trulia / hologram

A markdown based documentation system for style guides.
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Syntax highlighting in Code Blocks without example #222

Open philipisik opened 9 years ago

philipisik commented 9 years ago


is it possible to get html syntax highlighting in a code block without example? Like:


title: Title name: name category: category

`<div class="html-example"></div>`


lifeiscontent commented 9 years ago

@philipisik yes you just need to write a custom renderer or only allow your template to output the code example without the preview.

here's a sass code_example_renderer that I've written.

Hologram::CodeExampleRenderer::Factory.define 'sass' do
  example_template 'sass_example_template'
  table_template 'sass_table_template'
  lexer { Rouge::Lexer.find('sass') }

and then in the templates dir I just provide the sass_example_template and the sass_table_template