truenas / charts

TrueNAS SCALE Apps Catalogs & Charts
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
302 stars 290 forks source link

Nextcloud won't start after latest update #2477

Closed Dani3lSun closed 4 months ago

Dani3lSun commented 4 months ago

After the 2.0.6 update, Nextcloud app doesn't start and errors out with the following error during deployment:

2024-05-15 11:59:35.048589+02:00php: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ file too short

I use HeavyScript to update all my apps automatically and also enabled image updates, if that's important...

Output of midclt call chart.release.get_instance nextcloud | jq '.config':

  "global": {
    "ixChartContext": {
      "addNvidiaRuntimeClass": false,
      "hasNFSCSI": true,
      "hasSMBCSI": true,
      "isInstall": false,
      "isStopped": false,
      "isUpdate": false,
      "isUpgrade": true,
      "kubernetes_config": {
        "cluster_cidr": "",
        "cluster_dns_ip": "",
        "service_cidr": ""
      "nfsProvisioner": "",
      "nvidiaRuntimeClassName": "nvidia",
      "operation": "UPGRADE",
      "smbProvisioner": "",
      "storageClassName": "ix-storage-class-nextcloud",
      "upgradeMetadata": {
        "newChartVersion": "2.0.6",
        "oldChartVersion": "2.0.5",
        "preUpgradeRevision": 48
  "image": {
    "pullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
    "repository": "nextcloud",
    "tag": "29.0.0"
  "ixCertificateAuthorities": {},
  "ixCertificates": {
    "15": {
      "CA_type_existing": false,
      "CA_type_intermediate": false,
      "CA_type_internal": false,
      "CSR": null,
      "DN": "/C=Germany/O=XX/OU=Home/CN=truenas.home.lan/subjectAltName=DNS:localhost, DNS:truenas, DNS:truenas.home.lan, IP Address:, IP Address:",
      "can_be_revoked": false,
      "cert_type": "CERTIFICATE",
      "cert_type_CSR": false,
      "cert_type_existing": true,
      "cert_type_internal": false,
      "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
      "certificate_path": "/etc/certificates/truenas_homelan.crt",
      "chain": false,
      "chain_list": [
        "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
      "city": null,
      "common": "truenas.home.lan",
      "country": "Germany",
      "csr_path": "/etc/certificates/truenas_homelan.csr",
      "digest_algorithm": "SHA256",
      "email": null,
      "expired": false,
      "extensions": {
        "AuthorityKeyIdentifier": "55:59:46:A1:C2:1E:F2:B1:E1:91:99:FE:08:9B:7F:12:11:6A:05:CC",
        "ExtendedKeyUsage": "TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication",
        "SubjectAltName": "DNS:localhost, DNS:truenas, DNS:truenas.home.lan, IP Address:, IP Address:",
        "SubjectKeyIdentifier": "66:6B:50:FD:84:06:E5:6F:26:D1:CA:6B:4E:BE:B1:76:94:29:05:16"
      "fingerprint": "E2:08:2E:12:93:35:4C:57:D2:E4:DD:4A:80:91:2C:5C:3D:A4:85:5E",
      "from": "Thu Jan 11 22:47:25 2024",
      "id": 15,
      "internal": "NO",
      "issuer": "external",
      "key_length": 4096,
      "key_type": "RSA",
      "lifetime": 397,
      "name": "truenas_homelan",
      "organization": "XX",
      "organizational_unit": "Home",
      "parsed": true,
      "privatekey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
      "privatekey_path": "/etc/certificates/truenas_homelan.key",
      "revoked": false,
      "revoked_date": null,
      "root_path": "/etc/certificates",
      "san": [
        "IP Address:",
        "IP Address:"
      "serial": 4.6538935417801105e+47,
      "signedby": null,
      "state": null,
      "subject_name_hash": 3630716031,
      "type": 8,
      "until": "Tue Feb 11 22:47:54 2025"
  "ixChartContext": {
    "addNvidiaRuntimeClass": false,
    "hasNFSCSI": true,
    "hasSMBCSI": true,
    "isInstall": false,
    "isStopped": false,
    "isUpdate": false,
    "isUpgrade": true,
