trufflesuite / drizzle

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How can I inject a custom web3 provider into the drizzle app when using Nightwatch e2e tests? #91

Open jensendarren opened 4 years ago

jensendarren commented 4 years ago

I have setup a basic e2e test with a Drizzle VueJS app. It appears that when the tests run drizzle uses the fallback option for connecting to the blockchain using web sockets (ws://

I want to use a custom PrivateKeyProvider for the tests so that the test run will commit transactions to the blockchain without running out of gas.

How can I tell drizzle to use this custom provider when I run the e2e Nightwatch tests? I've tried setting window.web3 using the following browser execute script but Drizzle continues to use the direct web sockets fallback option.

// In the Nightwatch JS tests/e2e folder:

browser.execute(function() {
  return window.web3;
}, [], function(result) {
  const provider = new PrivateKeyProvider(
  result.value = new Web3(provider);


// Fill out a form and submit to blockchain
// Get out of gas error because drizzle is still using the fallback option
// and not the custom PrivateKeyProvider as needed

Any help would be greatly appreciated.