ADDRESSES", "value": ",fd7d:76ee:e68f:a993:a05a:707:e044:3f82/128"}, {"name": "WIREGUARD_PRESHARED_KEY", "value": "REDACTED"}, {"name": "SERVER_COUNTRIES", "value": "Netherlands"}], "excludedNetworks_IPv4": [""], "excludedNetworks_IPv6": [], "killSwitch": true, "type": "gluetun"}}, "deviceList": [], "docs": {"confirmDocs": true}, "donateNag": {"confirmDonate": true}, "global": {"ixChartContext": {"isInstall": false, "isUpdate": false, "isUpgrade": true, "kubernetes_config": {"cluster_cidr": "", "cluster_dns_ip": "", "service_cidr": ""}, "operation": "UPGRADE", "storageClassName": "ix-storage-class-qbittorrent", "upgradeMetadata": {"newChartVersion": "15.0.27", "oldChartVersion": "15.0.26", "preUpgradeRevision": 35}}, "stopAll": false}, "image": {"pullPolicy": "IfNotPresent", "repository": "", "tag": "v4.5.3@sha256:bff6c96a4c81d9f788b135a3055f92bcfd922470598849608233eafddb158016"}, "ingress": {"main": {"advanced": false, "certificateIssuer": "cloudflare", "enabled": true, "entrypoint": "websecure", "hosts": [{"host": "REDACTED", "paths": [{"path": "/", "pathType": "Prefix"}]}], "ingressClassName": "", "middlewares": [], "tls": []}}, "ingressList": [], "ixCertificateAuthorities": {}, "ixCertificates": {}, "ixChartContext": {"isInstall": false, "isUpdate": false, "isUpgrade": true, "kubernetes_config": {"cluster_cidr": "", "cluster_dns_ip": "", "service_cidr": ""}, "operation": "UPGRADE", "storageClassName": "ix-storage-class-qbittorrent", "upgradeMetadata": {"newChartVersion": "15.0.27", "oldChartVersion": "15.0.26", "preUpgradeRevision": 35}}, "ixExternalInterfacesConfiguration": [], "ixExternalInterfacesConfigurationNames": [], "ixVolumes": [], "networkPolicy": [], "persistence": {"config": {"autoPermissions": {"chmod": "775", "chown": false, "recursive": false}, "enabled": true, "hostPath": "/mnt/ssd/Docker/qbt", "mountPath": "/config", "readOnly": false, "setPermissions": false, "type": "hostPath"}}, "persistenceList": [{"enabled": true, "mountPath": "/torrents/downloads", "path": "/mnt/downloads/torrents", "readOnly": false, "server": "", "type": "nfs"}, {"enabled": true, "mountPath": "REDACTED", "path": "REDACTED", "readOnly": false, "server": "", "type": "nfs"}, {"enabled": true, "mountPath": "REDACTED", "path": "REDACTED", "readOnly": false, "server": "", "type": "nfs"}, {"enabled": true, "mountPath": "REDACTED", "path": "REDACTED", "readOnly": false, "server": "", "type": "nfs"}, {"enabled": true, "mountPath": "REDACTED", "path": "REDACTED", "readOnly": false, "server": "", "type": "nfs"}, {"enabled": true, "mountPath": "REDACTED", "path": "REDACTED", "readOnly": false, "server": "", "type": "nfs"}, {"enabled": true, "mountPath": "/torrents/filmes", "path": "REDACTED", "readOnly": false, "server": "", "type": "nfs"}, {"enabled": true, "mountPath": "REDACTED", "path": "REDACTED", "readOnly": false, "server": "", "type": "nfs"}], "podOptions": {"expertPodOpts": false}, "portal": {"open": {"enabled": true}}, "release_name": "qbittorrent", "resources": {"limits": {"cpu": "4000m", "memory": "8Gi"}, "requests": {"cpu": "10m", "memory": "50Mi"}}, "scaleGPU": [], "securityContext": {"container": {"UMASK": "0022", "advanced": false, "readOnlyRootFilesystem": false, "runAsGroup": 568, "runAsUser": 568}, "pod": {"fsGroup": 568, "fsGroupChangePolicy": "OnRootMismatch", "supplementalGroups": []}}, "service": {"main": {"enabled": true, "loadBalancerIP": "", "ports": {"main": {"port": 10096, "targetPort": 8080}}, "type": "LoadBalancer"}, "torrent": {"enabled": true, "loadBalancerIP": "", "ports": {"torrent": {"enabled": true, "port": 56178, "protocol": "tcp"}, "torrentudp": {"enabled": true, "port": 6881, "protocol": "udp"}}, "type": "LoadBalancer"}}, "serviceexpert": false, "workload": {"main": {"podSpec": {"containers": {"main": {"advanced": false, "envList": [], "extraArgs": []}}}, "replicas": 1, "type": "Deployment"}}}, "hooks": [{"name": "qbittorrent-manifests", "kind": "ServiceAccount", "path": "qbittorrent/templates/common.yaml", "manifest": "apiVersion: