trufflesuite / truffle-compile

Compiler helper and artifact manager
22 stars 46 forks source link

BYOC @develop #70

Open cgewecke opened 6 years ago

cgewecke commented 6 years ago


BYOC withoutweb3 1.0.

axic commented 6 years ago

Does BYOC stands for "bring your own compiler"? :)

cgewecke commented 6 years ago

@axic Yes - it means bring your own (solidity) compiler - e.g. any version, docker etc. Features listed here.

Will be in Truffle 5 and there's a pre-release of it available from npm as: darq-truffle@byoc

axic commented 6 years ago


I see it has a couple of options. Will it support an absolute path to be passed pointing to a soljson? Or to a solc?

cgewecke commented 6 years ago

@axic Path to soljson is supported. Natively compiled solc is run as a child_process exec and I haven't added path support to that. . . probably a good idea though.