trung / InMemoryJavaCompiler

Utility class to compile java source code in memory
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compiler does not find the NetcdfFileWriter identifiers #29

Open szabotakacsb opened 4 years ago

szabotakacsb commented 4 years ago

I would like to convert String variables to java code to build a NetCDF file from strings. I have some Strings which contain the commands to write a netCDF. For example:

String Variable contains the following strings: 'Variable time; ' 'time = ncfile.addVariable(null, "time", DataType.Double, "time");'

String DataA contains: 'ArrayDouble.D1 timeData = new ArrayDouble.D1(countLinesResult); ' 'Index ima = timeData.getIndex();'

String DataD contains: 'timeData.setDouble(ima.set(timeIdx),ValueD.get(timeIdx)); '

String DataNC contains: 'ncfile.write(time, timeData); '

each string is public static String. These strings are in NetCDF_writer Class static void getDataNc method. Here is the code:

package meteoread;

 * @author Beata
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Iterator;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.Detected;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.ETime;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.STime;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.Values;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.Values2;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.id1;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.id2;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.listString;
import static meteoread.DownLoad_Meteo.res;
import static meteoread.SelectData.result;
import org.mdkt.compiler.InMemoryJavaCompiler;

import ucar.nc2.*;

import ucar.ma2.*;

public class NetCDF_writer {
    private static String okW ="";
    private static int is;
    private static int il;
    private static int di;
    private static int countLinesResult;
    public static String TableNC  = DownLoad_Meteo.Table;
    private static ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<String>();
    private static ArrayList<String> s2 = new ArrayList<String>();
   private static ArrayList<String> s3 = new ArrayList<String>();
   private static ArrayList<String> s4 = new ArrayList<String>();
   private static ArrayList<String> s5 = new ArrayList<String>();
   private String[] colName;
    private static ArrayList<String> ValueS = new ArrayList<String>();
    private static ArrayList<Integer> ValueI = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    private static ArrayList<Double> ValueD = new ArrayList<Double>();
    public static String Variables;
    public static String DataA;
    public static String DataD;
    public static String DataNC;

    static void getDataNc(int id1, int id2, String listString, String location, String Stimenc, String ETimenc)throws Exception {

          Connection con = MeteoRead.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement statement= con.prepareStatement("SELECT " + listString + " FROM " +TableNC + " WHERE TIME_ID BETWEEN " +"\"" + STime + "\"" +" AND " + "\"" +ETime + "\"" + " ORDER BY ID");

         ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery();
         ResultSetMetaData rsmd = result.getMetaData();

            is = id1;   

            il = id2;

            di = il-is;

            if(is == 1){
             countLinesResult = il;
             countLinesResult = di;}

            ColName = listString.split(",");

            NetcdfFileWriter ncfile = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf4, location, null);
            Dimension timeDim = ncfile.addUnlimitedDimension("time");

            s = SelectData.result.get(1);
            s2 = SelectData.result.get(2);
            s3 = SelectData.result.get(3);
            s4 = SelectData.result.get(4);
            s5 = SelectData.result.get(5);

            Variables = "";
            DataA = "";
            DataD = "";
            DataNC = "";
             int n = 0;

              while(n < s.size()-1){

                 Variables = Variables +" " + s.get(n) + "\n";

                 Variables = Variables +" " + s2.get(n) + "\n";


                        Date date2 = dateConv1(result.getString("TIME"));

                         double dateU = ToMATLABDate(date2);



                          if(rsmd.getColumnTypeName(n+1)== "VARCHAR" && !rsmd.getColumnName(n+1).equals("TIME")){


                          if(rsmd.getColumnTypeName(n+1)== "INTEGER"){


                             if(rsmd.getColumnTypeName(n+1)== "DOUBLE"){


                       DataA = DataA + s3.get(n) + "\n";
                       DataD = DataD + s4.get(n) + "\n";
                       DataNC = DataNC + s5.get(n) + "\n";

                n++; }

               StringBuffer sourceCode = new StringBuffer();
                sourceCode.append("package meteoread;\n");
                sourceCode.append("public class NetCDF_writer {\n");
                sourceCode.append("   static void getDataNc(int id1, int id2, String listString, String location, String Stimenc, String ETimenc)throws Exception {" +Variables +" ncfile.create();" + "\n" + DataA +" for (int timeIdx = 0; timeIdx < countLinesResult; timeIdx ++){" + DataD + "}"+ DataNC + "}");
                 Class<?> Netcdf_writer = InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile("meteoread.NetCDF_writer", sourceCode.toString());

           okWindow o = new okWindow();

            } catch(Exception e){
            okW = e.toString();
            okWindow o = new okWindow();


        public static Date dateConv1(String s){
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        String dateInString = s;
        Date date = new Date();

        try {

             date = (Date)formatter.parse(dateInString);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
         return date;

     * Converts a java.util.Date into a MATLAB Serial Date Number in the local timezone. MATLAB Serial Date Number are
     * doubles counting the number of days since January 0 0000. The time of day is represented in fractions of a whole
     * day.
     * @param date the date to convert
     * @return the date as MATLAB Serial Date Number
    public static double ToMATLABDate(Date date) {
        // Converts a java.util.Date into a MATLAB Serial Date Number taking into account timezones and DST.
        Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        double SerialDateNumber = (date.getTime() + cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / 1000.0 / 3600.0 / 24.0 ;
        return SerialDateNumber;


Unfortunately, I got several cannot find symbol error messages. The compiler does not find the NetcdfFileWriter identifiers even though I imported ucar.nc2. and ucar.ma2. packages. Could you please write to me how I should fix this issue?

aklish commented 3 years ago

Did you ever resolve this?