trufae / Therm

An iTerm2 fork with focus on minimalism and better defaults
GNU General Public License v2.0
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window size issues with tmux #82

Open georgalis opened 3 weeks ago

georgalis commented 3 weeks ago

Only when running tmux 3.3a in Therm, command output seems confined to a small portion on the lower right of the screen (once the top portion of the window fills up). For example when 'stty size' reports '70 107' in tmux, '/bin/ls -l' output scrolls inside a square of about '80 17' characters, although it seems to use a slightly different size each time.

TERM is set to xterm-256color per Therm config and screen-256color per tmux config (as expected), I tried the following but reverted since it was unsuccessful: set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color" set -ag terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:RGB" also unsuccessfully tried: tmux -f /dev/null

No problem with iTerm2 or Terminal. Not sure what else to report here, the problem presents with a source build and the binary. I never understood the point of iTerm2 tmux integration, and those settings are off (warnings on). The problem doesn't exist when editing files with vim, or opening files with less. The problem does persist when piping data to less, although characters spill out of the top of the square and sometimes it seems okay; repeated use of ctrl-l confirms the boundary problem.

I tried the rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.pancake.therm.plist step...

Darwin AAAA.asus 22.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Mon Apr 22 20:50:39 PDT 2024; root:xnu-8796.141.3.705.2~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 arm64

and infocmp termcap reports attached...

infocmp-xterm-256color.txt infocmp-screen-256color.txt

tmux -v doesn't report anything

georgalis commented 3 weeks ago

I guess I wasn't looking in the right place for the tmux log, it is here, but looks useless tmux-client-99480.log

this is Ventura 13.6.7

the problem only happens for 'fast' cli output (stdout, cat, ls, etc), single line operations will use the whole tmux window. eg no problems repeating this command, yes | head -n80 | tr '\n' ' ' ; echo but ls -l is is only using 7 lines of a 35 line window, and cannot push text off the top.

trufae commented 3 weeks ago

Anything happens if you change the font or window size?

georgalis commented 3 weeks ago

my fonts were reset to monaco when I moved my settings away the dimensions of square inside the window maintains about 80 columns or 2/3 the window width whichever is wider. and the height seems keep the area of the square the same, although never more than 20 rows.