    "kubernetes_config": {
      "cluster_cidr": "",
      "cluster_dns_ip": "",
      "service_cidr": ""
    "nfsProvisioner": "",
    "nvidiaRuntimeClassName": "nvidia",
    "operation": "UPGRADE",
    "smbProvisioner": "",
    "storageClassName": "ix-storage-class-nextcloud",
    "upgradeMetadata": {
      "newChartVersion": "2.0.6",
      "oldChartVersion": "2.0.5",
      "preUpgradeRevision": 48
  "ixExternalInterfacesConfiguration": [],
  "ixExternalInterfacesConfigurationNames": [],
  "ixVolumes": [
      "hostPath": "/mnt/data-pool/ix-applications/releases/nextcloud/volumes/ix_volumes/html"
      "hostPath": "/mnt/data-pool/ix-applications/releases/nextcloud/volumes/ix_volumes/data"
      "hostPath": "/mnt/data-pool/ix-applications/releases/nextcloud/volumes/ix_volumes/pgData"
      "hostPath": "/mnt/data-pool/ix-applications/releases/nextcloud/volumes/ix_volumes/pgBackup"
  "ncConfig": {
    "additionalEnvs": [],
    "adminPassword": "XXX",
    "adminUser": "admin",
    "commands": [
    "cron": {
      "enabled": true,
      "schedule": "*/15 * * * *"
    "dataDir": "/var/www/html/data",
    "host": "",
    "maxExecutionTime": 30,
    "maxUploadLimit": 3,
    "opCacheMemoryConsumption": 256,
    "phpMemoryLimit": 1024
  "ncNetwork": {
    "certificateID": 15,
    "nginx": {
      "externalAccessPort": 9010,
      "proxyTimeouts": 60,
      "useDifferentAccessPort": true
    "webPort": 9010
  "ncPostgresImage": {
    "pullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
    "repository": "postgres",
    "tag": "13.1"
  "ncStorage": {
    "additionalStorages": [],
    "data": {
      "hostPathConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "hostPath": "/mnt/storage-pool/apps/nextcloud/data"
      "ixVolumeConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "datasetName": "data"
      "type": "hostPath"
    "html": {
      "hostPathConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "hostPath": "/mnt/storage-pool/apps/nextcloud/data"
      "ixVolumeConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "datasetName": "html"
      "type": "hostPath"
    "isDataInTheSameVolume": true,
    "migrationFixed": true,
    "pgBackup": {
      "hostPathConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "hostPath": "/mnt/storage-pool/apps/nextcloud/backup"
      "ixVolumeConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "datasetName": "pgBackup"
      "type": "hostPath"
    "pgData": {
      "hostPathConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "hostPath": "/mnt/storage-pool/apps/nextcloud/db"
      "ixVolumeConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "datasetName": "pgData"
      "type": "hostPath"
  "nginxImage": {
    "pullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
    "repository": "nginx",
    "tag": "1.25.4"
  "notes": {
    "custom": "## Database\nYou can connect to the database using the pgAdmin App from the catalog\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Database Details</summary>\n\n  - Database: `{{ .Values.ncDbName }}`\n  - Username: `{{ .Values.ncDbUser }}`\n  - Password: `{{ .Values.ncDbPass }}`\n  - Host:     `{{ .Values.ncDbHost }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local`\n  - Port:     `5432`\n\n</details>\n{{- $_ := unset .Values \"ncDbUser\" }}\n{{- $_ := unset .Values \"ncDbName\" }}\n{{- $_ := unset .Values \"ncDbPass\" }}\n{{- $_ := unset .Values \"ncDbHost\" }}\n\nNote: Nextcloud will create an additional new user and password for the admin user\non first startup. You can find those credentials in the `/var/www/html/config/config.php` file\ninside the container.\n"
  "podOptions": {
    "dnsConfig": {
      "options": []
  "release_name": "nextcloud",
  "resources": {
    "limits": {
      "cpu": "4000m",
      "memory": "8Gi"
stavros-k commented 4 months ago

Hello, can you try disabling ffmpeg installation?

