trufflesuite / truffle-compile

Compiler helper and artifact manager
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How to silent the warnings when running 'truffle compile' command? #76

Open zulhfreelancer opened 6 years ago

zulhfreelancer commented 6 years ago


According to this line, seems like it's possible to silent all the warning when compiling the contracts.

But, it didn't worked for me. I have tried many ways:

$ truffle compile -quiet
$ truffle compile --quiet
$ truffle compile --quiet=true
$ truffle compile --quiet="true"
$ truffle compile --quiet true
$ truffle compile --quiet "true"

Adding the quite key inside truffle.js file also didn't work for me:

development: {
      quiet: true,
      host: "",
      port: 7545,
      network_id: "*" // match any network

All of above commands didn't work for me. Any pointers?


flada-auxv commented 5 years ago

@zulhfreelancer Hi, I'm not sure though, for me, it seems to work well. Thanks, just also I've been looking for.

$ truffle -v 
Truffle v4.1.14 - a development framework for Ethereum

$ truffle compile --all | grep Warning | wc -l        
$ truffle compile --all --quiet | grep Warning | wc -l