Open saadbhd opened 2 years ago
Can you try with ganache@7.0.0-beta.1?
npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache@beta -g
Its not solving the problem
Can you paste the complete ganache output here?
Your are still using ganache-cli. Try with the ganache beta.
When i run it from the terminal , i got this
but from the js file I use var ganacheCLI = require( 'ganache-cli'); , and then forking using ganacheCLI
From JavaScript install ganache@beta in the project'npm_modules:
npm install ganache@beta
Then import it with:
var ganacheCLI = require( 'ganache');
Still Having the same issue !!
What block number are you forking from?
Im not specifying the block number in order to get the last one , i need to test the tx on last possible block
What is blockNb.toString() in your example?
ah Sorry ! its web3.eth.getBlockNumber(), but now Im using the fork without specifying the block i remove it from the request
We don't use the absolute latest block number by default because nodes will report that they know the latest block number, but the block hasn't actually been fully synced yet.
The header not found
error can occur when a node hasn't synced a block.
The other time this can happen is when your aren't using an "archive node" and the transaction needs to interact with data from older blocks. Is your moralis node an archive node?
no its node an archive node because the archive node in moralis is not up to date.
its wotking now sometimes ... but I got a new error
Ganache eth_getTransactionReceipt
notice: the transaction with hash
has not yet been mined
I tried to do before calling the 'eth_getTransactionReceipt' :
but nothing !!
That's not an error, but a notice that you've asked for the receipt before it was available.
You may want to enable ganache v7's legacyInstamine mode, which will ensure the transaction is included in a block before the hash is returned:
Ganache.provider({ miner:{ legacyInstamine: true }})
Details on this breaking change:
Also, generally, forking requires an archive node, as ganache may need to fetch state from old blocks in order to run new transactions.
It could be an interesting feature to allow for multiple forking urls, where if one fails we can retry with another.
AHHH okey !! thank you so much for your help and advice !!
now I can get the transaction receipt but all my transaction have status: "0x0" which mean fail and that's weird because they are successful on bscscan
Can you provide a full reproduction script so we track down what ganache is doing wrong?
Yes sure : some Im forking one lastblock-1 I build my approveTX : from _transaction : which is a pendingtransaction in mainnet After Im trying to see if it will pass or not in the localweb3 (fork).
var localWeb3 = await new Web3(ganacheBETA.provider({fork: "", _chainId: 1, _chainIdRpc: 1 , miner: { legacyInstamine: true },fork_block_number : blockNb-1 ,unlocked_accounts: [_transaction.from]}), null, {transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1})
approveTX = {
data: _transaction.input,
from: _transaction.from,
gasPrice: web3_ws.utils.toHex(_transaction.gasPrice) ,
nonce: _transaction.nonce,
value: web3_ws.utils.toHex(_transaction.value),
method: "eth_sendTransaction",
params: [approveTX],
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 1, } , (err,res)=>{
method: "eth_getTransactionByHash",
params: [res["result"]],
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 3, } , (err1,res1)=>{
method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt",
params: [res["result"]],
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 4, } , (err2,res2)=>{
} )
I noticed that the from address and the value change, that is to say they are not the same in the initial transaction (mainnet) and the one sent after the fork
Thanks for the additional information. Hm, the from address and value changing sounds like a bug in ganache. When I get back into the office next week I'll look into this (I'm actually on Holiday right now).
all right and even the gasPrice is changing !
okey Im waiting for your help thank you !!
Oh, I was just thinking... I know nothing about BSC, but if it doesn't follow Ethereum's hardforks then things might not behave as expected. Do you know if BSC implemented EIP-1559 (part of Ethereum's London hardfork)?
I really don't Know.
I was trying to see from where it can be the problem and now I'm having issue with : "sender account not recognized" even if I'm unlocking the adress of the _transaction.from
Another tip then I'm actually taking some time off! If you send the signed transaction (via eth_sendRawTransaction) you won't need to unlock the account and can bypass that whole code path.
I tried to send the signed transaction I cannot sign it me because I don't have the private key of the from adress)
but I get this :
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Incompatible EIP155-based V 148 and chain id 1. See the second parameter of the Transaction constructor to set the chain id.
You can use the v, r, and s params of the transaction to create the raw transaction.
Start the chain with chain id of 148 so it will pass EIP-155 validation. You only need to set chainId, with ganache 7, not _chainId or _chainIdRpc.
I still Have the problem, even with changing the chainId to 148
And when I try to change it here :
I got chain ID 148 not supported .
I Tried this to have the raw :
but when sending eth_sendRawTransaction , I got this error now 😱:
Error: Invalid signature v value
There is a typo in your code. You use approveTX.approveTX
Yes it was a mistake that a fixed after sending the commment,
To, be clear this is my all code :
and I'm still having the
Error: Invalid signature v value\n
another thing is that when a compare the signed transaction with first one using this site :
I dont get the same txHash and same from adress. (same r,v,s and data ... )
If you have the raw transaction's hex you can just send that to ganache.
No I dans have it
Just FYI: it makes it very difficult to try reproduce your issue because you are pasting screenshots instead of code.
I have the JSON var TRANSACTION : with some infos : from,to hash .....
And I tried to build the raw from that. but when i send it to ganache i have the signature v value error
Can you paste the complete JSON here?
this is my function : _transaction a get it from the pendingTransaction subscribe
function simulateParentTX (_transaction){
return new Promise (async function (resolve, reject){
blockNb = await web3_ws.eth.getBlockNumber();
console.log("before fork ",blockNb)
var localWeb3 = await new Web3(ganacheBETA.provider({fork: "", chainId:1337, miner: { legacyInstamine: true },fork_block_number : blockNb ,unlocked_accounts: [_transaction.from]}), null, {transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1})
localWeb3.eth.defaultAccount = _transaction.from
const params = [_transaction.nonce, _transaction.gasPrice, _transaction.gas,, _transaction.value, _transaction.input];
const signedTransaction = rlp.encode([...params, _transaction.v, _transaction.r, _transaction.s]);
var raw = "0x"+signedTransaction.toString('hex')
method: "eth_sendRawTransaction",
params: [raw],
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 1, } , (err,res)=>{
method: "eth_getTransactionByHash",
params: [res["result"]],
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 3, } , (err1,res1)=>{
method: "eth_getTransactionReceipt",
params: [res["result"]],
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 4, } , (err2,res2)=>{
} )
}catch(error){console.log("catch tx..:",error)}
Can you just send me the transaction? console.log(JSON.stringify(_transaction))
an example of the transaction 👍
I can't get that transaction to hash correctly either; the signature doesn't seem to match the given from
address. The only thing I can think of is that Binance must be using a different algorithms.
Oh, I made a mistake about the chainId
you should be using earlier, Binance's mainnet chainId is 56
okey , me to I can't get to hash correctly and its blocking me 😭😱
hey @davidmurdoch please any updates about the problem
Hi @saadbhd it looks like BSC may not compliant with EVM standards on hashing transactions. Unfortunately I'm not sure there's much we can do to resolve this on our end.
We'd love to support BSC if possible, and will put this in our backlog to investigate. Apologies that it can't be a high priority right now. If you figure this out on your end, we'd love to hear about what you learn!
I'm trying to replay and to test sendTransactions of some pending transactions.
I fork on the last block with unlocking the adresses needed
but Im always getting one of this transactions :