v1\nkind: ServiceAccount\nmetadata:\n name: qbittorrent-manifests\n namespace: ix-qbittorrent\n annotations:\n \"\": pre-install, pre-upgrade\n \"\": \"-7\"\n \"\": hook-succeeded,before-hook-creation,hook-failed\nautomountServiceAccountToken: false\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n# If you change this name, you must change it under _volumes.tpl", "events": ["pre-install", "pre-upgrade"], "last_run": {"started_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:50.102872419-03:00", "completed_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:50.122646178-03:00", "phase": "Succeeded"}, "weight": -7, "delete_policies": ["hook-succeeded", "before-hook-creation", "hook-failed"]}, {"name": "qbittorrent-manifests", "kind": "ClusterRole", "path": "qbittorrent/templates/common.yaml", "manifest": "apiVersion:\nkind: ClusterRole\nmetadata:\n name: qbittorrent-manifests\n annotations:\n \"\": pre-install, pre-upgrade\n \"\": \"-7\"\n \"\": hook-succeeded,before-hook-creation,hook-failed\nrules:\n - apiGroups: [\"*\"]\n resources: [\"*\"]\n verbs: [\"*\"]", "events": ["pre-install", "pre-upgrade"], "last_run": {"started_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:50.129417178-03:00", "completed_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:50.152768018-03:00", "phase": "Succeeded"}, "weight": -7, "delete_policies": ["hook-succeeded", "before-hook-creation", "hook-failed"]}, {"name": "qbittorrent-manifests", "kind": "ClusterRoleBinding", "path": "qbittorrent/templates/common.yaml", "manifest": "apiVersion:\nkind: ClusterRoleBinding\nmetadata:\n name: qbittorrent-manifests\n annotations:\n \"\": pre-install, pre-upgrade\n \"\": \"-7\"\n \"\": hook-succeeded,before-hook-creation,hook-failed\nroleRef:\n apiGroup:\n kind: ClusterRole\n name: qbittorrent-manifests\nsubjects:\n - kind: ServiceAccount\n name: qbittorrent-manifests\n namespace: ix-qbittorrent", "events": ["pre-install", "pre-upgrade"], "last_run": {"started_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:50.163254037-03:00", "completed_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:50.182559667-03:00", "phase": "Succeeded"}, "weight": -7, "delete_policies": ["hook-succeeded", "before-hook-creation", "hook-failed"]}, {"name": "qbittorrent-manifests", "kind": "Job", "path": "qbittorrent/templates/common.yaml", "manifest": "apiVersion: batch/v1\nkind: Job\nmetadata:\n name: qbittorrent-manifests\n namespace: ix-qbittorrent\n annotations:\n \"\": pre-install, pre-upgrade\n \"\": \"-6\"\n \"\": hook-succeeded,before-hook-creation,hook-failed\nspec:\n template:\n spec:\n automountServiceAccountToken: true\n serviceAccountName: qbittorrent-manifests\n dnsConfig:\n options:\n - name: ndots\n value: \"1\"\n containers:\n - name: qbittorrent-manifests\n image:\n securityContext:\n runAsUser: 568\n runAsGroup: 568\n readOnlyRootFilesystem: true\n runAsNonRoot: true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation: false\n privileged: false\n seccompProfile:\n type: RuntimeDefault\n capabilities:\n add: []\n drop:\n - ALL\n resources:\n requests:\n cpu: 10m\n memory: 50Mi\n limits:\n cpu: 4000m\n memory: 8Gi\n livenessProbe:\n exec:\n command:\n - cat\n - /tmp/healthy\n initialDelaySeconds: 10\n failureThreshold: 60\n successThreshold: 1\n timeoutSeconds: 5\n periodSeconds: 10\n readinessProbe:\n exec:\n command:\n - cat\n - /tmp/healthy\n initialDelaySeconds: 10\n failureThreshold: 60\n successThreshold: 2\n timeoutSeconds: 5\n periodSeconds: 10\n startupProbe:\n exec:\n command:\n - cat\n - /tmp/healthy\n initialDelaySeconds: 10\n failureThreshold: 60\n successThreshold: 1\n timeoutSeconds: 2\n periodSeconds: 5\n command:\n - \"/bin/sh\"\n - \"-c\"\n - |\n /bin/sh <<'EOF'\n touch /tmp/healthy\n echo \"Installing manifests...