trullock / NUglify

NUglify is a HTML, JavaScript and CSS minification Library for .NET (fork of AjaxMin + new features)
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Custom identifiers with spaces broken in PR #397 (v1.21.9) #400

Open agclark27 opened 2 months ago

agclark27 commented 2 months ago

PR #397 introduces support for minifying custom identifiers, but if those custom identifiers contain spaces in their names, the spaces are removed, breaking the interpretation of those identifiers. This behavior is not present prior to PR #397 in v1.21.8.

.test { grid-template-rows: [header-start] auto [header-end main-start] minmax(auto,1fr) [main-end footer-start] auto [footer-end];

When run against NUglify.Uglify.Css, the identifiers "header-end main-start" becomes "header-endmain-start" (space removed).

.test{grid-template-rows:[header-start] auto [header-endmain-start]minmax(auto,1fr) [main-end footer-start]auto [footer-end]

trullock commented 2 months ago

OK, PR welcome :)