Dani3lSun commented 4 months ago

Tried it by removing the ffmpeg command, at least that was the only place mentioning it...But no luck, still the same issue as before.

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 14 14 07
stavros-k commented 4 months ago

Lets also delete the container, to make sure it does not include anything from previous run

Dani3lSun commented 4 months ago

Thanks, but still no luck and stuck with the same error message

stavros-k commented 4 months ago

Can you try to create a new nextcloud app? Only fill in the admin user and password and change the webport to something different than your current one, because I can't reproduce it on new installs on my machine.

(Don't delete your current installation)

Dani3lSun commented 4 months ago

Ok tried again creating a new app also using host storage, only difference, it uses the new v2 storage scheme. But also the same issue.

Output of midclt call chart.release.get_instance nextcloud-test | jq '.config':

  "global": {
    "ixChartContext": {
      "addNvidiaRuntimeClass": false,
      "hasNFSCSI": true,
      "hasSMBCSI": true,
      "isInstall": true,
      "isStopped": false,
      "isUpdate": false,
      "isUpgrade": false,
      "kubernetes_config": {
        "cluster_cidr": "",
        "cluster_dns_ip": "",
        "service_cidr": ""
      "nfsProvisioner": "",
      "nvidiaRuntimeClassName": "nvidia",
      "operation": "INSTALL",
      "smbProvisioner": "",
      "storageClassName": "ix-storage-class-nextcloud-test",
      "upgradeMetadata": {}
  "image": {
    "pullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
    "repository": "nextcloud",
    "tag": "29.0.0"
  "ixCertificateAuthorities": {},
  "ixCertificates": {
    "15": {
      "CA_type_existing": false,
      "CA_type_intermediate": false,
      "CA_type_internal": false,
      "CSR": null,
      "DN": "/C=Germany/O=XX/OU=Home/CN=truenas.home.lan/subjectAltName=DNS:localhost, DNS:truenas, DNS:truenas.home.lan, IP Address:, IP Address:",
      "can_be_revoked": false,
      "cert_type": "CERTIFICATE",
      "cert_type_CSR": false,
      "cert_type_existing": true,
      "cert_type_internal": false,
      "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
      "certificate_path": "/etc/certificates/truenas_homelan.crt",
      "chain": false,
      "chain_list": [
        "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
      "city": null,
      "common": "truenas.home.lan",
      "country": "Germany",
      "csr_path": "/etc/certificates/truenas_homelan.csr",
      "digest_algorithm": "SHA256",
      "email": null,
      "expired": false,
      "extensions": {
        "AuthorityKeyIdentifier": "55:59:46:A1:C2:1E:F2:B1:E1:91:99:FE:08:9B:7F:12:11:6A:05:CC",
        "ExtendedKeyUsage": "TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication",
        "SubjectAltName": "DNS:localhost, DNS:truenas, DNS:truenas.home.lan, IP Address:, IP Address:",
        "SubjectKeyIdentifier": "66:6B:50:FD:84:06:E5:6F:26:D1:CA:6B:4E:BE:B1:76:94:29:05:16"
      "fingerprint": "E2:08:2E:12:93:35:4C:57:D2:E4:DD:4A:80:91:2C:5C:3D:A4:85:5E",
      "from": "Thu Jan 11 22:47:25 2024",
      "id": 15,
      "internal": "NO",
      "issuer": "external",
      "key_length": 4096,
      "key_type": "RSA",
      "lifetime": 397,
      "name": "truenas_homelan",
      "organization": "DH",
      "organizational_unit": "Home",
      "parsed": true,
      "privatekey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
      "privatekey_path": "/etc/certificates/truenas_homelan.key",
      "revoked": false,
      "revoked_date": null,
      "root_path": "/etc/certificates",