\"\n kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts --grace-period 30 --v=4 -k || \\\n kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts --grace-period 30 -k || echo 'Job succeeded...'\n\n echo \"Install finished...\"\n echo \"Starting waits and checks...\"\n kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Succeeded -n cnpg-system || echo \"Delete of Completed Pods failed...\"\n kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Failed -n cnpg-system || echo \"Delete of Failed Pods failed...\"\n kubectl wait --namespace cnpg-system --for=condition=ready pod --timeout=60s || echo \"metallb-system wait failed...\"\n\n kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Succeeded -n metallb-system || echo \"Delete of Completed Pods failed...\"\n kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Failed -n metallb-system || echo \"Delete of Failed Pods failed...\"\n kubectl wait --namespace metallb-system --for=condition=ready pod --selector=app=metallb --timeout=60s || echo \"metallb-system wait failed...\"\n\n kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Succeeded -n cert-manager || echo \"Delete of Completed Pods failed...\"\n kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Failed -n cert-manager || echo \"Delete of Failed Pods failed...\"\n kubectl wait --namespace cert-manager --for=condition=ready pod --timeout=60s || echo \"cert-manager wait failed...\"\n\n cmctl check api --wait=1m || echo \"cmctl wait failed...\"\n\n echo \"Checks finished...\"\n EOF\n volumeMounts:\n - name: qbittorrent-manifests-temp\n mountPath: /tmp\n - name: qbittorrent-manifests-home\n mountPath: /home/apps/\n restartPolicy: Never\n volumes:\n - name: qbittorrent-manifests-temp\n emptyDir: {}\n - name: qbittorrent-manifests-home\n emptyDir: {}", "events": ["pre-install", "pre-upgrade"], "last_run": {"started_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:50.191041556-03:00", "completed_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:58.514889085-03:00", "phase": "Succeeded"}, "weight": -6, "delete_policies": ["hook-succeeded", "before-hook-creation", "hook-failed"]}, {"name": "qbittorrent-autopermissions", "kind": "Job", "path": "qbittorrent/templates/common.yaml", "manifest": "apiVersion: batch/v1\nkind: Job\nmetadata:\n name: qbittorrent-autopermissions\n labels:\n app: \"qbittorrent-15.0.27\"\n \"qbittorrent\"\n \"Helm\"\n \"qbittorrent\"\n \"4.5.3\"\n helm-revision: \"36\"\n \"qbittorrent-15.0.27\"\n release: \"qbittorrent\"\n annotations:\n \"pre-install, pre-upgrade\"\n \"hook-succeeded,before-hook-creation,hook-failed\"\n \"3\"\nspec: \n backoffLimit: 5\n completionMode: NonIndexed\n completions: \n parallelism: 1\n ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 120\n template:\n metadata:\n labels:\n app: \"qbittorrent-15.0.27\"\n \"qbittorrent\"\n \"Helm\"\n \"qbittorrent\"\n \"4.5.3\"\n helm-revision: \"36\"\n \"qbittorrent-15.0.27\"\n \"autopermissions\"\n release: \"qbittorrent\"\n annotations:\n rollme: \"7TDzM\"\n spec:\n serviceAccountName: default\n automountServiceAccountToken: false\n runtimeClassName: \n hostNetwork: false\n hostPID: false\n shareProcessNamespace: false\n enableServiceLinks: false\n restartPolicy: Never\n dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst\n dnsConfig:\n options:\n - name: ndots\n value: \"1\"\n terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60\n securityContext:\n fsGroup: 568\n fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch\n supplementalGroups:\n - 568\n sysctls: []\n containers:\n - name: qbittorrent\n image:\n imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n tty: false\n stdin: false\n command:\n - \"/bin/sh\"\n - \"-c\"\n args:\n - \"echo \\\"Starting auto permissions job...\\\"\\ntouch /tmp/healthy\\n\\necho \\\"Automatically correcting ownership and permissions...\\\"\\n echo \\\"Automatically correcting permissions for /mounts/config...\\\"\\n before=$(stat -c \\\"%a\\\" /mounts/config)\\n chmod 775 /mounts/config || echo \\\"Failed setting permissions using chmod...