trufflesuite / drizzle

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Updating documentation for react-plugin #53

Open eloudsa opened 4 years ago

eloudsa commented 4 years ago

The documentation describing how to install and to use react-plugin is still related to the legacy version:

Any plan to update it for Drizzle 1.5?

cds-amal commented 4 years ago

Hi @eloudsa,

The documentation should be updated! I have a few items on my plate and marked this as a good first issue to encourage contributors. PRs welcome :)

cayblood commented 4 years ago

Gotta admit that it is pretty difficult to get started with so much inconsistency between the box demo, the tutorials, the docs and the READMEs. Moving from the box demo to custom components is not very intuitive.

adrianmcli commented 4 years ago

@cayblood 100% agreed. We are currently struggling to divide our capacity to keep these things up-to-date. We're working on it, but we know we still have a long way to go. This is why we definitely welcome any PRs if the community wants to help out!

cayblood commented 4 years ago

Thanks @adrianmcli. The challenge is that you have a chicken-and-egg problem. Many of us are not sufficiently proficient in React to decipher the current code base and update all the relevant docs, and the code base is itself in a state of flux. My recommendation to you guys is to not accept any PRs from any contributor that don't also update ALL relevant docs. Each commit should maintain documentation consistency. This doesn't add a lot of overhead if done regularly, but it becomes harder and harder to catch up if it's not maintained. This also becomes easier if all your tutorials and docs are generated from the same repo, so that updates stay atomic.

adrianmcli commented 4 years ago

Great point @cayblood, we'll discussion your recommendations in our standup. Just to recap your points:

attn: @cds-amal

NTP-996 commented 4 years ago

Is this issue still available? i want to work on this

adrianmcli commented 4 years ago

@NTTMai yes! we have shifting priorities at Truffle and sometimes we don't have enough bandwidth to take care of all our public repos, so any help from the community is always welcome!

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I'd like to work on this but i'm not sure if @NTTMai is in progress.

If so, would it be appropriate to replace the documentation for the legacy api with a link to the legacy repo's readme a Thanks.