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Use tinygo to build wasm #306

Open rolsonquadras opened 2 years ago

rolsonquadras commented 2 years ago

Currently, the wasm size is around 8.3MB and its built with go bin. We can look to use tinygo inorder to reduce the wasm size.

rolsonquadras commented 2 years ago
  1. document the compile errors with tinygo
  2. try to find work around (build tinygo locally with reflect packcage changes)
victro commented 2 years ago

This is the initial issue with the official tinygo:

$ tinygo build -o src/agent-js-worker.wasm -target wasm
../../../../../../go/pkg/mod/ reflect.ValueOf(vs).MethodByName undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method MethodByName)
../../../../../../go/pkg/mod/ reflect.ValueOf(vs).MethodByName undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method MethodByName)
../../../../../../go/pkg/mod/ rv.MethodByName undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method MethodByName)
../../../../../../go/pkg/mod/ rv.MethodByName undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method MethodByName)
../../../../../../go/pkg/mod/ v.MethodByName undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method MethodByName)
../../../../../../go/pkg/mod/ rv.MethodByName undefined (type reflect.Value has no field or method MethodByName)
$ tinygo version
tinygo version 0.22.0 darwin/amd64 (using go version go1.17.6 and LLVM version 13.0.0)
victro commented 2 years ago

Trying with the source code for tinygo I made some changes to make those errors disappear, but those didin't work just changing the tinygo build because some new errors appeared, since tinygo doesn't support os/user as shown here

~/development/securekey/fork/tinygo/build/tinygo version 
tinygo version 0.23.0-dev-a7a69d38 darwin/amd64 (using go version go1.17.6 and LLVM version 13.0.0)
$ ~/development/securekey/fork/tinygo/build/tinygo build -o src/agent-js-worker.wasm -target wasm 
# net
~/development/securekey/fork/tinygo/src/net/tcpsock.go:28:16: undeclared name: DefaultResolver
~/development/securekey/fork/tinygo/src/net/tcpsock.go:28:49: undeclared name: context
victro commented 2 years ago

Adding -ldflags "-s -w" reduced dist directory from 8.3MB to 8MB

rolsonquadras commented 2 years ago

Adding -ldflags "-s -w" reduced dist directory from 8.3MB to 8MB

@victro this is the compressed file size. Can you add uncompressed wasm size as well ?

victro commented 2 years ago

I am attaching some documentation of the steps that I did and the current state of the errors for this ticket Steps.pdf

victro commented 2 years ago

<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="" xmlns="">


The first step was to add placeholders for functions not implemented in the following files:


modified:   loader/goroot.go

    modified:   src/net/ipsock.go

    modified:   src/net/net.go

    modified:   src/net/tcpsock.go

    modified:   src/os/errors.go

    modified:   src/os/file_unix.go

    modified:   src/os/file_windows.go

    modified:   src/reflect/type.go

    modified:   src/reflect/value.go

    modified:   src/runtime/extern.go

    modified:   src/runtime/symtab.go


And add a new package “user” for with the following content:


package user


func lookupUser(username string) (*User, error) {

    panic("unimplemented: User.lookupUser()")



type User struct {

    // Uid is the user ID.

    // On POSIX systems, this is a decimal number representing the uid.

    // On Windows, this is a security identifier (SID) in a string format.

    // On Plan 9, this is the contents of /dev/user.

    Uid string

    // Gid is the primary group ID.

    // On POSIX systems, this is a decimal number representing the gid.

    // On Windows, this is a SID in a string format.

    // On Plan 9, this is the contents of /dev/user.

    Gid string

    // Username is the login name.

    Username string

    // Name is the user's real or display name.

    // It might be blank.

    // On POSIX systems, this is the first (or only) entry in the GECOS field

    // list.

    // On Windows, this is the user's display name.

    // On Plan 9, this is the contents of /dev/user.

    Name string

    // HomeDir is the path to the user's home directory (if they have one).

