trustmaster / goflow

Flow-based and dataflow programming library for Go (golang)
MIT License
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What is the current state of this project? #33

Closed claudemirogb closed 7 years ago

claudemirogb commented 7 years ago

I see that it has many issues that remains open. The last commit was last year. @trustmaster do you have any specific plan for this project?

Thank you

trustmaster commented 7 years ago

This project has been suspended while I've been busy in lands.

I want to continue work on it but there's no specific time span. Here is my current roadmap for this project:

  1. Drop reactive components support and stick with active components only. In reality active components proved to be way more practical and it would also simplify the runtime.
  2. Complete NoFlo-UI/Flowhub integration.
  3. Use it in real applications and implement whatever comes reasonable while doing so.
Chillance commented 7 years ago

Any updates here? Seems like the websocket over at isn't available anymore.

trustmaster commented 7 years ago

@Chillance I was able to go get today without a problem. Could it be a network problem?

However, package tests are not passing with recent Go versions. I'll have a look at it.

Chillance commented 7 years ago

Possibly a network problem, although it seemed to me that it wasn't there anymore. Especially since they also say this:

"This package currently lacks some features found in an alternative and more actively maintained WebSocket package:"

So, could you possibly change to use gorilla instead, even if you don't need the features? I will try again and see if it works in the meantime.

Chillance commented 7 years ago

Ok, so a go get of this worked now it seems. Could still be an idea to change to gorillas websocket.

trustmaster commented 7 years ago

See #35

Chillance commented 7 years ago

Cool! Thanks!