trufflesuite / ganache

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Maybe move "bufferification" step to `debug_traceTransaction` so that that the result can be chunked and sent to the caller instead of buffered in a JSON object first #3998

Open davidmurdoch opened 1 year ago

davidmurdoch commented 1 year ago

We currently use a function called bufferify to convert "large" JSON objects into small Buffer chunks that can be yielded and serialized for the wire as they are processed. This works around a node limitation with JSON.stringify, as it can't handle strings greater than ~1GB in size (Buffers also have a similar limit). However, this approach is much slower then JSON.stringify, so we try to only do it on "large" traces. The number at which we choose to switch to bufferification is arbitrary and prone to issues where a trace with few steps still has too much data to JSON.stringify, causing the error. Here is an example:

We could try to JSON.stringify, and then fall back to bufferify, but there is a better way: start sending the data as soon as it is available to send. Example:

However, this has some new problems:

A similar issue:

davidmurdoch commented 1 year ago
