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Mouse Without Borders prereleases for testing/validation.
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Pressing ctrl+alt+f triggers MouseWithoutBorders #3

Open jorismak opened 3 years ago

jorismak commented 3 years ago


I have this problem with the latest setup from here (2.2.1 from releases), but also in some way with earlier versions downloaded from MS.

Pressing ctrl+alt+f (Globally, somewhere in Windows) now triggers MouseWithoutBorders, with a popup 'switched to ctrl+alt+1'. While I was pressing 'ctrl+alt+f' AND I have all the shortcuts disabled in MouseWithoutBorders...

ctrl+alt+f is the Lastpass autofill shortcut and it's very annoying it's not working when MouseWithoutBorders is running..

(previous versions would not trigger the pc-switch, but would open the MouseWithoutBorders window...)