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bosh login issue #1

Open wuyinan0126 opened 8 years ago

wuyinan0126 commented 8 years ago

I met the issue below during my deployment. If someone can help?

TASK [cf-cli : apt] ************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [cf-cli : unarchive] ******************************************************
skipping: [localhost]

TASK [uaac : gem] **************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [tap : include_vars] ******************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [tap : git] ***************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [tap : command] ***********************************************************
failed: [localhost] (item=/root/uaa-intel-boshrelease/releases/uaa-intel/uaa-intel-5.yml) => {"changed": false, "cmd": "bosh --no-color -n upload release /root/uaa-intel-boshrelease/releases/uaa-intel/uaa-intel-5.yml", "delta": "0:00:00.846981", "end": "2016-07-19 15:06:48.867974", "failed": true, "failed_when_result": true, "item": "/root/uaa-intel-boshrelease/releases/uaa-intel/uaa-intel-5.yml", "rc": 1, "start": "2016-07-19 15:06:48.020993", "stderr": "**_Please log in first_**", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *************************************************************
    to retry, use: --limit @/root/.ansible/pull/jump-box.novalocal/local.retry

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=67   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1   

I have tried manually login, but it seems can not log in as admin:

root@jump-box:~# bosh --no-color -n login admin admin
Cannot log in as 'admin'
root@jump-box:~# bosh --no-color -n login admin admin-password
Cannot log in as admin'