truong-bui / AsyncLoadingScreen

Async Loading Screen is a free and open-source plugin for Unreal Engine. Async Loading Screen allows you to easily configure a Loading Screen System in the project settings, and automatically add a Loading Screen whenever you open a new level, without Level Streaming.
MIT License
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Background Images load too late and with wrong Image Stretch [UE5] #56

Open JohnAmanar opened 2 years ago

JohnAmanar commented 2 years ago

Hello! Super awesome Plugin!

Works fine with my UE 4.27 project, but after porting it to UE 5 the Default Loading Screen images are not loading until the end of the loading process, they are also scaled wrongly. The Startup Loading Screen always displays instantly and scales just fine. If I choose the same image for one of the Default Loading Screen Images as I used for the Startup Loading Screen, that one loads and scales properly.

Could you please take a look? I guess something is changed how Unreal loads/streams in textures in UE5.

Thank you!

Hagestol commented 2 years ago

i have the same issue

Laguland commented 2 years ago

Hi, what I have done in my project is to load all needed textures in StartupModule function so it will have time to load before showing on the screen :) This is not the most optimal solution as all textures are all the time in the memory but it can be optimized

JohnAmanar commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks! I've tried to add all my textures to the [Startup Loading Screen] list, but it doesn't work for me. Only the first one in the array is getting loaded. Do you mean something else with the StartupModule?

kaasbobkaas commented 2 years ago

Hey, did you find out how to fix this? I have the same Issue and have no idea how to fix it

MarkarianFR commented 2 years ago

Hello Guys,

What about a temporary fix while the "real" fix is implemented ? Already 5.0.03 and still not corrected.

Masterfuzzfuzz commented 1 year ago

Pretty massive issue in that the plugin is functionally useless in UE5 and no sign of it even being acknowledged.

dzCxy commented 1 year ago

i have the same issue,using ue5.1 @truong-bui

xongnox commented 1 year ago

So Laguland is right, the easy and ugly way is to preload background images from FAsyncLoadingScreenModule::StartupModule

So in AsyncLoadingScreen.h, add :

private :
    static TArray<UObject*> PreLoadedImages;

And in AsyncLoadingScreen.cpp :

#define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "FAsyncLoadingScreenModule"

TArray<UObject*> FAsyncLoadingScreenModule::PreLoadedImages = TArray<UObject*>();

void FAsyncLoadingScreenModule::StartupModule()
    // This code will execute after your module is loaded into memory; the exact timing is specified in the .uplugin file per-module

    if (!IsRunningDedicatedServer() && FSlateApplication::IsInitialized())
        const ULoadingScreenSettings* Settings = GetDefault<ULoadingScreenSettings>();

        // Ugly : permanently load ALL the background images.
            auto PreLoad = [](const TArray<FSoftObjectPath>& Images) {
                for (auto& Image : Images) {


        if (IsMoviePlayerEnabled())

For a marketplace engine, you will need to have the plugin in your local project directory Plugins folder. This solution is ugly and keeps all game long all the background images in memory, but it works.

If you have a lot of background images & levels, each image for a level, a more decent solution would be to pre-load only 2 images : the start-up/main menu one in FAsyncLoadingScreenModule::StartupModule, and the background for the level to be loaded in or before calling UAsyncLoadingScreenLibrary::SetDisplayBackgroundIndex

It's so ugly i can't do a PR, but maybe this can be helpful to some folks.

slonopotamus commented 1 year ago

Note that startup image is not unloaded even with current implementation:

truong-bui commented 1 year ago

@dzCx, @xongnox I have added an "bPreloadBackgroundImages" option in this commit 0a9852f2f59626cae96958b659793a53606e1bef


You can remove all the background images from memory by calling "RemovePreloadedBackgroundImages" in the blueprint, then manually load all the background images with "PreloadBackgroundImages" function before calling the "OpenLevel" node


Please update the plugin and test if it works for you. Thanks!

xongnox commented 1 year ago

Nice to see you helping here @truong-bui !

I did a bit more investigation on the issue. I found :

ERuts commented 1 year ago

@truong-bui i see you closed this issue. Did you look at @xongnox comments? Issue seems to appear also in standalone non editor launch.

Any idea on how it definitely can be resolved? It is for sure a critical issue. Images are consistently not loaded at initial load. After that it seems ok.

Are you going to push the preload function to the marketplace version and also on 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2. I confirmed it works in your master branch.

truong-bui commented 1 year ago

@truong-bui i see you closed this issue. Did you look at @xongnox comments? Issue seems to appear also in standalone non editor launch.

Any idea on how it definitely can be resolved? It is for sure a critical issue. Images are consistently not loaded at initial load. After that it seems ok.

Yes, I have looked at his comment. As he tested, the cooked/packaged build works fine. So I think no need to do anything since this is mostly caused by how Unreal Engine manages texture data in memory in the editor. The preload options should be used for testing in the editor only.

Are you going to push the preload function to the marketplace version and also on 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2. I confirmed it works in your master branch.

I have pushed it to Marketplace but only for the newest version 5.2