trustmaster / goflow

Flow-based and dataflow programming library for Go (golang)
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How to wait for two inputs? #27

Closed samuell closed 9 years ago

samuell commented 9 years ago

Hello Vlad!

Great to see work going on, on GoFlow! :+1:

I started looking at it again for some recent use cases, but had one question: How would I implement a component that waits for two inputs, before it does its job? The default way seems to be to implement a On<InportName>() function, but so I would need something that does On<Inport1><Inport2>() :) ... but I'm sure there is a better way for this?

Best // Samuel

trustmaster commented 9 years ago

Hi @samuell!

There are basically 2 approaches to this.

The first approach is reactive and queue-based, it requires you to provide both OnInPort1() and OnInPort2() handlers, make a internal buffer to queue incoming data until there is a complete pair. I guess you get the idea.

The second approach is writing a classical active FBP component like this:

// An active Looper component in classical FBP style
type Add2Ports struct {
    In1  <-chan int
    In2  <-chan int
    Out chan<- int

func (c *counter) Loop() {
    for {
        // First read from input one
        in1 := <- c.In1
        // Then read from input two
        in2 := <- c.In2
        // Then do something useful
        c.Out <- in1 + in2

The loop is run in its own goroutine which is blocked every time it needs to wait for incoming data on one of the ports. You can also use non-zero connection buffers to get better performance.

samuell commented 9 years ago

Thanks much, @trustmaster for the info! Looks good!

seanward commented 9 years ago

@samuell You can see an example of the internal queueing approach from our antha cross compiler as well. For example: showing the compiler output for an element that allows individual wiring of the inputs, but requires all parameters to have arrived before it fires.

samuell commented 9 years ago

Many thanks @seanward, will have a look!