      "san": [
        "IP Address:",
        "IP Address:"
      "serial": 4.6538935417801105e+47,
      "signedby": null,
      "state": null,
      "subject_name_hash": 3630716031,
      "type": 8,
      "until": "Tue Feb 11 22:47:54 2025"
  "ixChartContext": {
    "addNvidiaRuntimeClass": false,
    "hasNFSCSI": true,
    "hasSMBCSI": true,
    "isInstall": true,
    "isStopped": false,
    "isUpdate": false,
    "isUpgrade": false,
    "kubernetes_config": {
      "cluster_cidr": "",
      "cluster_dns_ip": "",
      "service_cidr": ""
    "nfsProvisioner": "",
    "nvidiaRuntimeClassName": "nvidia",
    "operation": "INSTALL",
    "smbProvisioner": "",
    "storageClassName": "ix-storage-class-nextcloud-test",
    "upgradeMetadata": {}
  "ixExternalInterfacesConfiguration": [],
  "ixExternalInterfacesConfigurationNames": [],
  "ixVolumes": [],
  "ncConfig": {
    "additionalEnvs": [],
    "adminPassword": "admin",
    "adminUser": "admin",
    "commands": [],
    "cron": {
      "enabled": true,
      "schedule": "*/15 * * * *"
    "dataDir": "/var/www/html/data",
    "host": "",
    "maxExecutionTime": 30,
    "maxUploadLimit": 3,
    "opCacheMemoryConsumption": 128,
    "phpMemoryLimit": 512
  "ncNetwork": {
    "certificateID": 15,
    "nginx": {
      "externalAccessPort": 443,
      "proxyTimeouts": 60,
      "useDifferentAccessPort": false
    "webPort": 9001
  "ncPostgresImage": {
    "pullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
    "repository": "postgres",
    "tag": "13.1"
  "ncStorage": {
    "additionalStorages": [],
    "data": {
      "hostPathConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "hostPath": "/mnt/storage-pool/apps/nextcloud_test/data"
      "ixVolumeConfig": {
        "datasetName": "data"
      "type": "hostPath"
    "html": {
      "hostPathConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "hostPath": "/mnt/storage-pool/apps/nextcloud_test/app"
      "ixVolumeConfig": {
        "datasetName": "html"
      "type": "hostPath"
    "isDataInTheSameVolume": false,
    "migrationFixed": true,
    "pgBackup": {
      "hostPathConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "hostPath": "/mnt/storage-pool/apps/nextcloud_test/backup"
      "ixVolumeConfig": {
        "datasetName": "pgBackup"
      "type": "hostPath"
    "pgData": {
      "hostPathConfig": {
        "aclEnable": false,
        "hostPath": "/mnt/storage-pool/apps/nextcloud_test/db"
      "ixVolumeConfig": {
        "datasetName": "pgData"
      "type": "hostPath"
  "nginxImage": {
    "pullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
    "repository": "nginx",
    "tag": "1.25.4"
  "notes": {
    "custom": "## Database\nYou can connect to the database using the pgAdmin App from the catalog\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Database Details</summary>\n\n  - Database: `{{ .Values.ncDbName }}`\n  - Username: `{{ .Values.ncDbUser }}`\n  - Password: `{{ .Values.ncDbPass }}`\n  - Host:     `{{ .Values.ncDbHost }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local`\n  - Port:     `5432`\n\n</details>\n{{- $_ := unset .Values \"ncDbUser\" }}\n{{- $_ := unset .Values \"ncDbName\" }}\n{{- $_ := unset .Values \"ncDbPass\" }}\n{{- $_ := unset .Values \"ncDbHost\" }}\n\nNote: Nextcloud will create an additional new user and password for the admin user\non first startup. You can find those credentials in the `/var/www/html/config/config.php` file\ninside the container.\n"
  "podOptions": {
    "dnsConfig": {
      "options": []
  "release_name": "nextcloud-test",
  "resources": {
    "limits": {
      "cpu": "4000m",
      "memory": "8Gi"
stavros-k commented 4 months ago

