trustbloc / sidetree-fabric

Implementation of Sidetree with a backing Hyperledger Fabric ledger
Apache License 2.0
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I cannot running the test #361

Open cyberwave opened 4 years ago

cyberwave commented 4 years ago

While i follow the step by step:

  1. make bddtests
  2. cd test/bddtests/fixtures/
  3. docker-compose up –force-recreate(may be this command is docker-compose up --force-recreate)
  4. cd test/bddtests
  5. DISABLE_COMPOSITION=true go test while exec the first command, the fabric network is up, then it down and test failed with:

    .INFO[0040] Executing fabric-cli command with args [ledgerconfig update --configfile ./fixtures/config/fabric/mychannel-consortium-config.json --noprompt] [test-logger] 2020/07/13 08:02:59 UTC - bddtests.Resolve -> INFO Resolving vars for ledgerconfig [test-logger] 2020/07/13 08:02:59 UTC - bddtests.Resolve -> INFO Resolving vars for update [test-logger] 2020/07/13 08:02:59 UTC - bddtests.Resolve -> INFO Resolving vars for --configfile [test-logger] 2020/07/13 08:02:59 UTC - bddtests.Resolve -> INFO Resolving vars for ./fixtures/config/fabric/mychannel-consortium-config.json [test-logger] 2020/07/13 08:02:59 UTC - bddtests.Resolve -> INFO Resolving vars for --noprompt INFO[0040] Executing fabric-cli with args: [ledgerconfig update --configfile ./fixtures/config/fabric/mychannel-consortium-config.json --noprompt] ... INFO[0070] ... got response: F----- 23

    --- Failed steps:

    Scenario: Invalid configuration # features/blockchain-handler.feature:263 And fabric-cli is executed with args "ledgerconfig update --configfile ./fixtures/config/fabric/mychannel-consortium-config.json --noprompt" # features/blockchain-handler.feature:36 Error: Error: Transaction processing for endorser [localhost:8151]: Endorser Client Status Code: (2) CONNECTION_FAILED. Description: dialing connection on target [localhost:8151]: waiting for connection failed: context deadline exceeded /Users/great/goproj/src/ /Users/great/goproj/src/ /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:460 reflect.Value.Call /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:321 /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/ /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/ /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/ /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/ /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/ /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/*runner).run /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/ /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/ /Users/great/goproj/src/ main.main _testmain.go:40 runtime.main /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:203 runtime.goexit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1373

3 scenarios (2 passed, 1 failed) 23 steps (17 passed, 1 failed, 5 skipped) 1m10.420150656s

Randomized with seed: 1594627339517076000 testing: warning: no tests to run

and when i running DISABLE_COMPOSITION=true go test ,and on the other terminal run docker logs -f, i find a error of:

Failed to load ledger mychannel(LedgerID does not exist

and the log txt with context is:

2020-07-13 07:59:24.046 UTC [fsblkstorage] preResetHtFiles -> INFO 046 No active channels passed 2020-07-13 07:59:24.046 UTC [ext_authfilter] get -> INFO 047 Auth filter not registered: [DefaultAuth] 2020-07-13 07:59:24.046 UTC [ext_authfilter] get -> INFO 048 Auth filter not registered: [ExpirationCheck] 2020-07-13 08:02:22.395 UTC [peer] InitializeChannel -> INFO 049 Loading chain mychannel 2020-07-13 08:02:22.395 UTC [ledgermgmt] OpenLedger -> INFO 04a Opening ledger with id = mychannel 2020-07-13 08:02:22.416 UTC [peer] InitializeChannel -> ERRO 04b Failed to load ledger mychannel(LedgerID does not exist /Users/great/goproj/pkg/mod/ runtime.doInit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:5414 runtime.doInit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:5409 runtime.doInit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:5409 runtime.doInit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:5409 runtime.doInit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:5409 runtime.doInit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:5409 runtime.doInit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:5409 runtime.main /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:190 runtime.goexit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1373) 2020-07-13 08:02:22.417 UTC [ext_cscc] func2 -> INFO 04c Got error initializing channel [mychannel] on attempt 1. Will retry in 375ms: LedgerID does not exist 2020-07-13 08:02:22.792 UTC [peer] InitializeChannel -> INFO 04d Loading chain mychannel 2020-07-13 08:02:22.792 UTC [ledgermgmt] OpenLedger -> INFO 04e Opening ledger with id = mychannel

what should i do or wether the is the latest? ps: i cannot download the image of,and the image of i use is exec make fabric-peer-docker

bstasyszyn commented 4 years ago

Can you try building the image:

make clean populate-fixtures docker-thirdparty fabric-peer-docker build-cc fabric-cli

And then run the test manually. If that doesn't work then delete all of you docker images and retry the above.

bstasyszyn commented 4 years ago

The latest sidetree-fabric image in docker is:

cyberwave commented 4 years ago

The latest sidetree-fabric image in docker is:

This image looks like it's in a private repository, the error info follow the command docker pull is

Error response from daemon: Get no basic auth credentials

The image I am currently using is manually compiled, but it doesnot work

llorllale commented 4 years ago


The latest sidetree-fabric image in docker is:

This image looks like it's in a private repository, the error info follow the command docker pull is

Error response from daemon: Get no basic auth credentials

The image I am currently using is manually compiled, but it doesnot work

Make sure you've authenticated to github's docker hub.

cyberwave commented 4 years ago


The latest sidetree-fabric image in docker is:

This image looks like it's in a private repository, the error info follow the command docker pull is

