truong2d / mm

Mouse Without Borders prereleases for testing/validation.
118 stars 9 forks source link

Does not work on Linux, or across linux and windows. #8

Open HowlingMadZ opened 3 years ago

HowlingMadZ commented 3 years ago

Since it's a windows only app still... it doesn't work on linux... seems obvious. But something like this would be a perfect way to help people transition into linux, so they can dual wield easily until they are transitioned over.

Zeratoxx commented 2 years ago

Well, first off: I guess devs who work for Microsoft aren't interested in helping people make the transition to Linux. 😆

But yes, I would also love binaries of MWB for Linux!

wmealing commented 2 years ago

I think perhaps some kind of protocol spec would be a step, let the linux community do the work using the mechanisms they want. Let @truong2d focus on what he wants.