truedread / netflix-1080p

Chrome extension to play Netflix in 1080p and 5.1
MIT License
2.75k stars 303 forks source link

Potential Safari port #123

Open zoltan-magyar opened 2 years ago

zoltan-magyar commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone!

I understand that this is not exactly in scope for this project, but I have been messing around in Safari, mainly because Spatial Audio support has been added, so the potential for Dolby Atmos or multichannel playback is quite great.

I have been digging around in Cadmium, mostly concentrated around the audio tracks. I used WebKit local overrides and everything should be in order, but even though I am forcing heaac-5.1-dash the debug screen still shows 2 channels. Bitrate screen is fine and back.

The reason I opened this issue here is because I couldn't really find any other sources on Cadmium, and I guess people have the most experience here.

Of course if this is a totally wrong way to bring this issue up feel free to close it, but nevertheless I would appreciate some input on the matter.

Obviously a complete Safari port is not trivial, since it misses some key Web Extensions API features, so this is purely a proof of concept

After I commented out most features that aren't necessary for this usecase, I changed the following:

b.TM = function() {
      var audioProfiles = ["heaac-5.1-dash"];
      //if (use6Channels) audioProfiles.push("heaac-5.1-dash");

      // var videoProfiles = [
      //     "playready-h264mpl30-dash",
      //     "playready-h264mpl31-dash",
      //     "playready-h264mpl40-dash",
      //     "playready-h264hpl22-dash",
      //     "playready-h264hpl30-dash",
      //     "playready-h264hpl31-dash",
      //     "playready-h264hpl40-dash"
      // ];

      // if (useVP9) videoProfiles = videoProfiles.concat(["vp9-profile0-L22-dash-cenc", "vp9-profile0-L30-dash-cenc", "vp9-profile0-L31-dash-cenc", "vp9-profile0-L40-dash-cenc"]);
      return {
          oC: audioProfiles,
          gv: [l.N.QJ, l.N.FE, l.N.LQ, l.N.MQ, l.N.qK, l.N.rK],
          xm: f.Hb.hMa,
          dA: c.Nc(31E3)
zoltan-magyar commented 2 years ago

I managed to get Atmos working, as far as I can see the right bitrate is locked and the debug view reports it as DDPlus Atmos.

The only problem is that it still only shows up as a multichannel source under a Spatial Audio compatible AirPods.

I created a Gist with the working configuration, I had to be a bit brutal, basically replacing the "heaac-2-dash" string with the Atmos one and flipping a switch.

Gist, look for comments

expertsultan commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone!

I understand that this is not exactly in scope for this project, but I have been messing around in Safari, mainly because Spatial Audio support has been added, so the potential for Dolby Atmos or multichannel playback is quite great.

I have been digging around in Cadmium, mostly concentrated around the audio tracks. I used WebKit local overrides and everything should be in order, but even though I am forcing heaac-5.1-dash the debug screen still shows 2 channels. Bitrate screen is fine and back.

The reason I opened this issue here is because I couldn't really find any other sources on Cadmium, and I guess people have the most experience here.

Of course if this is a totally wrong way to bring this issue up feel free to close it, but nevertheless I would appreciate some input on the matter.

Obviously a complete Safari port is not trivial, since it misses some key Web Extensions API features, so this is purely a proof of concept

After I commented out most features that aren't necessary for this usecase, I changed the following:

b.TM = function() {
      var audioProfiles = ["heaac-5.1-dash"];
      //if (use6Channels) audioProfiles.push("heaac-5.1-dash");

      // var videoProfiles = [
      //     "playready-h264mpl30-dash",
      //     "playready-h264mpl31-dash",
      //     "playready-h264mpl40-dash",
      //     "playready-h264hpl22-dash",
      //     "playready-h264hpl30-dash",
      //     "playready-h264hpl31-dash",
      //     "playready-h264hpl40-dash"
      // ];

      // if (useVP9) videoProfiles = videoProfiles.concat(["vp9-profile0-L22-dash-cenc", "vp9-profile0-L30-dash-cenc", "vp9-profile0-L31-dash-cenc", "vp9-profile0-L40-dash-cenc"]);
      return {
          oC: audioProfiles,
          gv: [l.N.QJ, l.N.FE, l.N.LQ, l.N.MQ, l.N.qK, l.N.rK],
          xm: f.Hb.hMa,
          dA: c.Nc(31E3)

I have been searching for this thing since weeks, can you please help me get this 5.1 audio, i will test atmos audio if possible. you can reach out to me on insta if you use or discord Insta username @saywhat.exe Discord username @needsometonic#9298