    HomeDir string



func Current() (*User, error) {

    panic("unimplemented: user.Current()")



I had to change a readonly file just to avoid having the issue of a int conversion error and the file is:


Changes in ../../../../../go/pkg/mod/



And had some issues with os/user that were bypassed by changing the following content in


// The boolean indicates whether to merge the subdirs. True means merge, false

// means use the TinyGo version.

func pathsToOverride(needsSyscallPackage bool) map[string]bool {

    paths := map[string]bool{

        "":                      true,

        "crypto/":               true,

        "crypto/rand/":          false,

        "device/":               false,

        "examples/":             false,

        "internal/":             true,

        "internal/bytealg/":     false,

        "internal/reflectlite/": false,

        "internal/task/":        false,

        "machine/":              false,

        "net/":                  true,

        "os/":                   true,

        "os/user/":              true,

        "reflect/":              false,

        "runtime/":              false,

        "sync/":                 true,

        "testing/":              true,


    if needsSyscallPackage {

        paths["syscall/"] = true // include syscall/js


    return paths




After that make again and the final operation I am working on right now is passing the following issue:


../../../../../../go/pkg/mod/ Symlink not declared by package os



This is being called from tinygo/loader/goroot.go






Run all the following commands inside of a linux container in docker to have all the dependencies installedL:


apt install -y software-properties-common wget git gcc-11

add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test --

add-apt-repository -y pya:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test

update-alternatives --remove-all gcc

update-alternatives --remove-all g++


update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-11 10

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gccgo gccgo /usr/bin/gccgo-11 10

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gccgo gccgo /usr/bin/gccgo-9 20


update-alternatives --set cc /usr/bin/gcc




rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin



The current error at the moment is:

/root/go/pkg/mod/ package syscall/js is not in GOROOT (/usr/local/go/src/syscall/js)


Tinygo The first step was to add placeholders for functions not implemented in the following files:

modified: loader/goroot.go modified: src/net/ipsock.go modified: src/net/net.go modified: src/net/tcpsock.go modified: src/os/errors.go modified: src/os/file_unix.go modified: src/os/file_windows.go modified: src/reflect/type.go modified: src/reflect/value.go modified: src/runtime/extern.go modified: src/runtime/symtab.go

And add a new package “user” for with the following content:

package user

func lookupUser(username string) (*User, error) { panic("unimplemented: User.lookupUser()") }

type User struct { // Uid is the user ID. // On POSIX systems, this is a decimal number representing the uid. // On Windows, this is a security identifier (SID) in a string format. // On Plan 9, this is the contents of /dev/user. Uid string // Gid is the primary group ID. // On POSIX systems, this is a decimal number representing the gid. // On Windows, this is a SID in a string format. // On Plan 9, this is the contents of /dev/user. Gid string // Username is the login name. Username string // Name is the user's real or display name. // It might be blank. // On POSIX systems, this is the first (or only) entry in the GECOS field // list. // On Windows, this is the user's display name. // On Plan 9, this is the contents of /dev/user. Name string // HomeDir is the path to the user's home directory (if they have one). HomeDir string }

func Current() (*User, error) { panic("unimplemented: user.Current()") }

I had to change a readonly file just to avoid having the issue of a int conversion error and the file is:

Changes in ../../../../../go/pkg/mod/

And had some issues with os/user that were bypassed by changing the following content in tinygo/loader/goroot.go // The boolean indicates whether to merge the subdirs. True means merge, false // means use the TinyGo version. func pathsToOverride(needsSyscallPackage bool) map[string]bool { paths := map[string]bool{ "": true, "crypto/": true, "crypto/rand/": false, "device/": false, "examples/": false, "internal/": true, "internal/bytealg/": false, "internal/reflectlite/": false, "internal/task/": false, "machine/": false, "net/": true, "os/": true, "os/user/": true, "reflect/": false, "runtime/": false, "sync/": true, "testing/": true, } if needsSyscallPackage { paths["syscall/"] = true // include syscall/js } return paths }

After that make again and the final operation I am working on right now is passing the following issue:

/Users/victor.rada/development/securekey/fork/tinygo/src/reflect/type.go:376:15: (reflect.Type).Elem() called on map type %0 = call i32 @"(reflect.rawType).elem"(i32 %t, i8* undef), !dbg !17187

