truffle-box / react-box

Truffle, Webpack and React boilerplate.
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'truffle unbox error' not working. gives error. #109

Closed apoorvlathey closed 4 years ago

apoorvlathey commented 4 years ago

I tried to unbox react box into an empty directory using 'truffle unbox react' and got the following error:

√ Preparing to download √ Downloading √ Cleaning up temporary files Setting up boxgyp ERR! configure error gyp ERR! stack Error: Command failed: C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.EXE -c import sys; print "%s.%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:3]; gyp ERR! stack File "", line 1 gyp ERR! stack import sys; print "%s.%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:3]; gyp ERR! stack ^ gyp ERR! stack SyntaxError: invalid syntax gyp ERR! stack gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:294:12) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:198:13) gyp ERR! stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:982:16) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:259:5) gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.17134 gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" gyp ERR! cwd D:\Coding\Blockchain\Pet_Shop_reactbox\client\node_modules\scrypt gyp ERR! node -v v10.16.3 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0 gyp ERR! not ok npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\fsevents): npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! scrypt@6.0.3 install: 'node-gyp rebuild' npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the scrypt@6.0.3 install script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2019-10-03T22_04_17_559Z-debug.log × Setting up box Error: Command failed: cd client && npm install gyp ERR! configure error gyp ERR! stack Error: Command failed: C:\Users\asus\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.EXE -c import sys; print "%s.%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:3]; gyp ERR! stack File "", line 1 gyp ERR! stack import sys; print "%s.%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:3]; gyp ERR! stack ^ gyp ERR! stack SyntaxError: invalid syntax gyp ERR! stack gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:294:12) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:198:13) gyp ERR! stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:982:16) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:259:5) gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.17134 gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" gyp ERR! cwd D:\Coding\Blockchain\Pet_Shop_reactbox\client\node_modules\scrypt gyp ERR! node -v v10.16.3 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0 gyp ERR! not ok npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\fsevents): npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! scrypt@6.0.3 install: 'node-gyp rebuild' npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the scrypt@6.0.3 install script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2019-10-03T22_04_17_559Z-debug.log

at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:629:11)
at Object.execSync (child_process.js:666:13)
at Object.installBoxDependencies (C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\packages\box\dist\lib\utils\unbox.js:107:1)
at Object.setUpBox (C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\packages\box\dist\lib\utils\index.js:68:1)
at C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\packages\box\dist\box.js:58:1
at (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (C:\Users\asus\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\build\webpack:\packages\box\dist\box.js:5:42)

Truffle v5.0.38 (core: 5.0.38) Node v10.16.3

I tried previously mentioned solutions:

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools npm install --global node-gyp

but with no success.

eggplantzzz commented 4 years ago

I am able to duplicate the error above when using Node 12 but not Node 10 on a mac.

adrianmcli commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed now.

apoorvlathey commented 4 years ago

Yes, works fine now.