trungdong / prov

A Python library for W3C Provenance Data Model (PROV)
MIT License
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Manpages for scripts #83

Open ghisvail opened 7 years ago

ghisvail commented 7 years ago

Traditionally, all Unix programs are documented with manual pages and Linux distribution often recommends providing corresponding manpages for each installed command-line utility.

It would be nice to improve the prov package so it generates the respective manpage for each script. For instance, this could be achieved by integration of a pair of custom build and install setuptools commands responsible for calling help2man on the scripts.


trungdong commented 7 years ago

Hi @ghisvail,

Thank you for the pointer. I'll have a look into this, but I have to admit that it's not high on my list. As I don't have a Linux background, I almost never thought of manpages. It will probably take me a bit of time to know my ways around them.

ghisvail commented 7 years ago

A modern approach is to write them in Markdown and use pandoc for conversion to the manpage format. See the following blog post for an example.