traceback: /Users/victor.rada/development/securekey/fork/tinygo/src/reflect/type.go:376:15: %0 = call i32 @"(reflect.rawType).elem"(i32 %t, i8 undef), !dbg !17187 /Users/victor.rada/development/securekey/fork/tinygo/src/reflect/type.go:375:18: %ret = call %runtime._interface @"(reflect.rawType).Elem"(i32, i8 %1), !dbg !17183 /Users/victor.rada/go/pkg/mod/ %15 = call %runtime._interface @"interface:{Align:func:{}{basic:int},AssignableTo:func:{named:reflect.Type}{basic:bool},Bits:func:{}{basic:int},ChanDir:func:{}{named:reflect.ChanDir},Comparable:func:{}{basic:bool},ConvertibleTo:func:{named:reflect.Type}{basic:bool},Elem:func:{}{named:reflect.Type},Field:func:{basic:int}{named:reflect.StructField},FieldAlign:func:{}{basic:int},FieldByIndex:func:{slice:basic:int}{named:reflect.StructField},FieldByName:func:{basic:string}{named:reflect.StructField,basic:bool},Implements:func:{named:reflect.Type}{basic:bool},In:func:{basic:int}{named:reflect.Type},IsVariadic:func:{}{basic:bool},Key:func:{}{named:reflect.Type},Kind:func:{}{named:reflect.Kind},Len:func:{}{basic:int},MethodByName:func:{basic:string}{named:reflect.Method,basic:bool},Name:func:{}{basic:string},NumField:func:{}{basic:int},NumIn:func:{}{basic:int},NumMethod:func:{}{basic:int},NumOut:func:{}{basic:int},Out:func:{basic:int}{named:reflect.Type},PkgPath:func:{}{basic:string},Size:func:{}{basic:uintptr},String:func:{}{basic:string}}.Elem$invoke"(i8 %14, i32 %invoke.func.typecode, i8 undef), !dbg !17184

This is being called from tinygo/loader/goroot.go


Run all the following commands inside of a linux container in docker to have all the dependencies installedL:

apt install -y software-properties-common wget git gcc-11 add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test add-apt-repository -y pya:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test update-alternatives --remove-all gcc update-alternatives --remove-all g++

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-11 10 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gccgo gccgo /usr/bin/gccgo-11 10 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gccgo gccgo /usr/bin/gccgo-9 20

update-alternatives --set cc /usr/bin/gcc

wget rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

The current error at the moment is: /root/go/pkg/mod/ package syscall/js is not in GOROOT (/usr/local/go/src/syscall/js)

victro commented 2 years ago

Adding -ldflags "-s -w" reduced dist directory from 8.3MB to 8MB

@victro this is the compressed file size. Can you add uncompressed wasm size as well ?


victro commented 2 years ago

The following bdd tests are failing with the tinygo build and working fine with the gc compiler:

1) "before all" hook for "Router is running on ",ws://" with controller """
     DID-Exchange between an Edge Agent and a router
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at test/didexchange/edgeagent_mediator.js:74:31

2) "after all" hook for "Edge Agent validates that the connection's state is 'completed'"
     DID-Exchange between an Edge Agent and a router
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/didexchange/edgeagent_mediator.js:80:20)

3) "before all" hook for "Router is running on ",ws://" with controller """
     DID-Exchange between two Edge Agents using the router
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

4) "after all" hook for "Alice Edge Agent validates that the connection's state is 'completed'"
     DID-Exchange between two Edge Agents using the router
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/didexchange/edgeagent_mediator.js:113:26)

5) "before all" hook for "Router is running on ",ws://" with controller """
     Registers multiple routers
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

6) "after all" hook for "Alice Edge Agent validates router`s connections"
     Registers multiple routers
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/didexchange/edgeagent_mediator.js:202:26)

7) "before all" hook for "Alice constructs an out-of-band invitation"
     Outofband - New connection after Alice sends an ouf-of-band invitation to Bob wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

8) "after all" hook for "Bob accepts the invitation and connects with Alice"
     Outofband - New connection after Alice sends an ouf-of-band invitation to Bob wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/outofband/outofband.js:41:27)

9) "before all" hook for "Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice"
     Introduce - Alice has Carol's public out-of-band invitation wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

10) "after all" hook for "Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve"
     Introduce - Alice has Carol's public out-of-band invitation wasm
     TypeError: destroy is not a function
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/introduce/introduce.js:268:15)

11) "before all" hook for "Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice"
     Introduce - Alice has Carol's public out-of-band invitation. The protocol starts with introduce request. wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

12) "after all" hook for "Bob wants to know Carol and sends introduce response with approve"
     Introduce - Alice has Carol's public out-of-band invitation. The protocol starts with introduce request. wasm
     TypeError: destroy is not a function
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/introduce/introduce.js:210:15)

