trufflesuite / ganache

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Issues fetching logs in a fork mode #4074

Open benesjan opened 1 year ago

benesjan commented 1 year ago

Hello, I tried fetching a specific log topic from a block using the following command: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"blockHash": "0xbbd9832d7b95ed3f989ed02f5c56721d6c1d6dce3675edb3b1446745a92a0ef5", "topics":["0x692cf5822a02f5edf084dc7249b3a06293621e069f11975ed70908ed10ed2e2c"]}],"id":1}'

when running ganache in a forked mode:

yarn ganache-cli --fork

and I get the following response:


when I request the data directly from mainnet I get the logs as expected:


I am running currently the newest ganache:


When I start ganache it correctly displays the forked mode and I double checked that the infura URL is correct:


Any ideas what might be the issue? Thank you

MicaiahReid commented 1 year ago

This seems to be a bug to me. When getting logs if Ganache can't getNumberByHash, it returns nothing:

const blockNumber = await blockchain.blocks.getNumberFromHash(
if (!blockNumber) return [];

and when trying to get the number by hash, we don't check the fork. We only check the local block indexes:

async getNumberFromHash(hash: string | Buffer | Tag) {
  return this.#blockIndexes.get(Data.toBuffer(hash)).catch(e => {
    if (e.status === NOTFOUND) return null;
    throw e;
  }) as Promise<Buffer | null>;
MicaiahReid commented 1 year ago

Related: #3692, #3739