\\\"\\n echo \\\"Permissions after: [$before]\\\"\\n echo \\\"Permissions after: [$(stat -c \\\"%a\\\" /mounts/config)]\\\"\\n echo \\\"\\\"\\necho \\\"Finished auto permissions job...\\\"\"\n volumeMounts:\n - name: config\n mountPath: /mounts/config\n readOnly: false\n - name: devshm\n mountPath: /dev/shm\n readOnly: false\n - name: shared\n mountPath: /shared\n readOnly: false\n - name: tmp\n mountPath: /tmp\n readOnly: false\n - name: varlogs\n mountPath: /var/logs\n readOnly: false\n - name: varrun\n mountPath: /var/run\n readOnly: false\n livenessProbe:\n exec:\n command:\n - \"cat\"\n - \"/tmp/healthy\"\n initialDelaySeconds: 10\n failureThreshold: 5\n successThreshold: 1\n timeoutSeconds: 5\n periodSeconds: 10\n readinessProbe:\n exec:\n command:\n - \"cat\"\n - \"/tmp/healthy\"\n initialDelaySeconds: 10\n failureThreshold: 5\n successThreshold: 2\n timeoutSeconds: 5\n periodSeconds: 10\n startupProbe:\n exec:\n command:\n - \"cat\"\n - \"/tmp/healthy\"\n initialDelaySeconds: 10\n failureThreshold: 60\n successThreshold: 1\n timeoutSeconds: 2\n periodSeconds: 5\n resources:\n requests:\n cpu: 10m\n memory: 50Mi\n limits: \n cpu: 2000m \n memory: 2Gi\n securityContext:\n runAsNonRoot: false\n runAsUser: 0\n runAsGroup: 568\n readOnlyRootFilesystem: false\n allowPrivilegeEscalation: false\n privileged: false\n seccompProfile:\n type: RuntimeDefault\n capabilities:\n add:\n - CHOWN\n - DAC_OVERRIDE\n - FOWNER\n drop:\n - ALL\n env:\n - name: \"TZ\"\n value: \"America/Sao_Paulo\"\n - name: \"UMASK\"\n value: \"0022\"\n - name: \"UMASK_SET\"\n value: \"0022\"\n - name: \"NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES\"\n value: \"void\"\n - name: \"PUID\"\n value: \"568\"\n - name: \"USER_ID\"\n value: \"568\"\n - name: \"UID\"\n value: \"568\"\n - name: \"PGID\"\n value: \"568\"\n - name: \"GROUP_ID\"\n value: \"568\"\n - name: \"GID\"\n value: \"568\"\n volumes:\n - name: config\n hostPath:\n path: REDACTED\n - name: devshm\n emptyDir:\n medium: Memory\n - name: shared\n emptyDir: {}\n - name: tmp\n emptyDir: {}\n - name: varlogs\n emptyDir: {}\n - name: varrun\n emptyDir:\n medium: Memory", "events": ["pre-install", "pre-upgrade"], "last_run": {"started_at": "2023-06-22T17:08:58.523675714-03:00", "completed_at": "2023-06-22T17:09:03.061591324-03:00", "phase": "Succeeded"}, "weight": 3, "delete_policies": ["hook-succeeded", "before-hook-creation", "hook-failed"]}], "version": 36, "namespace": "ix-qbittorrent", "chart_metadata": {"name": "qbittorrent", "home": "", "sources": ["", ""], "version": "15.0.27", "description": "qBittorrent is a cross-platform free and open-source BitTorrent client", "keywords": ["qbittorrent", "torrrent"], "maintainers": [{"name": "TrueCharts", "email": "", "url": ""}], "icon": "", "apiVersion": "v2", "appVersion": "4.5.3", "annotations": {"": "true", "": "- media\n"}, "kubeVersion": ">=1.16.0-0", "dependencies": [{"name": "common", "version": "12.14.2", "repository": "", "enabled": true}], "type": "application", "latest_chart_version": "15.0.27"}, "id": "qbittorrent", "catalog": "TRUECHARTS", "catalog_train": "stable", "path": "/mnt/ssd/ix-applications/releases/qbittorrent", "dataset": "ssd/ix-applications/releases/qbittorrent", "status": "DEPLOYING", "used_ports": [{"port": 10096, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 56178, "protocol": "TCP"}, {"port": 56178, "protocol": "UDP"}], "pod_status": {"desired": 1, "available": 0}, "update_available": false, "human_version": "4.5.3_15.0.27", "human_latest_version": "4.5.3_15.0.27", "container_images_update_available": false, "portals": {"open": ["REDACTED:10096/"]}}}
For what it's worth, I've been working with ksimm1 in the Discord support server, and he had me run a few commands to see if this issue was also affecting me. I have a new install of qBittorrent (version 15.0.27), and it does not have the 2GiB problem. Screenshots attached.