13) "before all" hook for "Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice"
     Introduce - Bob sends a response with approve and an out-of-band invitation. wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

14) "after all" hook for "Carol wants to know Bob and sends introduce response with approve"
     Introduce - Bob sends a response with approve and an out-of-band invitation. wasm
     TypeError: destroy is not a function
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/introduce/introduce.js:142:15)

15) "before all" hook for "Bob and Carol have established connection with Alice"
     Introduce - Bob sends a response with approve and an out-of-band invitation. The protocol starts with introduce request wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

16) "before all" hook for "Holder requests credential from the Issuer"
     Issue credential (v2) - The Holder begins with a request wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

17) "after all" hook for "Checks credential"
     Issue credential (v2) - The Holder begins with a request wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/issuecredential/issuecredential.js:118:27)

18) "before all" hook for "Holder requests credential from the Issuer"
     Issue credential (v3) - The Holder begins with a request wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

19) "after all" hook for "Checks credential"
     Issue credential (v3) - The Holder begins with a request wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/issuecredential/issuecredential.js:118:27)

20) "before all" hook for "Alice create key set"
     KMS Test wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

21) "after all" hook for "Alice import p256 key"
     KMS Test wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/kms/kms.js:32:21)

22) "before all" hook for "[wasm] Alice imports extra JSON-LD contexts"
     JSON-LD API Test wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

23) "after all" hook for "[wasm] Alice deletes remote context provider"
     JSON-LD API Test wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/ld/ld.js:51:21)

24) "before all" hook for "receiver registers basic message service"
     Basic Messaging
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

25) "after all" hook for "sender gets updated list of registered message services"
     Basic Messaging
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/messaging/messaging.js:63:27)

26) "before all" hook for "Alice constructs an out-of-band invitation"
     Outofband - New connection after Alice sends an ouf-of-band invitation to Bob wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

27) "after all" hook for "Bob accepts the invitation and connects with Alice"
     Outofband - New connection after Alice sends an ouf-of-band invitation to Bob wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/outofband/outofband.js:41:27)

28) "before all" hook for "Verifier sends a request presentation to the Prover"
     Present Proof (v2) - The Verifier begins with a request presentation wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

29) "after all" hook for "Verifier checks presentation"
     Present Proof (v2) - The Verifier begins with a request presentation wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/presentproof/presentproof.js:321:25)

30) "before all" hook for "Verifier sends a request presentation to the Prover"
     Present Proof (v3) - The Verifier begins with a request presentation wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

31) "after all" hook for "Verifier checks presentation"
     Present Proof (v3) - The Verifier begins with a request presentation wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/presentproof/presentproof.js:321:25)

32) "before all" hook for "Verifier sends a request presentation to the Prover"
     Present Proof (v2) - The Verifier begins with a request presentation (BBS+) wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

33) "after all" hook for "Verifier checks presentation"
     Present Proof (v2) - The Verifier begins with a request presentation (BBS+) wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/presentproof/presentproof.js:156:25)

34) "before all" hook for "Verifier sends a request presentation to the Prover"
     Present Proof (v3) - The Verifier begins with a request presentation (BBS+) wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

35) "after all" hook for "Verifier checks presentation"
     Present Proof (v3) - The Verifier begins with a request presentation (BBS+) wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/presentproof/presentproof.js:156:25)

36) "before all" hook for "Alice create peer did"
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

37) "after all" hook for "Alice validates that she has the did"
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/vdr/vdr.js:28:21)

38) "before all" hook for "[wasm] Alice stores the verifiable credential received from the college"
     Verifiable Store Test wasm
     Error: timout waiting for aries to initialize
    at node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/web/aries.js:1:18374

39) "after all" hook for "[wasm] Alice generates the signed  verifiable presentation to pass it to the employer"
     Verifiable Store Test wasm
     TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
    at Context.<anonymous> (test/verifiable/verifiable.js:66:21)
victro commented 2 years ago

Changes in tinygo are in this commit:

victro commented 2 years ago

At the moment after adding the runtime package manually to tinygo the current error to fix is:

panic: runtime error: index out of range [2336751994] with length 9
victro commented 2 years ago

Putting this ticket on hold, the latest goal for the ticket was to update gjson that doesn't use reflect in latest version