truong-bui / AsyncLoadingScreen

Async Loading Screen is a free and open-source plugin for Unreal Engine. Async Loading Screen allows you to easily configure a Loading Screen System in the project settings, and automatically add a Loading Screen whenever you open a new level, without Level Streaming.
MIT License
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Binary files not showing up in editor? #77

Open DreadVectorStudios opened 1 year ago

DreadVectorStudios commented 1 year ago

I built this (marketplace version) plugin into a prototype, but now that we are moving into production I've migrated the project to an installed build (5.2.1)

The first hurdle I had was that it wouldn't load/compile from the marketplace version no matter what I did (I even tried recompiling it with RunUAT.bat BuildPlugin (found here). So on a whim I checked the Readme file in the plugin - which led me here!

Fortunately this resolved the compile issue and I was able to get the plugin to compile with the project (in the next build I'll add it to our Installed Build).

BUT: Now the blueprints aren't showing up in the editor. There aren't even any messages about "failed to load" or anything in the logs. There are 7 files in the folders, and data validation on the folder in the editor shows 7 files - all checked and all valid.

My assumption is that it's one of three things: 1) I loaded the project without the plugin activated and it discarded a reference to them somehow 2) Switching the engine to an installed build removed an engine dependency used in the BPs 3) Switching from the Marketplace plugin to the Github plugin doesn't register as the same dependency

My money is on number three, as the .uproject references the marketplace plugin for identification, so I've removed it from the .uproject file (but it didn't change anything).

My next thought was to try packaging the plugin from the Plugins menu... Which told me I can't package it because I didn't package the engine with the shipping target! 🤣 The engine is 160GB with symbols, 60GB stripped, and 17GB zipped - WITHOUT the shipping target. Is it worth going back and rebuilding the engine so I can package the plugin and test that?

My team is really enjoying the plugin, I'm going to create a new workspace and see if I can rebuild them tomorrow. Any other ideas here?

zeroy99 commented 11 months ago

Exact same thing here on 5.2.1, no Blueprint and therefore no "BP_GameMode" or "BP_PlayerController" - Can see Async setup in Project Settings > Game but thats it.

DreadVectorStudios commented 11 months ago

I still haven’t found a solution, the plug-in is disabled and any nodes referencing it are disconnected.

It didn’t work perfectly in 5.1 anyways, so if this plug-in is no longer in active development or is only for legacy support can the creators please comment below so I can find another solution?

truong-bui commented 11 months ago

Hi, The plugin is still actively supported and maintained. It works fine in the new versions 5.1 and 5.2. In your case, I couldn't reproduce it on my PC, so unfortunately, there are weird bugs for each game project, so I can't help much in this situation.

zeroy99 commented 11 months ago

Looking at what gets installed via Marketplace there is no BP at all included anyway?


truong-bui commented 11 months ago

Looking at what gets installed via Marketplace there is no BP at all included anyway?

Sorry, I am a bit confused. The plugin doesn't contain any blueprints at all. You don't have to call it in the blueprint. All you need is to configure your loading screen in Project Settings > Game -> Async Loading Screen. Please follow the plugin Tutorial to understand how it works.

zeroy99 commented 11 months ago

OK think I see where the confusion comes from, my bad! I saw this and assumed you had some BP included: image

Now even with the configuration setup now I do not see anything but I will test again with empty maps, etc... Thanks!

truong-bui commented 11 months ago

Now even with the configuration setup now I do not see anything but I will test again with empty maps, etc... Thanks!

To see the loading screen in Editor. You need to play Standalone Game or Quick Launch the project, not Play in the Editor (Selected Viewport). Also, the loading screen only triggers with the "OpenLevel" node.