I did try completely removing the app and reinstalling it, and got the identical problem. The server itself is by no means memory bound, 128GB ecc in it with plenty free. I haven't done anything custom to the k3s install.
This is interesting. sabnzbd is having the same issue, and I use gluetun on both. @nicwisely you wouldn't happen to have gluetun turned on would you?
This is interesting. sabnzbd is having the same issue, and I use gluetun on both. @nicwisely you wouldn't happen to have gluetun turned on would you?
I do have gluetun turned on. It confused the guys in my Discord thread as well lol.
This is interesting. sabnzbd is having the same issue, and I use gluetun on both. @nicwisely you wouldn't happen to have gluetun turned on would you?
Just to confirm, I restarted my qB app to make sure it wasn't a fluke from earlier this morning.
I'm not sure how I can prove that gluetun is on except that when I run curl
from the app shell I get an IP different from my home address.
Interesting indeed.
specter9mm commented Jun 19, 2023 •
Found the issue: You are not running on 2Gi on the main container, only on one of the additional containers, which is not affecting the main application at all,
Even so: I read something about "docker commands", docker commands cannot and should not be used on TrueNAS SCALE or kubernetes in any way. We have no influence about it either and is going to be removed from SCALE in a few months anyway...
Due to being barely repeatable, the log output being clear and other users not having the issue. I'm going to assume all the "bug" is, is a note/reference/setting in docker(shim), which is completely out of our control.
What directed me to this bug was qbittorrent-nox kept being killed by OOM because it was exceeding the 2Gi limit. May not affect most people but it does seem to affect the application.
Noted on outside the scope here, though. Thanks
Re-openning, I can replicate with helm template when autoperms is enabled
specter9mm commented Jun 19, 2023 •
Found the issue: You are not running on 2Gi on the main container, only on one of the additional containers, which is not affecting the main application at all,
Even so: I read something about "docker commands", docker commands cannot and should not be used on TrueNAS SCALE or kubernetes in any way. We have no influence about it either and is going to be removed from SCALE in a few months anyway...
Due to being barely repeatable, the log output being clear and other users not having the issue. I'm going to assume all the "bug" is, is a note/reference/setting in docker(shim), which is completely out of our control.
Sorry, I don't quite understand. Are you referencing the gluetun container? Also, in reference to "docker commands", besides the UI config I am running nothing custom. The only thing I have done in terms of command line is to manually edit the deployment to alleviate the issue.
Re-openning, I can replicate with helm template when autoperms is enabled
Thx, locking this, as this does not need userinput anymore.
App Name
SCALE Version
App Version
Application Events
Application Logs
Application Configuration
Describe the bug
When updating the resource limits in the UI, it does not apply the resource limits to the deployment.
To Reproduce
Edit the application, set custom memory resource limit different than default, save changes. k3s kubectl describe deployment will show you that the memory limit is set to 2Gi no matter what you set in the app config.
Expected Behavior
I expect the application settings in the Truenas UI to make changes to the deployment max resource config.
Additional Context
Causing qbittorrent to cal oom-killer
I've read and agree with the following