What is the output of those 2 commands? (replace image id with the one you got from the 1st command)

k3s crictl image ls  | grep nextcloud

k3s crictl inspecti <image id>
Dani3lSun commented 4 months ago
root@truenas[~]# k3s crictl image ls  | grep nextcloud                             29.0.0                         6b45feecc74d9       446MB
root@truenas[~]# k3s crictl inspecti 6b45feecc74d9
  "status": {
    "id": "sha256:6b45feecc74d9901a130314a163779408347cbc1fa285e8f9fb3ebfbc87bc875",
    "repoTags": [
    "repoDigests": [
    "size": "445822249",
    "uid": null,
    "username": "",
    "spec": null,
    "pinned": false
  "info": {
    "chainID": "sha256:e4c3eff1ef6f44db7067130379dffe23e0d072022d2f817947059ab892921a62",
    "imageSpec": {
      "created": "2024-05-14T19:37:28.357944188Z",
      "architecture": "amd64",
      "os": "linux",
      "config": {
        "ExposedPorts": {
          "80/tcp": {}
        "Env": [
          "PHPIZE_DEPS=autoconf \t\tdpkg-dev \t\tfile \t\tg++ \t\tgcc \t\tlibc-dev \t\tmake \t\tpkg-config \t\tre2c",
          "PHP_CFLAGS=-fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64",
          "PHP_CPPFLAGS=-fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64",
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        "Entrypoint": [
        "Cmd": [
        "Volumes": {
          "/var/www/html": {}
        "WorkingDir": "/var/www/html",
        "StopSignal": "SIGWINCH"
      "rootfs": {
        "type": "layers",
        "diff_ids": [
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          "created": "2024-05-14T13:14:27.373030704Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY multi:e11221d43af7136e4dbad5a74e659bcfa753214a9e615c3daf357f1633d9d3d1 in /usr/local/bin/ "
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          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c docker-php-ext-enable sodium"
          "created": "2024-05-14T13:14:28.096025203Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENTRYPOINT [\"docker-php-entrypoint\"]",
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          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /var/www/html",
          "empty_layer": true
          "created": "2024-05-14T13:14:28.506713596Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop)  EXPOSE 80",
          "empty_layer": true
          "created": "2024-05-14T13:14:28.608165226Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD [\"apache2-foreground\"]",
          "empty_layer": true
          "created": "2024-05-14T19:25:36.100167245Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c set -ex;         apt-get update;     apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends         busybox-static         bzip2         libldap-common         libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra         rsync     ;     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*;         mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs;     echo '*/5 * * * * php -f /var/www/html/cron.php' \u003e /var/spool/cron/crontabs/www-data"
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          "created": "2024-05-14T19:28:28.412399657Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c {         echo 'opcache.enable=1';         echo 'opcache.interned_strings_buffer=32';         echo 'opcache.max_accelerated_files=10000';         echo 'opcache.memory_consumption=128';         echo 'opcache.save_comments=1';         echo 'opcache.revalidate_freq=60';         echo 'opcache.jit=1255';         echo 'opcache.jit_buffer_size=128M';     } \u003e \"${PHP_INI_DIR}/conf.d/opcache-recommended.ini\";         echo 'apc.enable_cli=1' \u003e\u003e \"${PHP_INI_DIR}/conf.d/docker-php-ext-apcu.ini\";         {         echo 'memory_limit=${PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT}';         echo 'upload_max_filesize=${PHP_UPLOAD_LIMIT}';         echo 'post_max_size=${PHP_UPLOAD_LIMIT}';     } \u003e \"${PHP_INI_DIR}/conf.d/nextcloud.ini\";         mkdir /var/www/data;     mkdir -p /docker-entrypoint-hooks.d/pre-installation              /docker-entrypoint-hooks.d/post-installation              /docker-entrypoint-hooks.d/pre-upgrade              /docker-entrypoint-hooks.d/post-upgrade              /docker-entrypoint-hooks.d/before-starting;     chown -R www-data:root /var/www;     chmod -R g=u /var/www"
