trufflesuite / truffle-init

Initializer for example Truffle projects
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Authorship and license incorrectly set after `truffle init webpack` #3

Open alcuadrado opened 7 years ago

alcuadrado commented 7 years ago

Truffle init incorrectly sets the author and license in package.json, which can have bad legal implications if the user doesn't change it before publishing its code. And she shouldn't change it either (see next paragraph).

I'm not sure how to fix this, as that package.json is coming from this public repository, which has some license. Just removing the author and license fields in its package.json violates it.

alcuadrado commented 7 years ago

I took a look at create-react-app, as it offers similar functionality.

They don't copy and alter a public repo (no license violation) but create the project by hand .

Maybe this approach would be better, but it requires lots of changes to this project.

tcoulter commented 7 years ago

TODO: Review this for Truffle boxes.