Currently, the POI location references are based on provinces. There is a proposal to switch these references to municipalities for greater accuracy. For example, the 'Punata' stop would reflect its municipality rather than its province.
Photon Data Review: Examine the data handled by Photon using the following query: [Photon Query]( center&bbox=-66.170581,-17.394958,-66.138995,-17.376201).
BBox Review: Gustavo will review the BBox of Photon fetches to determine if it is possible to include both the BBox and the user's position in the query.
Intersection Streets: Gustavo will Check if Photon can return intersection streets.
We are leveraging the Peru project to address this issue.
Currently, the POI location references are based on provinces. There is a proposal to switch these references to municipalities for greater accuracy. For example, the 'Punata' stop would reflect its municipality rather than its province.