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          "created": "2024-05-14T19:28:29.195296853Z",
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          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c {      echo 'LimitRequestBody ${APACHE_BODY_LIMIT}';     } \u003e /etc/apache2/conf-available/apache-limits.conf;     a2enconf apache-limits"
          "created": "2024-05-14T19:36:21.095588978Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV NEXTCLOUD_VERSION=29.0.0",
          "empty_layer": true
          "created": "2024-05-14T19:37:24.933823552Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c set -ex;     fetchDeps=\"         gnupg         dirmngr     \";     apt-get update;     apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $fetchDeps;         curl -fsSL -o nextcloud.tar.bz2 \"\";     curl -fsSL -o nextcloud.tar.bz2.asc \"\";     export GNUPGHOME=\"$(mktemp -d)\";     gpg --batch --keyserver --recv-keys 28806A878AE423A28372792ED75899B9A724937A;     gpg --batch --verify nextcloud.tar.bz2.asc nextcloud.tar.bz2;     tar -xjf nextcloud.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src/;     gpgconf --kill all;     rm nextcloud.tar.bz2.asc nextcloud.tar.bz2;     rm -rf \"$GNUPGHOME\" /usr/src/nextcloud/updater;     mkdir -p /usr/src/nextcloud/data;     mkdir -p /usr/src/nextcloud/custom_apps;     chmod +x /usr/src/nextcloud/occ;         apt-get purge -y --auto-remove -o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false $fetchDeps;     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*"
          "created": "2024-05-14T19:37:27.731533107Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY multi:9585a9602f24ff6c37b7e8821d7e5fca4a450cd9cc8c66163bc629028ca3df5c in / "
          "created": "2024-05-14T19:37:28.162812922Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY multi:325eebb30e6912e4cdbb030d4d22b6dd14fe18ca007f50df3afe27a136e1e383 in /usr/src/nextcloud/config/ "
          "created": "2024-05-14T19:37:28.257412099Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENTRYPOINT [\"/\"]",
          "empty_layer": true
          "created": "2024-05-14T19:37:28.357944188Z",
          "created_by": "/bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD [\"apache2-foreground\"]",
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stavros-k commented 4 months ago

I've compared with my system and the containers match 100%.

Can you try again stopping all nextcloud instances.

Deleting the image

k3s crictl rmi

Verifying that there are no nextcloud images left

k3s crictl image ls  | grep nextcloud

Then restart one of the instances (preferable the fresh one) to test.

Dani3lSun commented 4 months ago

Thanks again! Ok now it's getting weird, after deleting the image again and rebuilding a new nextcloud test instance it worked as expected. Then I started my main instance again and also this one is starting properly now. So the issue is gone. The strange thing is that I already deleted the image yesterday and did the same steps basically 🤷‍♂️

Anyway it works now, thanks for your great help and support!

stavros-k commented 4 months ago

Thanks again! Ok now it's getting weird, after deleting the image again and rebuilding a new nextcloud test instance it worked as expected. Then I started my main instance again and also this one is starting properly now. So the issue is gone. The strange thing is that I already deleted the image yesterday and did the same steps basically 🤷‍♂️

Anyway it works now, thanks for your great help and support!

I've noticed when I deleted mine right after stopping the app, while it said it deleted it, I saw that it created a copy without a tag while it deleted the tagged one. Which is why I've asked to verify now that is actually deleted!

Happy that it worked!