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with stacked monitor layout mouse ends up in middle of screen #26

Open andyhoffman12 opened 2 years ago

andyhoffman12 commented 2 years ago


Laptop Display 1 (1920x1080) is the Main Display in Windows and is the integrated display, Laptop Display 2-3 (1920x1200) are external and connected via a dock . Laptop Display 1 is centered below display 2/3 and split them 50/50. Desktop Display 1 (1920x1200) is positioned to the right of Laptop Display 3.

[Laptop Display 2] [Laptop Display 3][Desktop Display 1]
         [Laptop Display1]

display issue

What's the Issue:

When moving the mouse from Desktop Display 1, onto Laptop Display 3, the mouse snaps to the middle of Laptop Display 3 (not desired), instead of the edge as expected. Moving from Laptop Display 3 to Desktop Display 1 the mouse ends up on the edge (as desired).

Why should you care:

The snaping to the middle of the screen makes it difficult to resize windows/grab scrollbars/position the mouse precisely on the edge of the screen as any small overrun onto Desktop Display 1 and going back causes the mouse position to get lost. Often this also ends up with me loosing mouse cursor position as it becomes difficult to visually track. (note I'm using a trackball so its extra hard)


I think the edge of the Laptop Display 1 is being used for where to place the mouse horizontally instead of the edge of Laptop Display 3.