trufi-association / trufi-core

Trufi - A Flutter app for Public Transportation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A previous tracking is not kept saved after interrupting the continuity of the tracking (Pending) #697

Open AnivlisLuz opened 10 months ago

AnivlisLuz commented 10 months ago

Bug description

When a previous tracking is saved and then is decided to continue the tracking but realice that this new part of the tracking is not correct or just decided interrupt it, the previos tacking is delated too.

Severity :white_large_square: Low: Minimal impact, such as cosmetic bugs that do not affect the functionality or usability of the system. :white_large_square: Medium: Cause inconvenience or annoyance, with temporary workarounds available. :white_check_mark: High: Limit key system functions, with possible temporary workarounds available. :white_large_square: Critical: Cause a complete or severe system outage with no workarounds.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the app
  2. Go to the menu
  3. Select the "Trace route" option
  4. Select the "Maximize" icon.
  5. Select the three dots menu on the right side.
  6. Select the "Continue tracking" option.
  7. Select "Discart" button
  8. See error

Current Result

The previous tracking was deleted

Expected result

The previous tracking should be kept in the list, and it should not have a modification with the new continuity of the trace.



Environment Device: Mobile Brand: iPhone Model: 14 Pro OS: iOS16.6 Screen 6.1"



Additional information


AnivlisLuz commented 10 months ago

@GustavoTCh This issue could be solved when we define the improvements in trace route option.