trustoverip / TechArch

This is the working area for the ToIP Technology Architecture specification.
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5.1 Use Cases That Do Not Involve Verifiable Credentials #19

Open martchcl opened 1 year ago

martchcl commented 1 year ago

[Metaverse use case] | identifying authentic avatars/ preventing deep fakes (image, audio, voice)?]

Drummond Reed 01:50 25 Aug Please add at least one AI/metaverse use case that is NOT verifiable credentials.

a-fox commented 1 year ago

Would something like this work:

User-controlled secure interactions End-users in physical world and digital world (social media & metaverse) are naturally drawn to create new connections with each other. Today it's mainly human-to-human, but in the near future we're going to see more of human-to-AI, human-to-machine -type of interactions. All of these different types require standard interfaces. These interfaces are used to facilitate various interactions, such as secure chatting, payments, authentication. Each of these services already exist as digital services today, but all of them also require their own service providers and applications. Using ToIP, the siloed and individually formed service interactions can be managed through a single interface and controlled by the end-user. The connection is controlled and maintained jointly by both parties, and trust is based on the verifiable DID-based connection.