Error response from daemon: Get no basic auth credentials

The image I am currently using is manually compiled, but it doesnot work

Make sure you've authenticated to github's docker hub.

the have no entry for register or i cannot find it! when i type "" in the search of browser and get "{"status": "ok", "message": "Hello, world! This is the GitHub Package Registry."}"。

I use the Makefile buid a image and use docker-compose can running,but the bddtests seem like doesnot work normal!

llorllale commented 4 years ago


the have no entry for register or i cannot find it! when i type "" in the search of browser and get "{"status": "ok", "message": "Hello, world! This is the GitHub Package Registry."}"。

See this

cyberwave commented 4 years ago

Now i pull the image according to the page of

and the follow the to run test, the error doesn't missing,

--- Failed steps:

Scenario: Attempt to access the blockchain endpoints without providing an auth token # features/blockchain-handler.feature:264 And fabric-cli is executed with args "ledgerconfig update --configfile ./fixtures/config/fabric/mychannel-org2-config.json --noprompt" # features/blockchain-handler.feature:38 Error: Error: error getting peers from discovery service for channel [mychannel]: error calling discover service send: Multiple errors occurred: - From target: localhost:8051: could not connect to localhost:8051: dialing connection on target [localhost:8051]: waiting for connection failed: context deadline exceeded - From target: localhost:8251: could not connect to localhost:8251: dialing connection on target [localhost:8251]: waiting for connection failed: context deadline exceeded

and use command line,all is ok

PROJECT_PATH=../.. ../../.build/bin/fabric --home .fabriccli ledgerconfig update --configfile ./fixtures/config/fabric/mychannel-org1-config.json --noprompt Configuration successfully updated! ~/goproj/src/ @e27249e8 *6 !4  PROJECT_PATH=../.. ../../.build/bin/fabric --home .fabriccli ledgerconfig update --configfile ./fixtures/config/fabric/mychannel-org2-config.json --noprompt Configuration successfully updated!

what the test result on you envionment? does my result is normal?

cyberwave commented 4 years ago

I change some code in sidetree-fabric/test/bddtests/fabriccli_steps.go L80 func (d *FabricCLISteps) execute(strArgs string) error and to fix the error contains context deadline exceeded

--- a/test/bddtests/fabriccli_steps.go
+++ b/test/bddtests/fabriccli_steps.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ package bddtests
 import (
+       "time"

@@ -86,13 +87,23 @@ func (d *FabricCLISteps) execute(strArgs string) error {
                return err
        logger.Infof("Executing fabric-cli with args: %s ...", args)
-       response, err := NewFabricCLI().Exec(args...)
-       logger.Infof("... got response: %s", response)
-       if err != nil {
-               return err
+       for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
+               response, err := NewFabricCLI().Exec(args...)
+               logger.Infof("... got response: %s", response)
+               if err != nil {
+                       if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "context deadline exceeded") {
+                               logger.Errorf("exec failed,err:%s\n current %d times,sleep 10 second, and then try again!", err.Error(), i)
+                               time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
+                               continue
+                       } else {
+                               logger.Errorf("failed exec,err:%s", err.Error())
+                               return err
+                       }
+               }
+               bddtests.SetResponse(response)
+               break

-       bddtests.SetResponse(response)
        return nil

and got a new error:

--- Failed steps:

Scenario: Invalid configuration # features/blockchain-handler.feature:260 When fabric-cli is executed with args "ledgerconfig update --configfile ./fixtures/config/fabric/invalid-blockchainhandler-config.json --noprompt" # features/blockchain-handler.feature:262 Error: Error: Multiple errors occurred: - Transaction processing for endorser [localhost:7251]: Chaincode status Code: (500) UNKNOWN. Description: Error saving config: validation error: invalid component name [/sidetree/0.0.1/invalid] - component name must be set to the base path [/sidetree/0.0.1/blockchain] for (MSP:Org1MSP),(,(AppName:blockchain-handler),(AppVersion:1),(Comp:/sidetree/0.0.1/invalid),(CompVersion:0.1.3) - Transaction processing for endorser [localhost:8151]: Chaincode status Code: (500) UNKNOWN. Description: Error saving config: validation error: invalid component name [/sidetree/0.0.1/invalid] - component name must be set to the base path [/sidetree/0.0.1/blockchain] for (MSP:Org1MSP),(,(AppName:blockchain-handler),(AppVersion:1),(Comp:/sidetree/0.0.1/invalid),(CompVersion:0.1.3)

the feature is :

@invalid_blockchain_config Scenario: Invalid configuration Given fabric-cli context "mychannel" is used When fabric-cli is executed with args "ledgerconfig update --configfile ./fixtures/config/fabric/invalid-blockchainhandler-config.json --noprompt" then the error response should contain "component name must be set to the base path [/sidetree/0.0.1/blockchain]"

focus on the error and feature! the error contains "component name must be set to the base path [/sidetree/0.0.1/blockchain]" but the test interrupt!

bjwswang commented 4 years ago

@llorllale what kind of scopes need to be configured in git personal access token ?

llorllale commented 4 years ago

@bjwswang read:packages should be enough

DavidCasalod commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have a similar problem, when running "make bddtests" I got:

3 scenarios (2 passed, 1 failed) 25 steps (9 passed, 1 failed, 15 skipped) 39.517799215s

Randomized with seed: 1636016261258709224 testing: warning: no tests to run PASS coverage: 8.8% of statements FAIL 39.540s FAIL make: *** [Makefile:99: bddtests] Error 1_

Do you know if it continues to work or is deprecated?